BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterCorrected cdate and mdate formats for windowsLeonard Kugis17 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-04-11Corrected cdate and mdate formats for windowsHEADmasterLeonard Kugis
2023-04-11Included rename schemes in GUILeonard Kugis
2023-04-11Implemented renaming schemesLeonard Kugis
2023-04-10Implemented video predictionLeonard Kugis
2023-04-09Implemented metadata taggingLeonard Kugis
2023-03-31TMSU: Classified and added option to override default command.Leonard Kugis
2023-03-31Added options to choose prediction backend and skip tagged files.Leonard Kugis
2023-03-31Predictor: Moved out of main scriptLeonard Kugis
2023-03-22Optimized partial predictionLeonard Kugis
2023-03-22Coverting image to RGB before detectingLeonard Kugis