Advanced Privacy System Congratulations! No trackers are profiling you. Quick Privacy Your online privacy is protected Your online privacy is unprotected Trackers: Vulnerable Denied Location: Exposed Fake Real IP address: Exposed Hidden Personal data leakage Today %s trackers have profiled you in the last 24 hours Manage apps\' trackers %1$d app trackers, %2$d active trackers Manage apps\' permissions Manage your permissions Manage my location Real geolocation Specific fake geolocation Random fake geolocation Manage my Internet address Real IP address exposed Real IP address hidden Manage my internet address Your Internet address or IP address is the identifier assigned to your phone when connected to the Internet.\n\nManage my Internet address enables you to use a fake IP address instead of your real IP address. This way, your internet activity cannot be linked to your real IP address and to your device. Use my real IP address I can be tracked by my IP address Hide my real IP address I am anonymous on the internet Note: While this option is active, your Internet speed is likely to be significantly reduced. My internet activity must appear from: Random country Apply this setting to all selected applications: Enabled Quick Privacy to use functionalities Our scrambling IP service is taking time to launch. It can take a few minutes. Leaving the screen won\'t interrupt the process. Manage my location Your location can reveal a lot about yourself or your activities.\n\nManage my location enables you to use a fake location instead of your real position. This way, your real location isn\'t shared with applications that might be snooping too much. Use my real location Use a random plausible location Use a specific location Longitude Latitude Invalid coordinates Manage apps\' trackers Trackers are pieces of code hidden within applications. They collect your data and follow your activity 24/7: it feels like your phone listens to you.\n\nYou can see how many trackers are active behind the scenes, and you can block all trackers for the best protection. As it could cause some applications to malfunction, you can also fine tune your setting and choose specifically which trackers you want to block. %d trackers 24 hours past month past year Manage trackers used in applications: HH:mm MMMM d - EEE MMMM yyyy %1$d blocked trackers out of %2$d Block trackers Opt for the trackers you want to activate/deactivate. No trackers were detected yet. If new trackers are detected they will be updated here. No trackers were detected yet. All future trackers will be blocked. Enable Quick Privacy to be able to activate/deactivate trackers. %1$d blocked trackers out of %2$d detected trackers App not installed. Quick protection enables these settings when turned on - All trackers are turned off.\n- Your geolocation will be faked.\n- Your real IP address will be hidden. Learn more Add location I am exposing my real IP address All apps use hidden IP Only the following apps use hidden IP Tor is starting... Tor is stopping... ipscrambling_any_location Manage and control apps requesting various permissions. %1$d of %2$d apps allowed Apps which has access to %1$s permission Real location mode Random location mode Fake location mode This app needs location permissions in order to show its functionality. You didn\'t grant location permission Please enter valid latitude and longitude value Quick Protection Privacy Dashboard Click to learn more Apps Permission Trackers Following trackers are in use Enable or disable this tracker for the following apps Tracker EXAMPLE Add widget This is an app widget description @string/app_name Your online privacy is protected Your online privacy is unprotected @string/dashboard_state_trackers_label @string/dashboard_state_trackers_off @string/dashboard_state_trackers_on @string/dashboard_state_geolocation_label @string/dashboard_state_geolocation_off @string/dashboard_state_geolocation_on @string/dashboard_state_ipaddress_label @string/dashboard_state_ipaddress_off @string/dashboard_state_ipaddress_on @string/dashboard_graph_trackers_legend