# Ipscrambling module This Module implements IpScramblerModule functionnalities with Tor, reliying on a fork of OrbotService. # Build Ipscrambling includes a git repo submodules of OrbotService, the module used by Orbot to run Tor Be sure that you have all of the git submodules up-to-date: ` git submodule update --init --recursive ` You can build the AAR modules : ./gradlew :ipscrambling:orbotservice:assembleRelease To deploy localy during development ./gradlew --console=verbose publishToMavenLocal This will put compiled AAR and pom file exposing their dependencies in the local maven repository (usually in ~/.m2/repository). To push release on gitlab (you will need a valid gitLabPrivateToken in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties) ./gradlew --console=verbose publish # Update orbotservice to an upper Orbot version 1. Upgrade the code: follow the steps in [orbotservice/README.md](orbotservice/README.md) 2. Prepare the orbotservice the dependencies : follow the steps in [exportdependencies/update_dependencies.md](exportdependencies/update_dependencies.md), first using the mvn install:install-file command 3. build and deploy orbotservice locally: ./gradlew :ipscrambling:orbotservice:assembleRelease ./gradlew --console=verbose :ipscrambling:orbotservice:publishToMavenLocal 5. Test this new version with advanced privacy, and merge the orbotservice. 6. deploy the orbotservice dependencies to gitlab registry see [exportdependencies/update_dependencies.md](exportdependencies/update_dependencies.md), using mvn deploy:deploy-file command 7. deploy orbotservice in gitlab registry ./gradlew --console=verbose :orbotservice:publish 8. Create MR in AdvancedPrivacy.