'zoom' Picture Options Determines how the image set by wallpaper_filename is rendered. Possible values are "none", "wallpaper", "centered", "scaled", "stretched", "zoom", "spanned". 'file:///mingw64/share/backgrounds/gnome/adwaita-timed.xml' Picture URI URI to use for the background image. Note that the backend only supports local (file://) URIs. 100 Picture Opacity Opacity with which to draw the background picture. '#023c88' Primary Color Left or Top color when drawing gradients, or the solid color. '#5789ca' Secondary Color Right or Bottom color when drawing gradients, not used for solid color. 'solid' Color Shading Type How to shade the background color. Possible values are "horizontal", "vertical", and "solid". false Have file manager handle the desktop If set to true, then file manager will draw the icons on the desktop.