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2 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/javascript/ComponentControllers.js b/javascript/ComponentControllers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2888679b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/ComponentControllers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+/* This is a basic library that allows controlling elements that take some form of user input.
+This was previously written in typescript, where all controllers implemented an interface. Not
+all methods were needed in all the controllers, but it was done to keep a common interface, so
+your main app can serve as a controller of controllers.
+These controllers were built to work on the shapes of html elements that gradio components use.
+There may be some notes in it that only applied to my use case, but I left them to help others
+You will need the parent element for these to work.
+The parent element can be defined as the element (div) that gets the element id when assigning
+an element id to a gradio component.
+ gr.TextBox(value="...", elem_id="THISID")
+Basic usage, grab an element that is the parent container for the component.
+Send it in to the class, like a function, don't forget the "new" keyword so it calls the constructor
+and sends back a new object.
+let txt2imgPrompt = new TextComponentController(gradioApp().querySelector("#txt2img_prompt"))
+Then use the getVal() method to get the value, or use the setVal(myValue) method to set the value.
+Input types that are groups, like Checkbox groups (not individual checkboxes), take in an array of values.
+Checkbox group has to reset all values to False (unchecked), then set the values in your array to true (checked).
+If you don't hold a reference to the values (the labels in string format), you can acquire them using the getVal() method.
+class DropdownComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.childSelector = this.element.querySelector('select');
+ this.children = new Map();
+ Array.from(this.childSelector.querySelectorAll('option')).forEach(opt => this.children.set(opt.value, opt));
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ return this.childSelector.value;
+ }
+ updateVal(optionElement) {
+ optionElement.selected = true;
+ }
+ setVal(name) {
+ this.updateVal(this.children.get(name));
+ this.eventHandler();
+ }
+ eventHandler() {
+ this.childSelector.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
+ }
+class CheckboxComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.child = this.element.querySelector('input');
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ return this.child.checked;
+ }
+ updateVal(checked) {
+ this.child.checked = checked;
+ }
+ setVal(checked) {
+ this.updateVal(checked);
+ this.eventHandler();
+ }
+ eventHandler() {
+ this.child.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
+ }
+class CheckboxGroupComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ //this.checkBoxes = new Object;
+ this.children = new Map();
+ Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll('input')).forEach(input => this.children.set(input.nextElementSibling.innerText, input));
+ /* element id gets use fieldset, grab all inputs (the bool val) get the userfriendly label, use as key, put bool value in mapping */
+ //Array.from(this.component.querySelectorAll("input")).forEach( _input => this.checkBoxes[_input.nextElementSibling.innerText] = _input)
+ /*Checkboxgroup structure
+ <fieldset>
+ <div> css makes translucent
+ <span>
+ serves as label for component
+ </span>
+ <div data-testid='checkbox-group'> container for checkboxes
+ <label>
+ <input type=checkbox>
+ <span>checkbox words</span>
+ </label>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ */
+ }
+ updateVal(label) {
+ /*********
+ calls updates using a throttle or else the backend does not get updated properly
+ * ********/
+ setTimeout(() => this.conditionalToggle(true, this.children.get(label)), 2);
+ }
+ setVal(labels) {
+ /* Handles reset and updates all in array to true */
+ this.reupdateVals();
+ labels.forEach(l => this.updateVal(l));
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ //return the list of values that are true
+ return [...this.children].filter(([k, v]) => v.checked).map(arr => arr[0]);
+ }
+ reupdateVals() {
+ /**************
+ * for reupdating all vals, first set to false
+ **************/
+ this.children.forEach(inputChild => this.conditionalToggle(false, inputChild));
+ }
+ conditionalToggle(desiredVal, inputChild) {
+ //This method behaves like 'set this value to this'
+ //Using element.checked = true/false, does not register the change, even if you called change afterwards,
+ // it only sets what it looks like in our case, because there is no form submit, a person then has to click on it twice.
+ //Options are to use .click() or dispatch an event
+ if (desiredVal != inputChild.checked) {
+ inputChild.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); //using change event instead of click, in case browser ad-blockers blocks the click method
+ }
+ }
+ eventHandler(checkbox) {
+ checkbox.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
+ }
+class RadioComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.children = new Map();
+ Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll("input")).forEach(input => this.children.set(input.value, input));
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ //radio groups have a single element that's checked is true
+ // as array arr k,v pair element.checked ) -> array of len(1) with [k,v] so either [0] [1].value
+ return [...this.children].filter(([l, e]) => e.checked)[0][0];
+ //return Array.from(this.children).filter( ([label, input]) => input.checked)[0][1].value
+ }
+ updateVal(child) {
+ this.eventHandler(child);
+ }
+ setVal(name) {
+ //radio will trigger all false except the one that get the event change
+ //to keep the api similar, other methods are still called
+ this.updateVal(this.children.get(name));
+ }
+ eventHandler(child) {
+ child.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
+ }
+class NumberComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.childNumField = element.querySelector('input[type=number]');
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ return this.childNumField.value;
+ }
+ updateVal(text) {
+ this.childNumField.value = text;
+ }
+ eventHandler() {
+ this.element.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
+ }
+ setVal(text) {
+ this.updateVal(text);
+ this.eventHandler();
+ }
+class SliderComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.childNumField = this.element.querySelector('input[type=number]');
+ this.childRangeField = this.element.querySelector('input[type=range]');
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ return this.childNumField.value;
+ }
+ updateVal(text) {
+ //both are not needed, either works, both are left in so one is a fallback in case of gradio changes
+ this.childNumField.value = text;
+ this.childRangeField.value = text;
+ }
+ eventHandler() {
+ this.element.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
+ this.childNumField.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
+ this.childRangeField.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
+ }
+ setVal(text) {
+ this.updateVal(text);
+ this.eventHandler();
+ }
+class TextComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.child = element.querySelector('textarea');
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ return this.child.value;
+ }
+ eventHandler() {
+ this.element.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
+ this.child.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
+ //Workaround to solve no target with v(o) on eventhandler, define my own target
+ let ne = new Event("input");
+ Object.defineProperty(ne, "target", { value: this.child });
+ this.child.dispatchEvent(ne);
+ }
+ updateVal(text) {
+ this.child.value = text;
+ }
+ appendValue(text) {
+ //might add delimiter option
+ this.child.value += ` ${text}`;
+ }
+ setVal(text, append = false) {
+ if (append) {
+ this.appendValue(text);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.updateVal(text);
+ }
+ this.eventHandler();
+ }
+class JsonComponentController extends TextComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ super(element);
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ return JSON.parse(this.child.value);
+ }
+class ColorComponentController {
+ constructor(element) {
+ this.element = element;
+ this.child = this.element.querySelector('input[type=color]');
+ }
+ updateVal(text) {
+ this.child.value = text;
+ }
+ getVal() {
+ return this.child.value;
+ }
+ setVal(text) {
+ this.updateVal(text);
+ this.eventHandler();
+ }
+ eventHandler() {
+ this.child.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/aspectRatioSliders.js b/javascript/aspectRatioSliders.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3def5158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/aspectRatioSliders.js
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+class AspectRatioSliderController {
+ constructor(widthSlider, heightSlider, ratioSource, roundingSource, roundingMethod) {
+ //References
+ this.widthSlider = new SliderComponentController(widthSlider);
+ this.heightSlider = new SliderComponentController(heightSlider);
+ this.ratioSource = new DropdownComponentController(ratioSource);
+ this.roundingSource = new CheckboxComponentController(roundingSource);
+ this.roundingMethod = new RadioComponentController(roundingMethod);
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge = document.createElement("div");
+ // Badge implementation
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.innerText = "📐";
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.classList.add("rounding-badge");
+ this.ratioSource.element.appendChild(this.roundingIndicatorBadge);
+ // Check initial value of ratioSource to set badge visbility
+ let initialRatio = this.ratioSource.getVal();
+ if (!initialRatio.includes(":")) {
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ //Adjust badge icon if rounding is on
+ if (this.roundingSource.getVal()) {
+ //this.roundingIndicatorBadge.classList.add("active");
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.innerText = "📏";
+ }
+ //Make badge clickable to toggle setting
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ this.roundingSource.setVal(!this.roundingSource.getVal());
+ });
+ //Make rounding setting toggle badge text and style if setting changes
+ this.roundingSource.child.addEventListener("change", () => {
+ if (this.roundingSource.getVal()) {
+ //this.roundingIndicatorBadge.classList.add("active");
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.innerText = "📏";
+ }
+ else {
+ //this.roundingIndicatorBadge.classList.remove("active");
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.innerText = "📐";
+ }
+ this.adjustStepSize();
+ });
+ //Other event listeners
+ this.widthSlider.childRangeField.addEventListener("change", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.resize("width"); });
+ this.widthSlider.childNumField.addEventListener("change", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.resize("width"); });
+ this.heightSlider.childRangeField.addEventListener("change", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.resize("height"); });
+ this.heightSlider.childNumField.addEventListener("change", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.resize("height"); });
+ this.ratioSource.childSelector.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ //Check and toggle display of badge conditionally on dropdown selection
+ if (!this.ratioSource.getVal().includes(":")) {
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ else {
+ this.roundingIndicatorBadge.style.display = 'block';
+ }
+ this.adjustStepSize();
+ });
+ }
+ resize(dimension) {
+ //For moving slider or number field
+ let val = this.ratioSource.getVal();
+ if (!val.includes(":")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let [width, height] = val.split(":").map(Number);
+ let ratio = width / height;
+ if (dimension == 'width') {
+ let newHeight = parseInt(this.widthSlider.getVal()) / ratio;
+ if (this.roundingSource.getVal()) {
+ switch (this.roundingMethod.getVal()) {
+ case 'Round':
+ newHeight = Math.round(newHeight / 8) * 8;
+ break;
+ case 'Ceiling':
+ newHeight = Math.ceil(newHeight / 8) * 8;
+ break;
+ case 'Floor':
+ newHeight = Math.floor(newHeight / 8) * 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this.heightSlider.setVal(newHeight.toString());
+ }
+ else if (dimension == "height") {
+ let newWidth = parseInt(this.heightSlider.getVal()) * ratio;
+ if (this.roundingSource.getVal()) {
+ switch (this.roundingMethod.getVal()) {
+ case 'Round':
+ newWidth = Math.round(newWidth / 8) * 8;
+ break;
+ case 'Ceiling':
+ newWidth = Math.ceil(newWidth / 8) * 8;
+ break;
+ case 'Floor':
+ newWidth = Math.floor(newWidth / 8) * 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this.widthSlider.setVal(newWidth.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ adjustStepSize() {
+ /* Sets scales/precision/rounding steps;*/
+ let val = this.ratioSource.getVal();
+ if (!val.includes(":")) {
+ //If ratio unlocked
+ this.widthSlider.childRangeField.step = "8";
+ this.widthSlider.childRangeField.min = "64";
+ this.widthSlider.childNumField.step = "8";
+ this.widthSlider.childNumField.min = "64";
+ this.heightSlider.childRangeField.step = "8";
+ this.heightSlider.childRangeField.min = "64";
+ this.heightSlider.childNumField.step = "8";
+ this.heightSlider.childNumField.min = "64";
+ return;
+ }
+ //Format string and calculate step sizes
+ let [width, height] = val.split(":").map(Number);
+ let decimalPlaces = (width.toString().split(".")[1] || []).length;
+ //keep upto 6 decimal points of precision of ratio
+ //euclidean gcd does not support floats, so we scale it up
+ decimalPlaces = decimalPlaces > 6 ? 6 : decimalPlaces;
+ let gcd = this.gcd(width * 10 ** decimalPlaces, height * 10 ** decimalPlaces) / 10 ** decimalPlaces;
+ let stepSize = 8 * height / gcd;
+ let stepSizeOther = 8 * width / gcd;
+ if (this.roundingSource.getVal()) {
+ //If rounding is on set/keep default stepsizes
+ this.widthSlider.childRangeField.step = "8";
+ this.widthSlider.childRangeField.min = "64";
+ this.widthSlider.childNumField.step = "8";
+ this.widthSlider.childNumField.min = "64";
+ this.heightSlider.childRangeField.step = "8";
+ this.heightSlider.childRangeField.min = "64";
+ this.heightSlider.childNumField.step = "8";
+ this.heightSlider.childNumField.min = "64";
+ }
+ else {
+ //if rounding is off, set step sizes so they enforce snapping
+ //min is changed, because it offsets snap positions
+ this.widthSlider.childRangeField.step = stepSizeOther.toString();
+ this.widthSlider.childRangeField.min = stepSizeOther.toString();
+ this.widthSlider.childNumField.step = stepSizeOther.toString();
+ this.widthSlider.childNumField.min = stepSizeOther.toString();
+ this.heightSlider.childRangeField.step = stepSize.toString();
+ this.heightSlider.childRangeField.min = stepSize.toString();
+ this.heightSlider.childNumField.step = stepSize.toString();
+ this.heightSlider.childNumField.min = stepSize.toString();
+ }
+ let currentWidth = parseInt(this.widthSlider.getVal());
+ //Rounding treated kinda like pythons divmod
+ let stepsTaken = Math.round(currentWidth / stepSizeOther);
+ //this snaps it to closest rule matches (rules being html step points, and ratio)
+ let newWidth = stepsTaken * stepSizeOther;
+ this.widthSlider.setVal(newWidth.toString());
+ this.heightSlider.setVal(Math.round(newWidth / (width / height)).toString());
+ }
+ gcd(a, b) {
+ //euclidean gcd
+ if (b === 0) {
+ return a;
+ }
+ return this.gcd(b, a % b);
+ }
+ static observeStartup(widthSliderId, heightSliderId, ratioSourceId, roundingSourceId, roundingMethodId) {
+ let observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
+ let widthSlider = document.querySelector("gradio-app").shadowRoot.getElementById(widthSliderId);
+ let heightSlider = document.querySelector("gradio-app").shadowRoot.getElementById(heightSliderId);
+ let ratioSource = document.querySelector("gradio-app").shadowRoot.getElementById(ratioSourceId);
+ let roundingSource = document.querySelector("gradio-app").shadowRoot.getElementById(roundingSourceId);
+ let roundingMethod = document.querySelector("gradio-app").shadowRoot.getElementById(roundingMethodId);
+ if (widthSlider && heightSlider && ratioSource && roundingSource && roundingMethod) {
+ observer.disconnect();
+ new AspectRatioSliderController(widthSlider, heightSlider, ratioSource, roundingSource, roundingMethod);
+ }
+ });
+ observer.observe(gradioApp(), { childList: true, subtree: true });
+ }
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
+ //Register mutation observer for self start-up;
+ AspectRatioSliderController.observeStartup("txt2img_width", "txt2img_height", "txt2img_ratio", "setting_aspect_ratios_rounding", "setting_aspect_ratios_rounding_method");
+ AspectRatioSliderController.observeStartup("img2img_width", "img2img_height", "img2img_ratio", "setting_aspect_ratios_rounding", "setting_aspect_ratios_rounding_method");