Home']]]> Switch to workspace 1 [] Switch to workspace 2 [] Switch to workspace 3 [] Switch to workspace 4 [] Switch to workspace 5 [] Switch to workspace 6 [] Switch to workspace 7 [] Switch to workspace 8 [] Switch to workspace 9 [] Switch to workspace 10 [] Switch to workspace 11 [] Switch to workspace 12 Left']]]> Switch to workspace left Right']]]> Switch to workspace right Page_Up','Up']]]> Switch to workspace above Page_Down','Down']]]> Switch to workspace below End']]]> Switch to last workspace Above_Tab','Above_Tab']]]> Switch windows of an application Above_Tab','Above_Tab']]]> Reverse switch windows of an application Tab','Tab']]]> Switch applications Tab','Tab']]]> Reverse switch applications [] Switch windows [] Reverse switch windows Tab']]]> Switch system controls Tab']]]> Reverse switch system controls F6']]]> Switch windows of an app directly F6']]]> Reverse switch windows of an app directly Escape']]]> Switch windows directly Escape']]]> Reverse switch windows directly Escape']]]> Switch system controls directly Escape']]]> Reverse switch system controls directly [] Hide all normal windows s','F1']]]> Show the activities overview F2']]]> Show the run command prompt [] Don't use space']]]> Activate the window menu [] Toggle fullscreen mode F10']]]> Toggle maximization state [] Toggle window always appearing on top Up']]]> Maximize window Down','F5']]]> Restore window [] Toggle shaded state h']]]> Minimize window F4']]]> Close window F7']]]> Move window F8']]]> Resize window [] Toggle window on all workspaces or one Home']]]> Move window to workspace 1 [] Move window to workspace 2 [] Move window to workspace 3 [] Move window to workspace 4 [] Move window to workspace 5 [] Move window to workspace 6 [] Move window to workspace 7 [] Move window to workspace 8 [] Move window to workspace 9 [] Move window to workspace 10 [] Move window to workspace 11 [] Move window to workspace 12 End']]]> Move window to last workspace Left']]]> Move window one workspace to the left Right']]]> Move window one workspace to the right Page_Up','Up']]]> Move window one workspace up Page_Down','Down']]]> Move window one workspace down Left']]]> Move window to the next monitor on the left Right']]]> Move window to the next monitor on the right Up']]]> Move window to the next monitor above Down']]]> Move window to the next monitor below [] Raise window if covered, otherwise lower it [] Raise window above other windows [] Lower window below other windows [] Maximize window vertically [] Maximize window horizontally [] Move window to top left corner [] Move window to top right corner [] Move window to bottom left corner [] Move window to bottom right corner [] Move window to top edge of screen [] Move window to bottom edge of screen [] Move window to right side of screen [] Move window to left side of screen [] Move window to center of screen space']]]> Switch input source Binding to select the next input source space']]]> Switch input source backward Binding to select the previous input source [] Toggle window to be always on top Set or unset window to appear always on top