
Introduction to Information Security - Lernzettel


Security objectives

  • Confidentiality
    Contents of objects cannot be read by third parties.
  • Integrity
    Whether or not a message has been modified between origin and receiver.
  • Availability
    Guaranteed access to the information for permitted parties.
  • Access Control
    Only permitted parties are allowed to access the information.
  • Non-repudiation
    Proof that an entity was involved in some event.


  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability

Perkerian hexad

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability
  • Utility
    Ensures that the information is useful and insensitive to e.g. lost keys.
  • Possession or Control
    Be sure that the possessor is in control of the information at all times.
  • Authenticity
    Verification of claimed identities. Notice: In most cases, this just proves entities (e.g. machines), not humans. Also, there must be a point in time where authentication starts. If this step is taken automatically by a machine (e.g. session start), there is no valid inference to the actual human.


Not only provides hidden contents, but also hides the fact that there is content at all.


  1. Prevention
  2. Detection
  3. Reaction


Reliability addresses consequences of accidential errors. Reliability checks if service interruptions cause low or medium disturbance.


Safety addresses catastrophic influences on the environment (e.g. human life). Safety checks if service interruptions cause very high disturbance and even harm.



As a user, you can be authenticated on the basis of

  • Something you know (e.g. password)
  • Something you hold (e.g. ID card)
  • Who you are (e.g. biometrics)
  • What you do (e.g. behaviour analysis)
  • Where you are (e.g. geo-location)


  • Assure correct receiver of the initial password. Communication might be intercepted.
  • Call back already authenticated entities, which are authorized to hand over the password.
  • Force the user to change the password immediately after first login.
  • Provide multi-factor authentication to let the user to be able to reset forgotten passwords without costly helpdesks.

Guessing passwords

  • Brute force
  • Intelligent search (alphabet limits, length limits)

Password protection

  • No expiry dates
    Studies have shown that this results in worse passwords.
  • No restrictions in password alphabet
    Studies have shown that this leads to less possibilities in exhaustive guessing and therefore leads to worse passwords.
  • Set a minimum length instead
    Has a higher impact than complexity. Set the maximum to at least 64.
  • No hints
  • Show passwords while typing
    Doing the opposite motivates the user to choose shorter passwords.
  • Allow passwords to be pasted
    This enables secure password managers to be used.
  • Forbid commonly used passwords
    Makes dictionary attacks difficult.
  • Limit number of failed password attempts

Challenge Response Authentication

  1. Authenticator knows the password.
  2. User identifies himself and requests authentication.
  3. Authenticator sends nonce (random, temporary number) to the user (challenge).
  4. User computes the one-way-function result of the concatenation of password and nonce, sends the result to the authenticator.
  5. Authenticator computes the same.
  6. Authenticator compares his computed value with the users computed value. If they match, authentication is successful.

HTTP Digest Authentication

Same as Challenge Response Authentication, but the compare value is computed as:

digest = h(h(username : realm : password) : nonce : h(method : digest-uri))
, h being a one-way-function, : being the concatenation operator.

HTTP Session authentication

Authenticating every single POST and GET request is inefficient. Therefore, authentication is done at the beginning of the session and remains until the end of the session.

Unilateral Authentication

Only one party is authenticated, while the other is an anonymous entity. This is common practice in the web with HTTPS.

Mutual Authentication

Every communication party is authenticated to each other.


Use cases

Use case Cardinality Description
Identification 1:n Identify the user from a set of users in a database.
Verification 1:1 Verifies the single claimed identity by comparing captured patterns to the stored patterns.

False match rate (FMR)

How often is a false match attempt successful, which it should not be? Best case: FMR = 0. It can be interpreted as a measure of quality of the specific scheme. The lower the value, the better.

$$ \text{FMR} = \frac{\text{\# successful false matches}}{\text{\# attempted false matches}} $$

False non-match rate (FNMR)

How often is a genuine match attempt rejected, which it should not be? Best case: FNMR = 0.

$$ \text{FNMR} = \frac{\text{\# rejected genuine matches}}{\text{\# attempted genuine matches}} $$

Fitting Rate

A value (in %) indicating how much the captured pattern fits the stored pattern in the database.


A Fitting Rate of 100% indicates that all of the captured pattern data fits the data stored in the database (unlikely, due to noise). A Fitting Rate of 50% indicates that half the pattern data fits the data stored in the database.

Matching Threshold

A value (in %) determining the minimum Fitting Rate for an matching check to be considered as matching. A lower Matching Threshold raises the amount of false positive matching checks, but lowers the amount of rejected genuine matching checks. FMR increases, FNMR decreases. A higher Matching Threshold raises the amount of rejected genuine matching checks, but lowers the amount of false positive matching checks. FMR increases, FNMR decreases.

Equal Error Rate (EER)

The value of Matching Threshold, at which FMR = FNMR.

Failure-To-Capture Rate (FTC)

Frequency of failing to capture a sample.

Failure-To-Extract Rate (FTX)

Frequency of failing to extract a feature of a sample.

Failure-To-Acquire Rate (FTA)

Frequency of failing to acquire a biometric feature.

FTA = FTC + FTX × (1 − FTC)

False Accept Rate (FAR)

FAR = FMR × (1 − FTA)

False Reject Rate (FRR)

FRR = FTA + FNMR × (1 − FTA)

False Positive Identification Rate (FPIR)

Probability of some sample to match at least one of the entries in the database.

FPIR = (1 − FTA) × (1 − (1 − FMR)n)
, n being the database size.

Biometrics in remote authentication

FPIR scales up with increased n (database size), which makes it unusable in remote authentication with large databases.


Using a biometric scheme with FMR = 0.01% and a database of size n = 80000 results in FPIR = (1 − 0) × (1 − (1 − 0.0001)80000) = 99.97%.

Access Control

Role Description
User The actual human.
Principal The user identity on the system instructing a process to request access.
Subject The active process on the system requesting access.
Object The resource access requested to.

User Identities

User Identities in Linux are stored in /etc/passwd. A typical /etc/passwd entry looks like this:

<user>:<password>:<user id>:<primary group id>:<id string>:<home>:<shell>

/etc/passwd is world readable. It contains mainly user indentity information. Password related data (expiry data, issue date, etc.) is stored in /etc/shadow, and can only be written to there. It is readable only by root.

UIDs / GIDs of processes

Processes have a real and an effective UID/GID pair.
The real pair is inherited from parent process. The effective pair is applied from current file being executed. E.g. su changes real pair from current user to effective pair of root.

Security Patterns

Controlled Invokation

User might want to use a file, but design does not permit users to read that file. In that case, there could be a program the user has execute rights on, containing checks guaranteeing safe resource access. Those programs are called set UID (SUID) and set GID (SGID) programs. They set the effective UID/GID pair to the ones required to access the file (they might have to be created) and reset them on exit. Be careful with SUID to Root programs!


In android, each app has an AID. Normal privileged apps have an AID above 10000, high privileged ones have the range 1000-1999. For each app, a new user is created. Every app runs in its own JVM, which runs on the underlying Linux with AID as UID.


Kerckhoffs’ Principle

Do not rely on the secrecy of the algorithm; only the keys have to be secret.
Security by obscurity is nonsense.


Block Cipher

Block Cipher encrypts long sequences of data with the same key. Single bit errors in ciphertext cause bit errors on half of the cleartext on average.

Stream Cipher

Stream cipher encrypts short sequences of data with a changing key per sequence, coming from a key stream, generated by a key generator. Security of ciphertext depends on the security of the key generator. Single bit errors in ciphertext cause single bit errors in cleartext. This is commonly used in noisy channels.

Public Key Encryption

A encrypts message with public key of B (publicly available via Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)). This message is only decryptable with the private key of B (only available to B).
Public keys need to be bound to the actual receiver! You have to make sure the public key you have is actually the key of the receiver and not somebody you think is the receiver (receiving machine being used by many users, spoofing).

Message Authentication Codes (MAC)

Message Authentication Codes are used to verify the integrity of a message (proof, that the message has not been modified between sender and receiver).

  1. Sender and receiver share a common secret key k.
  2. Sender computes MACsent = h(k, x), h being a one-way-function, x being the message.
  3. Sender sends message x with MACsent.
  4. Receiver receives the message and MACsent and calculates MACreceived = h(k, x’) with x’ being the received message.
  5. Receiver compares MACsent and MACreceived. If they match, the message is considered not modified.

Digital Signatures

Digital Signatures are used to verify the integrity of a message, same as MAC. Compared to MAC, it does not rely on shared secret keys. Instead, it uses Private Key for signing, and Public Key to verify.

  1. Sender computes sig = h(private, message).
  2. Sender sends message and appends signature sig.
  3. Receiver verifies signature sig using Public Key of the sender.


TLS Sessions

  1. Client proposes a suite of ciphersuites to the server.
  2. Server picks a ciphersuite and sends the certificate (containing the public key of the server) to the client.
  3. Client generates pre-master-secret, encrypts it with the servers public key and sends it to the server.
  4. Only the server can decrypt the pre-master-secret with his private key (authentication).
  5. Session is established and symmetrically encrypted using shared but secret key.

Forward Secrecy

Forward Secrecy ensures that even if the private key of the server gets compromised, old session keys are not compromised. Therefore, secure sessions remain secure, even with revealed private keys afterwards.
TLS provides Forward Secrecy, because with a compromised public key, new sessions can be forged, but old sessions are not compromised, because they are encrypted with master-secret.

Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement


  1. A has a secret box, applies a lock on it and sends it to B.
  2. B adds his lock to the package and sends the result to A.
  3. A removes his lock and sends the result to B.
  4. B removes his lock and has the secret box.

Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP)

Group (G,  ∘ ), Generator g so that ∀g’ ∈ G : ∃n ∈ ℕ : g’ = gn = g ∘ ... ∘ g.

  • Discrete exponentiation (calculating gn) is easy.
  • Taking discrete logarithm (calculating x for given g’ = gx) is computationally infeasable.
  • Normally, G = ℤ/ℤp (elements of modulo some prime p).
  • Exponention modulo p is commutative: (gx)ymod p = gxymod p = (gy)xmod p.
  • Order of g: Smallest number n, so that gn = 1.


  1. A and B agree on primes p, q and a generator g of order q.
  2. A picks random number x, sends X = gxmod p to B.
  3. B picks random number y, sends Y = gymod p to A.
  4. B computes shared secret Xy = gxymod p.
  5. A comoutes shared secret Yx = gyxmod p.
  6. A and B now have the same shared secret, since Xy = (gx)ymod p = gxymod p = (gy)xmod p = Yx.


Diffie-Hellman does not provide authentication. When establishing a connection between A and B, an attacker C could intercept the connection during key agreement and distribute his own keys to A and B respectively.
In TLS, the Diffie-Hellman values coming from Server to Client are signed with the servers public key to prevent this.

HTTP sessions

HTTP sessions per se do not end with TCP connections.
To check for Man-In-The-Middle attacks, TCP session state is included in the HTTP digest. Then the server also checks against his session state. If they are not equal, there is a MitM.


Certificates are used for authentication, mostly by the server in TLS sessions.
They contain the public key of the owner amongst other information (issue date, expiration date etc.). By default, public keys are not bound to real world entities. To create this binding, some kind of authority of trust has to propagate it. To do so, Certificates contain a signature of the Certificate Authority (CA). Certificate Authorities also have their own certificates, signed by an above Certificate Authority. This forms a hierarchy of authorization, with Root Certificate Authorities on top. Certificates for those are pre-installed on the machines.


X.500 is a global repository of named entities (people, computers etc.).
X.509 is a certificate format binding public keys to those database entries. This is the de facto industry standard.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Infrastructure providing the service of public key distribution.

Certificate Classes

  • Domain Validated SSL Certificate (DV cert)
    Cheap. Verify owner of domain via whois and DNS records. There are reserved email addresses (e.g. postmaster@example.com), which can be used aswell. This is a potential security issue! MX delegation to anonymous email services has to be carefully minded!
  • Organization Validation SSL Certificate (OV cert)
    Medium. CA checks same as DV + company identity checked by third parties.
  • Extended Validation SSL Certificate (EV cert)
    Expensive. CA checks same as OV + official record matching.

Electronic Signatures

Digital Signatures are signatures created by a public / private key pair and built upon mathematical evidence. However, there is no court accepting this as a “signature” in a classic sense.
Electronic Signatures are binding documents with legal persons. So entering a name in some document count as electronic signature. This provides no integrity checks or mathematical validation.


With EU Regulation # 940/2014 (eIDAS), Electronic Seals come into place. They are issued by legal persons and provide integrity service. A seal from a representative might also be accepted.
Also, Trust Services have been introduced. They provide approved procedures to convey a high level of trust. They are identified by the EU trust mark. Trust services provide a “Beweisumkehr” to them, if something goes wrong.
Advanced Electronic Signatures are electronic signatures with mathematical evidence, de facto implemented with digital signatures.
Qualified Electronic Signatures are electronic signatures created by a qualified electronic signature creation device.

Identity Proofing and Verification

Proof level Meaning
Low Person can be assumed to possess this identity evidence of the member state in some form.
Substantial Person has been verified to possess the identity it claims by the member state.
High Person has been verified to be in possession of photo or biometric evidence.

Registration Authorities

One has to have the possession of a certificate for the “Signaturgesetz”.

  1. Registration Authority checks the identity of that person.
  2. Certificate Authority generates the certificate.

X.509 provedes certificate revocation lists for revoked certificates. This has to be handled online by OCSP servers. This may lead to high traffic.

eID Public Key Infrastructure

  • Document Signer (DS)
  • Country Signing Certificate Authority (CSCA): Issues certificates for signers.
  • Country Verifying Certificate Authority (CVCA): Issues certificates to verifiers.

Verification Procedure

  1. Digital signature binds document to public key.
  2. Certificate binds public key to name.
  3. Procedures at CA check correspondence between name and person.
  4. Operational procedures check that the person is holding the private key.



A ledger keeps a log of all transactions and fulfills the following security services:

  • Log entries cannot be modified
  • Log entries cannot be deleted
  • Log entries cannot be reordered

Ledgers can be centralized (trusted third party) or distributed.

Byzantine Generals Problem

Byzantine generals: n generals, m of which are traitors.
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT): True consensus is possible, if

n ≥ 3 ⋅ m + 1
, with n replicas and m faulty nodes.
As long as this holds true, the primary can assure that enough replicas are forwarding his message correctly.


  1. Client sends authenticated request to all replicas.
  2. Primary p sends autheticated pre-prepare to all backups.
  3. Every backup i agreeing, sends a prepare to all other replicas.
  4. Once a replica has 2 ⋅ m prepares collected from other replicas, it sends commit to all other replicas.
  5. Once a replica has 2 ⋅ m + 1 commits collected from other replicas, its sends reply to the client.
  6. Client waits for at least m + 1 replies in order to consider the request as valid.

All messages are authenticated and signed by the sender.



Privacy is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. No one shall be interfered in his private life.


  • Surveillance: What do others know about you?
  • Ownership: What may others do with your data?
  • Nuisance: Right to be let alone

EU Data Protection Directive

Member states shall protect the rights guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But member states shall also not restrict the free flow of data between states. These directives are not laws. It is up to the states to implements the directives how they like.


  • Personal Data: Any information relating to a data subject.
  • Data Subject: Living person to whome personal data relates.
  • Data Controller: The entity determining the purposes and means of the processing of data. Mostly some kind of authority.
  • Data Processor: The entity processing the data on behalf of the controller.


  • Processing personal data must have a legitimate purpose.
  • If neccessary, it must be kept up to date.
  • It might not be stored longer than neccessary.
  • Processing is neccessary under several conditions (law obligation of the processor, protect vital interests, ensure performance of task).
  • Processing only after consent of data subject.
  • Data subjects have the right to access their data.
  • No transfer of data to non EU countries.

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Compared to directives, regulations are directly implemented as laws to the courts, independent of the member state culture.

  • Penalties: 4% of annual global turnover.
  • Request consent in a more accessible form (explainations to the DAU)
  • Breach notification
  • Right to be forgotten


People might get tracked through cookies. Same Origin Policy prohibits tracking from third parties, but including resources such as images or ads on the primary website, the client fetches these resources from the tracking party, which is the origin in that view.

Links cookies together to match information and collect rich profiles about users.

  • Demand Side Platform (DSP): Operates as an entity of the advertisers.
  • Data Management Platform (DMP): Servers DSPs with historical user data.
  1. User visits website containing ad.
  2. Ad request is sent to the DSPs, unique user ID is created and stored in cookie.
  3. DSP calls pixel URL on DMP.
  4. DMP checks ID sent from DSP and if ID already exists in database.
  5. DMP puts own ID in matching table, mapping DSP ID and DMP ID together.
  6. In bidirectional sync, DMP also passes his ID to DSP for his map.

Crypto Analysis

Side Channel Analysis

Side Channel Analysis focuses on analyzing unintended side-channels, which might not have been respected enough in security design.
Side-channels are all communication channels not used for main communication. In many embedded devices, IO pins are the main channel of communication. Any other channel is a side-channel.
The attack focus moves from the logical layer (algorithms) to the physical layer (time, power etc.).

Simple Power Analysis (SPA)

Every instruction/data consumes a specific amount of power. This power is measurable in execution time. So measuring current power consumption allows the attacker to conclude to the currently executed instruction / accessed data!


  • Execute leaking instructions on full time anyways, even if they are not needed.
  • Make executions input-independent

Differential Power Analysis (DPA)

Similar to SPA, but DPA focuses on the change of values. Precisely, is analyzes the effects correlated to the change of values.
Data depends on inputs. Now the attacker tries different inputs and observes data changes by constantly measuring the power.

Timing Analysis

Runtime of algorithms might depend on input data. If the data can be split into chunks, currect chunks might take a different time than incorrect ones. Also, the time it takes might depend on the number of correct chunks, (e.g. n correct chunks and k incorrect chunks may take a different time to process than n-1 correct and k+1 incorrect ones).


The algorithm that checks a password checks the input char by char, from left to right. It stops checking the rest of the characters, if one character is wrong. The password is IntroSec.

  1. The attacker guesses testtest. The algorithm takes 100 ns to process.
  2. The attacker guesses Iesttest. The algorithm takes 110 ns to process. Now the attacker learned that the first character is likely to be correct.
  3. The attacker guesses Itsttest. The alogrithm takes 110 ns to process. The attacker detects no significant change in processing time, so it is likely that there is no new correct char.
  4. The attacker continues, learning char by char for each processing time increase, until he got the full password.

Memory management


Logically, values are assigned to variables. In reality, for every variable, a portion of memory on the call stack gets allocated (buffer), and the data gets written to that buffer. Data written to the buffer is written upwards from the address allocated to the buffer.

Allocation (Doug Lea)

Memory is divided into chunks. These contain the user and control data (e.g. boundary tags (size, previous size)). Adjacent free chunks are unified to one free chunk automatically. Free chunks are stored in bins, which are connected in a double linked list, and sorted by size (ascending).
When a chunk is freed, frontlink(...) searches the bins list from lowest to highest size, and places the chunk in the list whenever the chunk in the next bin is bigger than the chunk itself, and inserts the chunk in the list in that place.
unlink(...) does the opposite. It takes the chunk specified, looks up the chunk in the bin list, and removes it by rearranging pointers of the next and previous bin.

Threat scenarios

No security issues without threat models! E.g. a password is considered safe without any provided threat model.

Passive Attack

Attacker only reads data from a communication channel.

Active Attack

Attacker inserts, alters or deletes data on a communication channel.

Smurf attack

Attacker sends out ICMP ping request with spoofed sender IP address of the victim to the broadcast of some network. All recipients will answer the ping, and send the answer packets to the IP address they think was the sender, which is the victims IP address. In a network with 100 nodes, a single broadcast ICMP request results in 100 answers sent to the victim, causing a denial of service.

TCP session hijacking

Attacker pretends to be a trusted host.

  1. Attacker sends SYN packet with spoofed address of the trusted host to the server.
  2. Server replies with SYN ACK, with some sequence number y, but sends the response to the trusted host he thinks sent the SYN.
  3. Attacker now has to guess the sequence number y in order to reply with an ACK and sequence number y + 1.
  4. If guessed correctly, the attacker can send TCP packets as trusted host.

Password compromise

Old threat model: One machine, one password. One compromised password means one compromised machine. New threat model: Multiple machines, one or similar passwords. One compromised machine can cause other compromised passwords.

Password spoofing attack

Attacker presents a fake login screen to the victim. Victim enters his password and the attacker captures the data forwarded by the fake login screen.


  • System authentication to the user
  • Display number of failed logins
    Indicates compromised password to the user.
  1. Session begins, server issues session ID (SID), which gets stored as a client cookie.
  2. A client changes his own SID cookie according to a SID of another client, therefore hijacking the session and being able to do everything the other client can do.
    He can do this by
    2.1 Brute-force.
    2.2 Having access to the cookie and simply reading it out (security failure).


  • Picking random, hard to guess SIDs
  • Storing cookies in a safe place
  • Include a MAC with the SID to check for integrity

Buffer Overflow

If the size of the data to be written to the buffer is larger than the size of the memory allocated to that buffer, the upper buffer limit gets exceeded. If additionally those limits are not checked, memory not assigned to the buffer gets overwritten.

  1. Attacker knows that there is a buffer with 80 bytes allocated.
  2. Attacker invokes the function writing to the buffer, with shellcode beginning from byte 80 in the data array.
  3. This shellcode overwrites the return address of the current stack function in that program.
  4. As soon as the program exits its function, it executes the attackers shellcode with this programs privileges.

Examples of vulnerable functions


strcpy(...) works with NULL terminated strings as destination and source. If destination is not NULL terminated, the behaviour of this function is undefined and might cause a buffer overflow and overrides in wrong memory.


  • Check size of data input and compare to actual allocated buffer size.
  • Use functions requiring explicit size definition.
  • Check for integer overflows.
  • Protect return address using canaries. Special instructions placed before actually returning to check for correct return address.
  • Mark potential shellcode memory as non-executable.

Double Free


When free(...) is executed, frontlink(...) gets executed at some point transparently.
When frontlink(...) finds a place in the bin list to put the chunk, it sets the next pointer of the previous chunk and the back pointer of the next chunk to the inserted chunk.
If this chunk gets added another time, the previous chunk is already the inserted chunk! So the next pointer of the previous chunk gets gets linked to the inserted chunk. But with the previous chunk being already the inserted chunk, the next pointer of the inserted chunk gets linked to itself. Also, the back pointer of the inserted chunk gets linked to the previous chunk. But with the previous chunk being already the inserted chunk, the back pointer of the inserted chunk gets linked to itself.
Invoking a malloc(...) (and eventually an unlink(...)) now will result in the chunk not being removed from the bin list, due to the looping pointers on itself.


  1. Prepare memory. These steps are for target and shellcode preparation. The chunks inbetween ensure, that the chunks dont get unified on free.
    1.1 Allocate top memory chunk.
    1.2 Allocate target chunk from top memory chunk.
    1.3 Allocate top memory chunk.
    1.4 Allocate shellcode chunk.
  2. Perform free on target chunk twice.
  3. Call malloc with size of target chunk. We might get the target junk again, but it won’t get removed from the bin list.
  4. Chunk is now writable. Overwrite back pointer with attack target address, and next pointer with attack target value.
  5. Call malloc again. unlink algorithm will overwrite memory at back with next.


  1. Allocate memory chunk A.
  2. free(A), hope that the chunk gets unified with the following chunk.
  3. Allocate large chunk B, hope to get the chunk just freed.
  4. Write ghost chunk data to B so, that it appears to be a chunk at A, and an unallocated adjacent chunk.
  5. Call free(A) again. unlink is applied to ghost chunk. Unifying will overwrite a target address.

Countermeasure: Canary

Add canary to end of chunk, checksumming the chunks control data, signed with secret key.

  1. On allocation, add calculate checksum over chunk control data and add canary.
  2. On free, recalculate checksum. If they mismatch, throw error.


Using CPU cache as side channel. Reading memory line, record time. Fill cache to forcefully remove that line from cache. Read again, if time is different than expected, line has been used and cached again.

  1. Let the transient instruction load the attacker chosen memory location he himself has no access to.
  2. Let another transient instruction access a cache line based on the content of that register.
  3. Flush+Reload determines which cache line was accessed, which reveals the value stored in the memory location.


Mapping of Kernel Address Space to address space of every user process is used by meltdown. KAISER separates these. Without valid mapping, Meltdown is not possible. Introduction of shadow address space synchronized between multiple mappings.