0 Current input source The zero-based index into the input sources list specifying the current one in effect. The value is automatically capped to remain in the range [0, sources_length) as long as the sources list isn't empty. DEPRECATED: This key is deprecated and ignored. [] List of input sources List of input source identifiers available. Each source is specified as a tuple of 2 strings. The first string is the type and can be one of 'xkb' or 'ibus'. For 'xkb' sources the second string is 'xkb_layout+xkb_variant' or just 'xkb_layout' if a XKB variant isn't needed. For 'ibus' sources the second string is the IBus engine name. An empty list means that the X server's current XKB layout and variant won't be touched and IBus won't be used. [] List of most recently used input sources List of most recently used input sources. The value is in the same format as the available sources list. [] List of XKB options List of XKB options. Each option is an XKB option string as defined by xkeyboard-config's rules files. false Show all installed input sources Makes all installed input sources available for choosing in System Settings. false Use different input sources for each window When enabled, input sources get attached to the currently focused window when activated.