// ==UserScript== // @name SE Lecture optimizer // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.0 // @date 2020-04-25 // @description Removes the autoplay and autobuffer from the videos of the SE Lecture page. So no more loading of 20 videos simultaniously to watch 1 video. // @author Leonard Kugis // @homepage https://collaborating.tuhh.de/cev7691/SELectureOptimizer // @match https://media.tuhh.de/e16/Lecture-SE/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { var videos = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("video")); for(var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { videos[i].pause(0); var src = videos[i].src; videos[i].removeAttribute("src"); videos[i].load(); var old = videos[i]; videos[i] = document.createElement("video"); videos[i].setAttribute("preload", "none"); videos[i].setAttribute("controls", ""); videos[i].setAttribute("src", src); old.parentNode.replaceChild(videos[i], old); } })();