false Controls visibility of personal information If set to true, the system will make an effort to not divulge the user's identity on screen or on the network. true Show full name in the user menu Whether the users full name is shown in the user menu or not. false Whether to remove old files from the trash automatically If TRUE, automatically remove files from the trash when they are older than 'old-files-age' days. false Whether to remove old temporary files automatically If TRUE, automatically remove temporary files when they are older than 'old-files-age' days. 30 Number of days to keep trash and temporary files Consider trash and temporary files old after this many days. true Whether to remember recently used files If FALSE, applications will not remember recently used files. -1 Number of days to remember recently used files for Recently used files will be remembered for this many days. If set to 0, recent files will not be remembered; if set to -1, they will be retained indefinitively. true Whether to remember application usage If FALSE, application usage will not be monitored and recorded. false Send statistics when applications are removed or installed If FALSE, no anonymous installation or removal information will be sent to the vendor. false Send reports of technical problems to the vendor If TRUE, anonymized reports will be sent automatically to the vendor.