path: root/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
11 files changed, 1133 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/modules/devices.py b/modules/devices.py
index 0158b11f..03ef58f1 100644
--- a/modules/devices.py
+++ b/modules/devices.py
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ errors.run(enable_tf32, "Enabling TF32")
device = device_gfpgan = device_bsrgan = device_esrgan = device_scunet = device_codeformer = get_optimal_device()
dtype = torch.float16
+dtype_vae = torch.float16
def randn(seed, shape):
# Pytorch currently doesn't handle setting randomness correctly when the metal backend is used.
@@ -59,9 +60,12 @@ def randn_without_seed(shape):
return torch.randn(shape, device=device)
-def autocast():
+def autocast(disable=False):
from modules import shared
+ if disable:
+ return contextlib.nullcontext()
if dtype == torch.float32 or shared.cmd_opts.precision == "full":
return contextlib.nullcontext()
diff --git a/modules/processing.py b/modules/processing.py
index 94d2dd62..698b3069 100644
--- a/modules/processing.py
+++ b/modules/processing.py
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ def create_random_tensors(shape, seeds, subseeds=None, subseed_strength=0.0, see
# enables the generation of additional tensors with noise that the sampler will use during its processing.
# Using those pre-generated tensors instead of simple torch.randn allows a batch with seeds [100, 101] to
# produce the same images as with two batches [100], [101].
- if p is not None and p.sampler is not None and len(seeds) > 1 and opts.enable_batch_seeds:
+ if p is not None and p.sampler is not None and (len(seeds) > 1 and opts.enable_batch_seeds or opts.eta_noise_seed_delta > 0):
sampler_noises = [[] for _ in range(p.sampler.number_of_needed_noises(p))]
sampler_noises = None
@@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ def create_random_tensors(shape, seeds, subseeds=None, subseed_strength=0.0, see
if sampler_noises is not None:
cnt = p.sampler.number_of_needed_noises(p)
+ if opts.eta_noise_seed_delta > 0:
+ torch.manual_seed(seed + opts.eta_noise_seed_delta)
for j in range(cnt):
@@ -259,6 +262,13 @@ def create_random_tensors(shape, seeds, subseeds=None, subseed_strength=0.0, see
return x
+def decode_first_stage(model, x):
+ with devices.autocast(disable=x.dtype == devices.dtype_vae):
+ x = model.decode_first_stage(x)
+ return x
def get_fixed_seed(seed):
if seed is None or seed == '' or seed == -1:
return int(random.randrange(4294967294))
@@ -294,6 +304,7 @@ def create_infotext(p, all_prompts, all_seeds, all_subseeds, comments, iteration
"Denoising strength": getattr(p, 'denoising_strength', None),
"Eta": (None if p.sampler is None or p.sampler.eta == p.sampler.default_eta else p.sampler.eta),
"Clip skip": None if clip_skip <= 1 else clip_skip,
+ "ENSD": None if opts.eta_noise_seed_delta == 0 else opts.eta_noise_seed_delta,
@@ -398,9 +409,8 @@ def process_images(p: StableDiffusionProcessing) -> Processed:
# use the image collected previously in sampler loop
samples_ddim = shared.state.current_latent
- samples_ddim = samples_ddim.to(devices.dtype)
- x_samples_ddim = p.sd_model.decode_first_stage(samples_ddim)
+ samples_ddim = samples_ddim.to(devices.dtype_vae)
+ x_samples_ddim = decode_first_stage(p.sd_model, samples_ddim)
x_samples_ddim = torch.clamp((x_samples_ddim + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
del samples_ddim
@@ -533,7 +543,7 @@ class StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img(StableDiffusionProcessing):
if self.scale_latent:
samples = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(samples, size=(self.height // opt_f, self.width // opt_f), mode="bilinear")
- decoded_samples = self.sd_model.decode_first_stage(samples)
+ decoded_samples = decode_first_stage(self.sd_model, samples)
if opts.upscaler_for_img2img is None or opts.upscaler_for_img2img == "None":
decoded_samples = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(decoded_samples, size=(self.height, self.width), mode="bilinear")
diff --git a/modules/sd_hijack.py b/modules/sd_hijack.py
index 437acce4..827bf304 100644
--- a/modules/sd_hijack.py
+++ b/modules/sd_hijack.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def apply_optimizations():
ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.model.nonlinearity = silu
- if cmd_opts.force_enable_xformers or (cmd_opts.xformers and shared.xformers_available and torch.version.cuda and torch.cuda.get_device_capability(shared.device) == (8, 6)):
+ if cmd_opts.force_enable_xformers or (cmd_opts.xformers and shared.xformers_available and torch.version.cuda and (6, 0) <= torch.cuda.get_device_capability(shared.device) <= (8, 6)):
print("Applying xformers cross attention optimization.")
ldm.modules.attention.CrossAttention.forward = sd_hijack_optimizations.xformers_attention_forward
ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.model.AttnBlock.forward = sd_hijack_optimizations.xformers_attnblock_forward
@@ -43,10 +43,7 @@ def undo_optimizations():
def get_target_prompt_token_count(token_count):
- if token_count < 75:
- return 75
- return math.ceil(token_count / 10) * 10
+ return math.ceil(max(token_count, 1) / 75) * 75
class StableDiffusionModelHijack:
@@ -127,7 +124,6 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
self.token_mults[ident] = mult
def tokenize_line(self, line, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments):
- id_start = self.wrapped.tokenizer.bos_token_id
id_end = self.wrapped.tokenizer.eos_token_id
if opts.enable_emphasis:
@@ -154,7 +150,13 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
i += 1
emb_len = int(embedding.vec.shape[0])
- fixes.append((len(remade_tokens), embedding))
+ iteration = len(remade_tokens) // 75
+ if (len(remade_tokens) + emb_len) // 75 != iteration:
+ rem = (75 * (iteration + 1) - len(remade_tokens))
+ remade_tokens += [id_end] * rem
+ multipliers += [1.0] * rem
+ iteration += 1
+ fixes.append((iteration, (len(remade_tokens) % 75, embedding)))
remade_tokens += [0] * emb_len
multipliers += [weight] * emb_len
used_custom_terms.append((embedding.name, embedding.checksum()))
@@ -162,10 +164,10 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
token_count = len(remade_tokens)
prompt_target_length = get_target_prompt_token_count(token_count)
- tokens_to_add = prompt_target_length - len(remade_tokens) + 1
+ tokens_to_add = prompt_target_length - len(remade_tokens)
- remade_tokens = [id_start] + remade_tokens + [id_end] * tokens_to_add
- multipliers = [1.0] + multipliers + [1.0] * tokens_to_add
+ remade_tokens = remade_tokens + [id_end] * tokens_to_add
+ multipliers = multipliers + [1.0] * tokens_to_add
return remade_tokens, fixes, multipliers, token_count
@@ -260,29 +262,55 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
return batch_multipliers, remade_batch_tokens, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments, hijack_fixes, token_count
def forward(self, text):
- if opts.use_old_emphasis_implementation:
+ use_old = opts.use_old_emphasis_implementation
+ if use_old:
batch_multipliers, remade_batch_tokens, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments, hijack_fixes, token_count = self.process_text_old(text)
batch_multipliers, remade_batch_tokens, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments, hijack_fixes, token_count = self.process_text(text)
- self.hijack.fixes = hijack_fixes
self.hijack.comments += hijack_comments
if len(used_custom_terms) > 0:
self.hijack.comments.append("Used embeddings: " + ", ".join([f'{word} [{checksum}]' for word, checksum in used_custom_terms]))
+ if use_old:
+ self.hijack.fixes = hijack_fixes
+ return self.process_tokens(remade_batch_tokens, batch_multipliers)
+ z = None
+ i = 0
+ while max(map(len, remade_batch_tokens)) != 0:
+ rem_tokens = [x[75:] for x in remade_batch_tokens]
+ rem_multipliers = [x[75:] for x in batch_multipliers]
+ self.hijack.fixes = []
+ for unfiltered in hijack_fixes:
+ fixes = []
+ for fix in unfiltered:
+ if fix[0] == i:
+ fixes.append(fix[1])
+ self.hijack.fixes.append(fixes)
+ z1 = self.process_tokens([x[:75] for x in remade_batch_tokens], [x[:75] for x in batch_multipliers])
+ z = z1 if z is None else torch.cat((z, z1), axis=-2)
+ remade_batch_tokens = rem_tokens
+ batch_multipliers = rem_multipliers
+ i += 1
+ return z
+ def process_tokens(self, remade_batch_tokens, batch_multipliers):
+ if not opts.use_old_emphasis_implementation:
+ remade_batch_tokens = [[self.wrapped.tokenizer.bos_token_id] + x[:75] + [self.wrapped.tokenizer.eos_token_id] for x in remade_batch_tokens]
+ batch_multipliers = [[1.0] + x[:75] + [1.0] for x in batch_multipliers]
+ tokens = torch.asarray(remade_batch_tokens).to(device)
+ outputs = self.wrapped.transformer(input_ids=tokens, output_hidden_states=-opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers)
- target_token_count = get_target_prompt_token_count(token_count) + 2
- position_ids_array = [min(x, 75) for x in range(target_token_count-1)] + [76]
- position_ids = torch.asarray(position_ids_array, device=devices.device).expand((1, -1))
- remade_batch_tokens_of_same_length = [x + [self.wrapped.tokenizer.eos_token_id] * (target_token_count - len(x)) for x in remade_batch_tokens]
- tokens = torch.asarray(remade_batch_tokens_of_same_length).to(device)
- outputs = self.wrapped.transformer(input_ids=tokens, position_ids=position_ids, output_hidden_states=-opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers)
if opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers > 1:
z = outputs.hidden_states[-opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers]
z = self.wrapped.transformer.text_model.final_layer_norm(z)
@@ -290,7 +318,7 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
z = outputs.last_hidden_state
# restoring original mean is likely not correct, but it seems to work well to prevent artifacts that happen otherwise
- batch_multipliers_of_same_length = [x + [1.0] * (target_token_count - len(x)) for x in batch_multipliers]
+ batch_multipliers_of_same_length = [x + [1.0] * (75 - len(x)) for x in batch_multipliers]
batch_multipliers = torch.asarray(batch_multipliers_of_same_length).to(device)
original_mean = z.mean()
z *= batch_multipliers.reshape(batch_multipliers.shape + (1,)).expand(z.shape)
diff --git a/modules/sd_hijack_optimizations.py b/modules/sd_hijack_optimizations.py
index 634fb4b2..18408e62 100644
--- a/modules/sd_hijack_optimizations.py
+++ b/modules/sd_hijack_optimizations.py
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ from modules import shared
if shared.cmd_opts.xformers or shared.cmd_opts.force_enable_xformers:
import xformers.ops
- import functorch
- xformers._is_functorch_available = True
shared.xformers_available = True
except Exception:
print("Cannot import xformers", file=sys.stderr)
diff --git a/modules/sd_models.py b/modules/sd_models.py
index e63d3c29..0a55b4c3 100644
--- a/modules/sd_models.py
+++ b/modules/sd_models.py
@@ -149,8 +149,13 @@ def load_model_weights(model, checkpoint_info):
devices.dtype = torch.float32 if shared.cmd_opts.no_half else torch.float16
+ devices.dtype_vae = torch.float32 if shared.cmd_opts.no_half or shared.cmd_opts.no_half_vae else torch.float16
vae_file = os.path.splitext(checkpoint_file)[0] + ".vae.pt"
+ if not os.path.exists(vae_file) and shared.cmd_opts.vae_path is not None:
+ vae_file = shared.cmd_opts.vae_path
if os.path.exists(vae_file):
print(f"Loading VAE weights from: {vae_file}")
vae_ckpt = torch.load(vae_file, map_location="cpu")
@@ -158,6 +163,8 @@ def load_model_weights(model, checkpoint_info):
+ model.first_stage_model.to(devices.dtype_vae)
model.sd_model_hash = sd_model_hash
model.sd_model_checkpoint = checkpoint_file
model.sd_checkpoint_info = checkpoint_info
diff --git a/modules/sd_samplers.py b/modules/sd_samplers.py
index 6e743f7e..d168b938 100644
--- a/modules/sd_samplers.py
+++ b/modules/sd_samplers.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import inspect
import k_diffusion.sampling
import ldm.models.diffusion.ddim
import ldm.models.diffusion.plms
-from modules import prompt_parser
+from modules import prompt_parser, devices, processing
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
import modules.shared as shared
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def setup_img2img_steps(p, steps=None):
def sample_to_image(samples):
- x_sample = shared.sd_model.decode_first_stage(samples[0:1].type(shared.sd_model.dtype))[0]
+ x_sample = processing.decode_first_stage(shared.sd_model, samples[0:1])[0]
x_sample = torch.clamp((x_sample + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
x_sample = 255. * np.moveaxis(x_sample.cpu().numpy(), 0, 2)
x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
diff --git a/modules/shared.py b/modules/shared.py
index 1995a99a..da389f9c 100644
--- a/modules/shared.py
+++ b/modules/shared.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--ckpt-dir", type=str, default=None, help="Path to director
parser.add_argument("--gfpgan-dir", type=str, help="GFPGAN directory", default=('./src/gfpgan' if os.path.exists('./src/gfpgan') else './GFPGAN'))
parser.add_argument("--gfpgan-model", type=str, help="GFPGAN model file name", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--no-half", action='store_true', help="do not switch the model to 16-bit floats")
+parser.add_argument("--no-half-vae", action='store_true', help="do not switch the VAE model to 16-bit floats")
parser.add_argument("--no-progressbar-hiding", action='store_true', help="do not hide progressbar in gradio UI (we hide it because it slows down ML if you have hardware acceleration in browser)")
parser.add_argument("--max-batch-count", type=int, default=16, help="maximum batch count value for the UI")
parser.add_argument("--embeddings-dir", type=str, default=os.path.join(script_path, 'embeddings'), help="embeddings directory for textual inversion (default: embeddings)")
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--autolaunch", action='store_true', help="open the webui UR
parser.add_argument("--use-textbox-seed", action='store_true', help="use textbox for seeds in UI (no up/down, but possible to input long seeds)", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--disable-console-progressbars", action='store_true', help="do not output progressbars to console", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--enable-console-prompts", action='store_true', help="print prompts to console when generating with txt2img and img2img", default=False)
+parser.add_argument('--vae-path', type=str, help='Path to Variational Autoencoders model', default=None)
parser.add_argument("--disable-safe-unpickle", action='store_true', help="disable checking pytorch models for malicious code", default=False)
@@ -259,6 +261,7 @@ options_templates.update(options_section(('sampler-params', "Sampler parameters"
's_churn': OptionInfo(0.0, "sigma churn", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
's_tmin': OptionInfo(0.0, "sigma tmin", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
's_noise': OptionInfo(1.0, "sigma noise", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
+ 'eta_noise_seed_delta': OptionInfo(0, "Eta noise seed delta", gr.Number, {"precision": 0}),
diff --git a/modules/swinir_model.py b/modules/swinir_model.py
index fbd11f84..baa02e3d 100644
--- a/modules/swinir_model.py
+++ b/modules/swinir_model.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from tqdm import tqdm
from modules import modelloader
from modules.shared import cmd_opts, opts, device
from modules.swinir_model_arch import SwinIR as net
+from modules.swinir_model_arch_v2 import Swin2SR as net2
from modules.upscaler import Upscaler, UpscalerData
precision_scope = (
@@ -57,22 +58,42 @@ class UpscalerSwinIR(Upscaler):
filename = path
if filename is None or not os.path.exists(filename):
return None
- model = net(
+ if filename.endswith(".v2.pth"):
+ model = net2(
- depths=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
- embed_dim=240,
- num_heads=[8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
+ depths=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
+ embed_dim=180,
+ num_heads=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
- resi_connection="3conv",
- )
+ resi_connection="1conv",
+ )
+ params = None
+ else:
+ model = net(
+ upscale=scale,
+ in_chans=3,
+ img_size=64,
+ window_size=8,
+ img_range=1.0,
+ depths=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
+ embed_dim=240,
+ num_heads=[8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
+ mlp_ratio=2,
+ upsampler="nearest+conv",
+ resi_connection="3conv",
+ )
+ params = "params_ema"
pretrained_model = torch.load(filename)
- model.load_state_dict(pretrained_model["params_ema"], strict=True)
+ if params is not None:
+ model.load_state_dict(pretrained_model[params], strict=True)
+ else:
+ model.load_state_dict(pretrained_model, strict=True)
if not cmd_opts.no_half:
model = model.half()
return model
diff --git a/modules/swinir_model_arch_v2.py b/modules/swinir_model_arch_v2.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e28ae6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/swinir_model_arch_v2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Swin2SR: Swin2SR: SwinV2 Transformer for Compressed Image Super-Resolution and Restoration, https://arxiv.org/abs/
+# Written by Conde and Choi et al.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import torch.utils.checkpoint as checkpoint
+from timm.models.layers import DropPath, to_2tuple, trunc_normal_
+class Mlp(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_features, hidden_features=None, out_features=None, act_layer=nn.GELU, drop=0.):
+ super().__init__()
+ out_features = out_features or in_features
+ hidden_features = hidden_features or in_features
+ self.fc1 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_features)
+ self.act = act_layer()
+ self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_features, out_features)
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.fc1(x)
+ x = self.act(x)
+ x = self.drop(x)
+ x = self.fc2(x)
+ x = self.drop(x)
+ return x
+def window_partition(x, window_size):
+ """
+ Args:
+ x: (B, H, W, C)
+ window_size (int): window size
+ Returns:
+ windows: (num_windows*B, window_size, window_size, C)
+ """
+ B, H, W, C = x.shape
+ x = x.view(B, H // window_size, window_size, W // window_size, window_size, C)
+ windows = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).contiguous().view(-1, window_size, window_size, C)
+ return windows
+def window_reverse(windows, window_size, H, W):
+ """
+ Args:
+ windows: (num_windows*B, window_size, window_size, C)
+ window_size (int): Window size
+ H (int): Height of image
+ W (int): Width of image
+ Returns:
+ x: (B, H, W, C)
+ """
+ B = int(windows.shape[0] / (H * W / window_size / window_size))
+ x = windows.view(B, H // window_size, W // window_size, window_size, window_size, -1)
+ x = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5).contiguous().view(B, H, W, -1)
+ return x
+class WindowAttention(nn.Module):
+ r""" Window based multi-head self attention (W-MSA) module with relative position bias.
+ It supports both of shifted and non-shifted window.
+ Args:
+ dim (int): Number of input channels.
+ window_size (tuple[int]): The height and width of the window.
+ num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
+ qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
+ attn_drop (float, optional): Dropout ratio of attention weight. Default: 0.0
+ proj_drop (float, optional): Dropout ratio of output. Default: 0.0
+ pretrained_window_size (tuple[int]): The height and width of the window in pre-training.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dim, window_size, num_heads, qkv_bias=True, attn_drop=0., proj_drop=0.,
+ pretrained_window_size=[0, 0]):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.window_size = window_size # Wh, Ww
+ self.pretrained_window_size = pretrained_window_size
+ self.num_heads = num_heads
+ self.logit_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.log(10 * torch.ones((num_heads, 1, 1))), requires_grad=True)
+ # mlp to generate continuous relative position bias
+ self.cpb_mlp = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 512, bias=True),
+ nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
+ nn.Linear(512, num_heads, bias=False))
+ # get relative_coords_table
+ relative_coords_h = torch.arange(-(self.window_size[0] - 1), self.window_size[0], dtype=torch.float32)
+ relative_coords_w = torch.arange(-(self.window_size[1] - 1), self.window_size[1], dtype=torch.float32)
+ relative_coords_table = torch.stack(
+ torch.meshgrid([relative_coords_h,
+ relative_coords_w])).permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous().unsqueeze(0) # 1, 2*Wh-1, 2*Ww-1, 2
+ if pretrained_window_size[0] > 0:
+ relative_coords_table[:, :, :, 0] /= (pretrained_window_size[0] - 1)
+ relative_coords_table[:, :, :, 1] /= (pretrained_window_size[1] - 1)
+ else:
+ relative_coords_table[:, :, :, 0] /= (self.window_size[0] - 1)
+ relative_coords_table[:, :, :, 1] /= (self.window_size[1] - 1)
+ relative_coords_table *= 8 # normalize to -8, 8
+ relative_coords_table = torch.sign(relative_coords_table) * torch.log2(
+ torch.abs(relative_coords_table) + 1.0) / np.log2(8)
+ self.register_buffer("relative_coords_table", relative_coords_table)
+ # get pair-wise relative position index for each token inside the window
+ coords_h = torch.arange(self.window_size[0])
+ coords_w = torch.arange(self.window_size[1])
+ coords = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid([coords_h, coords_w])) # 2, Wh, Ww
+ coords_flatten = torch.flatten(coords, 1) # 2, Wh*Ww
+ relative_coords = coords_flatten[:, :, None] - coords_flatten[:, None, :] # 2, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
+ relative_coords = relative_coords.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous() # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww, 2
+ relative_coords[:, :, 0] += self.window_size[0] - 1 # shift to start from 0
+ relative_coords[:, :, 1] += self.window_size[1] - 1
+ relative_coords[:, :, 0] *= 2 * self.window_size[1] - 1
+ relative_position_index = relative_coords.sum(-1) # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
+ self.register_buffer("relative_position_index", relative_position_index)
+ self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, dim * 3, bias=False)
+ if qkv_bias:
+ self.q_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(dim))
+ self.v_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(dim))
+ else:
+ self.q_bias = None
+ self.v_bias = None
+ self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop)
+ self.proj = nn.Linear(dim, dim)
+ self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(proj_drop)
+ self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
+ def forward(self, x, mask=None):
+ """
+ Args:
+ x: input features with shape of (num_windows*B, N, C)
+ mask: (0/-inf) mask with shape of (num_windows, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww) or None
+ """
+ B_, N, C = x.shape
+ qkv_bias = None
+ if self.q_bias is not None:
+ qkv_bias = torch.cat((self.q_bias, torch.zeros_like(self.v_bias, requires_grad=False), self.v_bias))
+ qkv = F.linear(input=x, weight=self.qkv.weight, bias=qkv_bias)
+ qkv = qkv.reshape(B_, N, 3, self.num_heads, -1).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)
+ q, k, v = qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2] # make torchscript happy (cannot use tensor as tuple)
+ # cosine attention
+ attn = (F.normalize(q, dim=-1) @ F.normalize(k, dim=-1).transpose(-2, -1))
+ logit_scale = torch.clamp(self.logit_scale, max=torch.log(torch.tensor(1. / 0.01)).to(self.logit_scale.device)).exp()
+ attn = attn * logit_scale
+ relative_position_bias_table = self.cpb_mlp(self.relative_coords_table).view(-1, self.num_heads)
+ relative_position_bias = relative_position_bias_table[self.relative_position_index.view(-1)].view(
+ self.window_size[0] * self.window_size[1], self.window_size[0] * self.window_size[1], -1) # Wh*Ww,Wh*Ww,nH
+ relative_position_bias = relative_position_bias.permute(2, 0, 1).contiguous() # nH, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
+ relative_position_bias = 16 * torch.sigmoid(relative_position_bias)
+ attn = attn + relative_position_bias.unsqueeze(0)
+ if mask is not None:
+ nW = mask.shape[0]
+ attn = attn.view(B_ // nW, nW, self.num_heads, N, N) + mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
+ attn = attn.view(-1, self.num_heads, N, N)
+ attn = self.softmax(attn)
+ else:
+ attn = self.softmax(attn)
+ attn = self.attn_drop(attn)
+ x = (attn @ v).transpose(1, 2).reshape(B_, N, C)
+ x = self.proj(x)
+ x = self.proj_drop(x)
+ return x
+ def extra_repr(self) -> str:
+ return f'dim={self.dim}, window_size={self.window_size}, ' \
+ f'pretrained_window_size={self.pretrained_window_size}, num_heads={self.num_heads}'
+ def flops(self, N):
+ # calculate flops for 1 window with token length of N
+ flops = 0
+ # qkv = self.qkv(x)
+ flops += N * self.dim * 3 * self.dim
+ # attn = (q @ k.transpose(-2, -1))
+ flops += self.num_heads * N * (self.dim // self.num_heads) * N
+ # x = (attn @ v)
+ flops += self.num_heads * N * N * (self.dim // self.num_heads)
+ # x = self.proj(x)
+ flops += N * self.dim * self.dim
+ return flops
+class SwinTransformerBlock(nn.Module):
+ r""" Swin Transformer Block.
+ Args:
+ dim (int): Number of input channels.
+ input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resulotion.
+ num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
+ window_size (int): Window size.
+ shift_size (int): Shift size for SW-MSA.
+ mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim.
+ qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
+ drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ drop_path (float, optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0
+ act_layer (nn.Module, optional): Activation layer. Default: nn.GELU
+ norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
+ pretrained_window_size (int): Window size in pre-training.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dim, input_resolution, num_heads, window_size=7, shift_size=0,
+ mlp_ratio=4., qkv_bias=True, drop=0., attn_drop=0., drop_path=0.,
+ act_layer=nn.GELU, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, pretrained_window_size=0):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.input_resolution = input_resolution
+ self.num_heads = num_heads
+ self.window_size = window_size
+ self.shift_size = shift_size
+ self.mlp_ratio = mlp_ratio
+ if min(self.input_resolution) <= self.window_size:
+ # if window size is larger than input resolution, we don't partition windows
+ self.shift_size = 0
+ self.window_size = min(self.input_resolution)
+ assert 0 <= self.shift_size < self.window_size, "shift_size must in 0-window_size"
+ self.norm1 = norm_layer(dim)
+ self.attn = WindowAttention(
+ dim, window_size=to_2tuple(self.window_size), num_heads=num_heads,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias, attn_drop=attn_drop, proj_drop=drop,
+ pretrained_window_size=to_2tuple(pretrained_window_size))
+ self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0. else nn.Identity()
+ self.norm2 = norm_layer(dim)
+ mlp_hidden_dim = int(dim * mlp_ratio)
+ self.mlp = Mlp(in_features=dim, hidden_features=mlp_hidden_dim, act_layer=act_layer, drop=drop)
+ if self.shift_size > 0:
+ attn_mask = self.calculate_mask(self.input_resolution)
+ else:
+ attn_mask = None
+ self.register_buffer("attn_mask", attn_mask)
+ def calculate_mask(self, x_size):
+ # calculate attention mask for SW-MSA
+ H, W = x_size
+ img_mask = torch.zeros((1, H, W, 1)) # 1 H W 1
+ h_slices = (slice(0, -self.window_size),
+ slice(-self.window_size, -self.shift_size),
+ slice(-self.shift_size, None))
+ w_slices = (slice(0, -self.window_size),
+ slice(-self.window_size, -self.shift_size),
+ slice(-self.shift_size, None))
+ cnt = 0
+ for h in h_slices:
+ for w in w_slices:
+ img_mask[:, h, w, :] = cnt
+ cnt += 1
+ mask_windows = window_partition(img_mask, self.window_size) # nW, window_size, window_size, 1
+ mask_windows = mask_windows.view(-1, self.window_size * self.window_size)
+ attn_mask = mask_windows.unsqueeze(1) - mask_windows.unsqueeze(2)
+ attn_mask = attn_mask.masked_fill(attn_mask != 0, float(-100.0)).masked_fill(attn_mask == 0, float(0.0))
+ return attn_mask
+ def forward(self, x, x_size):
+ H, W = x_size
+ B, L, C = x.shape
+ #assert L == H * W, "input feature has wrong size"
+ shortcut = x
+ x = x.view(B, H, W, C)
+ # cyclic shift
+ if self.shift_size > 0:
+ shifted_x = torch.roll(x, shifts=(-self.shift_size, -self.shift_size), dims=(1, 2))
+ else:
+ shifted_x = x
+ # partition windows
+ x_windows = window_partition(shifted_x, self.window_size) # nW*B, window_size, window_size, C
+ x_windows = x_windows.view(-1, self.window_size * self.window_size, C) # nW*B, window_size*window_size, C
+ # W-MSA/SW-MSA (to be compatible for testing on images whose shapes are the multiple of window size
+ if self.input_resolution == x_size:
+ attn_windows = self.attn(x_windows, mask=self.attn_mask) # nW*B, window_size*window_size, C
+ else:
+ attn_windows = self.attn(x_windows, mask=self.calculate_mask(x_size).to(x.device))
+ # merge windows
+ attn_windows = attn_windows.view(-1, self.window_size, self.window_size, C)
+ shifted_x = window_reverse(attn_windows, self.window_size, H, W) # B H' W' C
+ # reverse cyclic shift
+ if self.shift_size > 0:
+ x = torch.roll(shifted_x, shifts=(self.shift_size, self.shift_size), dims=(1, 2))
+ else:
+ x = shifted_x
+ x = x.view(B, H * W, C)
+ x = shortcut + self.drop_path(self.norm1(x))
+ # FFN
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.norm2(self.mlp(x)))
+ return x
+ def extra_repr(self) -> str:
+ return f"dim={self.dim}, input_resolution={self.input_resolution}, num_heads={self.num_heads}, " \
+ f"window_size={self.window_size}, shift_size={self.shift_size}, mlp_ratio={self.mlp_ratio}"
+ def flops(self):
+ flops = 0
+ H, W = self.input_resolution
+ # norm1
+ flops += self.dim * H * W
+ nW = H * W / self.window_size / self.window_size
+ flops += nW * self.attn.flops(self.window_size * self.window_size)
+ # mlp
+ flops += 2 * H * W * self.dim * self.dim * self.mlp_ratio
+ # norm2
+ flops += self.dim * H * W
+ return flops
+class PatchMerging(nn.Module):
+ r""" Patch Merging Layer.
+ Args:
+ input_resolution (tuple[int]): Resolution of input feature.
+ dim (int): Number of input channels.
+ norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input_resolution, dim, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.input_resolution = input_resolution
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.reduction = nn.Linear(4 * dim, 2 * dim, bias=False)
+ self.norm = norm_layer(2 * dim)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """
+ x: B, H*W, C
+ """
+ H, W = self.input_resolution
+ B, L, C = x.shape
+ assert L == H * W, "input feature has wrong size"
+ assert H % 2 == 0 and W % 2 == 0, f"x size ({H}*{W}) are not even."
+ x = x.view(B, H, W, C)
+ x0 = x[:, 0::2, 0::2, :] # B H/2 W/2 C
+ x1 = x[:, 1::2, 0::2, :] # B H/2 W/2 C
+ x2 = x[:, 0::2, 1::2, :] # B H/2 W/2 C
+ x3 = x[:, 1::2, 1::2, :] # B H/2 W/2 C
+ x = torch.cat([x0, x1, x2, x3], -1) # B H/2 W/2 4*C
+ x = x.view(B, -1, 4 * C) # B H/2*W/2 4*C
+ x = self.reduction(x)
+ x = self.norm(x)
+ return x
+ def extra_repr(self) -> str:
+ return f"input_resolution={self.input_resolution}, dim={self.dim}"
+ def flops(self):
+ H, W = self.input_resolution
+ flops = (H // 2) * (W // 2) * 4 * self.dim * 2 * self.dim
+ flops += H * W * self.dim // 2
+ return flops
+class BasicLayer(nn.Module):
+ """ A basic Swin Transformer layer for one stage.
+ Args:
+ dim (int): Number of input channels.
+ input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resolution.
+ depth (int): Number of blocks.
+ num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
+ window_size (int): Local window size.
+ mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim.
+ qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
+ drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ drop_path (float | tuple[float], optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0
+ norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
+ downsample (nn.Module | None, optional): Downsample layer at the end of the layer. Default: None
+ use_checkpoint (bool): Whether to use checkpointing to save memory. Default: False.
+ pretrained_window_size (int): Local window size in pre-training.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dim, input_resolution, depth, num_heads, window_size,
+ mlp_ratio=4., qkv_bias=True, drop=0., attn_drop=0.,
+ drop_path=0., norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, downsample=None, use_checkpoint=False,
+ pretrained_window_size=0):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.input_resolution = input_resolution
+ self.depth = depth
+ self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
+ # build blocks
+ self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([
+ SwinTransformerBlock(dim=dim, input_resolution=input_resolution,
+ num_heads=num_heads, window_size=window_size,
+ shift_size=0 if (i % 2 == 0) else window_size // 2,
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ drop=drop, attn_drop=attn_drop,
+ drop_path=drop_path[i] if isinstance(drop_path, list) else drop_path,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ pretrained_window_size=pretrained_window_size)
+ for i in range(depth)])
+ # patch merging layer
+ if downsample is not None:
+ self.downsample = downsample(input_resolution, dim=dim, norm_layer=norm_layer)
+ else:
+ self.downsample = None
+ def forward(self, x, x_size):
+ for blk in self.blocks:
+ if self.use_checkpoint:
+ x = checkpoint.checkpoint(blk, x, x_size)
+ else:
+ x = blk(x, x_size)
+ if self.downsample is not None:
+ x = self.downsample(x)
+ return x
+ def extra_repr(self) -> str:
+ return f"dim={self.dim}, input_resolution={self.input_resolution}, depth={self.depth}"
+ def flops(self):
+ flops = 0
+ for blk in self.blocks:
+ flops += blk.flops()
+ if self.downsample is not None:
+ flops += self.downsample.flops()
+ return flops
+ def _init_respostnorm(self):
+ for blk in self.blocks:
+ nn.init.constant_(blk.norm1.bias, 0)
+ nn.init.constant_(blk.norm1.weight, 0)
+ nn.init.constant_(blk.norm2.bias, 0)
+ nn.init.constant_(blk.norm2.weight, 0)
+class PatchEmbed(nn.Module):
+ r""" Image to Patch Embedding
+ Args:
+ img_size (int): Image size. Default: 224.
+ patch_size (int): Patch token size. Default: 4.
+ in_chans (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3.
+ embed_dim (int): Number of linear projection output channels. Default: 96.
+ norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: None
+ """
+ def __init__(self, img_size=224, patch_size=4, in_chans=3, embed_dim=96, norm_layer=None):
+ super().__init__()
+ img_size = to_2tuple(img_size)
+ patch_size = to_2tuple(patch_size)
+ patches_resolution = [img_size[0] // patch_size[0], img_size[1] // patch_size[1]]
+ self.img_size = img_size
+ self.patch_size = patch_size
+ self.patches_resolution = patches_resolution
+ self.num_patches = patches_resolution[0] * patches_resolution[1]
+ self.in_chans = in_chans
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ self.proj = nn.Conv2d(in_chans, embed_dim, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=patch_size)
+ if norm_layer is not None:
+ self.norm = norm_layer(embed_dim)
+ else:
+ self.norm = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ B, C, H, W = x.shape
+ # FIXME look at relaxing size constraints
+ # assert H == self.img_size[0] and W == self.img_size[1],
+ # f"Input image size ({H}*{W}) doesn't match model ({self.img_size[0]}*{self.img_size[1]})."
+ x = self.proj(x).flatten(2).transpose(1, 2) # B Ph*Pw C
+ if self.norm is not None:
+ x = self.norm(x)
+ return x
+ def flops(self):
+ Ho, Wo = self.patches_resolution
+ flops = Ho * Wo * self.embed_dim * self.in_chans * (self.patch_size[0] * self.patch_size[1])
+ if self.norm is not None:
+ flops += Ho * Wo * self.embed_dim
+ return flops
+class RSTB(nn.Module):
+ """Residual Swin Transformer Block (RSTB).
+ Args:
+ dim (int): Number of input channels.
+ input_resolution (tuple[int]): Input resolution.
+ depth (int): Number of blocks.
+ num_heads (int): Number of attention heads.
+ window_size (int): Local window size.
+ mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim.
+ qkv_bias (bool, optional): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
+ drop (float, optional): Dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ attn_drop (float, optional): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0.0
+ drop_path (float | tuple[float], optional): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.0
+ norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm
+ downsample (nn.Module | None, optional): Downsample layer at the end of the layer. Default: None
+ use_checkpoint (bool): Whether to use checkpointing to save memory. Default: False.
+ img_size: Input image size.
+ patch_size: Patch size.
+ resi_connection: The convolutional block before residual connection.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dim, input_resolution, depth, num_heads, window_size,
+ mlp_ratio=4., qkv_bias=True, drop=0., attn_drop=0.,
+ drop_path=0., norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, downsample=None, use_checkpoint=False,
+ img_size=224, patch_size=4, resi_connection='1conv'):
+ super(RSTB, self).__init__()
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.input_resolution = input_resolution
+ self.residual_group = BasicLayer(dim=dim,
+ input_resolution=input_resolution,
+ depth=depth,
+ num_heads=num_heads,
+ window_size=window_size,
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ drop=drop, attn_drop=attn_drop,
+ drop_path=drop_path,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ downsample=downsample,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint)
+ if resi_connection == '1conv':
+ self.conv = nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, 1, 1)
+ elif resi_connection == '3conv':
+ # to save parameters and memory
+ self.conv = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(dim, dim // 4, 3, 1, 1), nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
+ nn.Conv2d(dim // 4, dim // 4, 1, 1, 0),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
+ nn.Conv2d(dim // 4, dim, 3, 1, 1))
+ self.patch_embed = PatchEmbed(
+ img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=dim, embed_dim=dim,
+ norm_layer=None)
+ self.patch_unembed = PatchUnEmbed(
+ img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=dim, embed_dim=dim,
+ norm_layer=None)
+ def forward(self, x, x_size):
+ return self.patch_embed(self.conv(self.patch_unembed(self.residual_group(x, x_size), x_size))) + x
+ def flops(self):
+ flops = 0
+ flops += self.residual_group.flops()
+ H, W = self.input_resolution
+ flops += H * W * self.dim * self.dim * 9
+ flops += self.patch_embed.flops()
+ flops += self.patch_unembed.flops()
+ return flops
+class PatchUnEmbed(nn.Module):
+ r""" Image to Patch Unembedding
+ Args:
+ img_size (int): Image size. Default: 224.
+ patch_size (int): Patch token size. Default: 4.
+ in_chans (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3.
+ embed_dim (int): Number of linear projection output channels. Default: 96.
+ norm_layer (nn.Module, optional): Normalization layer. Default: None
+ """
+ def __init__(self, img_size=224, patch_size=4, in_chans=3, embed_dim=96, norm_layer=None):
+ super().__init__()
+ img_size = to_2tuple(img_size)
+ patch_size = to_2tuple(patch_size)
+ patches_resolution = [img_size[0] // patch_size[0], img_size[1] // patch_size[1]]
+ self.img_size = img_size
+ self.patch_size = patch_size
+ self.patches_resolution = patches_resolution
+ self.num_patches = patches_resolution[0] * patches_resolution[1]
+ self.in_chans = in_chans
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ def forward(self, x, x_size):
+ B, HW, C = x.shape
+ x = x.transpose(1, 2).view(B, self.embed_dim, x_size[0], x_size[1]) # B Ph*Pw C
+ return x
+ def flops(self):
+ flops = 0
+ return flops
+class Upsample(nn.Sequential):
+ """Upsample module.
+ Args:
+ scale (int): Scale factor. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.
+ num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, scale, num_feat):
+ m = []
+ if (scale & (scale - 1)) == 0: # scale = 2^n
+ for _ in range(int(math.log(scale, 2))):
+ m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 4 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
+ m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(2))
+ elif scale == 3:
+ m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 9 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
+ m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(3))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'scale {scale} is not supported. ' 'Supported scales: 2^n and 3.')
+ super(Upsample, self).__init__(*m)
+class Upsample_hf(nn.Sequential):
+ """Upsample module.
+ Args:
+ scale (int): Scale factor. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.
+ num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, scale, num_feat):
+ m = []
+ if (scale & (scale - 1)) == 0: # scale = 2^n
+ for _ in range(int(math.log(scale, 2))):
+ m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 4 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
+ m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(2))
+ elif scale == 3:
+ m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, 9 * num_feat, 3, 1, 1))
+ m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(3))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'scale {scale} is not supported. ' 'Supported scales: 2^n and 3.')
+ super(Upsample_hf, self).__init__(*m)
+class UpsampleOneStep(nn.Sequential):
+ """UpsampleOneStep module (the difference with Upsample is that it always only has 1conv + 1pixelshuffle)
+ Used in lightweight SR to save parameters.
+ Args:
+ scale (int): Scale factor. Supported scales: 2^n and 3.
+ num_feat (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, scale, num_feat, num_out_ch, input_resolution=None):
+ self.num_feat = num_feat
+ self.input_resolution = input_resolution
+ m = []
+ m.append(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, (scale ** 2) * num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1))
+ m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(scale))
+ super(UpsampleOneStep, self).__init__(*m)
+ def flops(self):
+ H, W = self.input_resolution
+ flops = H * W * self.num_feat * 3 * 9
+ return flops
+class Swin2SR(nn.Module):
+ r""" Swin2SR
+ A PyTorch impl of : `Swin2SR: SwinV2 Transformer for Compressed Image Super-Resolution and Restoration`.
+ Args:
+ img_size (int | tuple(int)): Input image size. Default 64
+ patch_size (int | tuple(int)): Patch size. Default: 1
+ in_chans (int): Number of input image channels. Default: 3
+ embed_dim (int): Patch embedding dimension. Default: 96
+ depths (tuple(int)): Depth of each Swin Transformer layer.
+ num_heads (tuple(int)): Number of attention heads in different layers.
+ window_size (int): Window size. Default: 7
+ mlp_ratio (float): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim. Default: 4
+ qkv_bias (bool): If True, add a learnable bias to query, key, value. Default: True
+ drop_rate (float): Dropout rate. Default: 0
+ attn_drop_rate (float): Attention dropout rate. Default: 0
+ drop_path_rate (float): Stochastic depth rate. Default: 0.1
+ norm_layer (nn.Module): Normalization layer. Default: nn.LayerNorm.
+ ape (bool): If True, add absolute position embedding to the patch embedding. Default: False
+ patch_norm (bool): If True, add normalization after patch embedding. Default: True
+ use_checkpoint (bool): Whether to use checkpointing to save memory. Default: False
+ upscale: Upscale factor. 2/3/4/8 for image SR, 1 for denoising and compress artifact reduction
+ img_range: Image range. 1. or 255.
+ upsampler: The reconstruction reconstruction module. 'pixelshuffle'/'pixelshuffledirect'/'nearest+conv'/None
+ resi_connection: The convolutional block before residual connection. '1conv'/'3conv'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, img_size=64, patch_size=1, in_chans=3,
+ embed_dim=96, depths=[6, 6, 6, 6], num_heads=[6, 6, 6, 6],
+ window_size=7, mlp_ratio=4., qkv_bias=True,
+ drop_rate=0., attn_drop_rate=0., drop_path_rate=0.1,
+ norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, ape=False, patch_norm=True,
+ use_checkpoint=False, upscale=2, img_range=1., upsampler='', resi_connection='1conv',
+ **kwargs):
+ super(Swin2SR, self).__init__()
+ num_in_ch = in_chans
+ num_out_ch = in_chans
+ num_feat = 64
+ self.img_range = img_range
+ if in_chans == 3:
+ rgb_mean = (0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040)
+ self.mean = torch.Tensor(rgb_mean).view(1, 3, 1, 1)
+ else:
+ self.mean = torch.zeros(1, 1, 1, 1)
+ self.upscale = upscale
+ self.upsampler = upsampler
+ self.window_size = window_size
+ #####################################################################################################
+ ################################### 1, shallow feature extraction ###################################
+ self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1)
+ #####################################################################################################
+ ################################### 2, deep feature extraction ######################################
+ self.num_layers = len(depths)
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ self.ape = ape
+ self.patch_norm = patch_norm
+ self.num_features = embed_dim
+ self.mlp_ratio = mlp_ratio
+ # split image into non-overlapping patches
+ self.patch_embed = PatchEmbed(
+ img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=embed_dim, embed_dim=embed_dim,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer if self.patch_norm else None)
+ num_patches = self.patch_embed.num_patches
+ patches_resolution = self.patch_embed.patches_resolution
+ self.patches_resolution = patches_resolution
+ # merge non-overlapping patches into image
+ self.patch_unembed = PatchUnEmbed(
+ img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size, in_chans=embed_dim, embed_dim=embed_dim,
+ norm_layer=norm_layer if self.patch_norm else None)
+ # absolute position embedding
+ if self.ape:
+ self.absolute_pos_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, num_patches, embed_dim))
+ trunc_normal_(self.absolute_pos_embed, std=.02)
+ self.pos_drop = nn.Dropout(p=drop_rate)
+ # stochastic depth
+ dpr = [x.item() for x in torch.linspace(0, drop_path_rate, sum(depths))] # stochastic depth decay rule
+ # build Residual Swin Transformer blocks (RSTB)
+ self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i_layer in range(self.num_layers):
+ layer = RSTB(dim=embed_dim,
+ input_resolution=(patches_resolution[0],
+ patches_resolution[1]),
+ depth=depths[i_layer],
+ num_heads=num_heads[i_layer],
+ window_size=window_size,
+ mlp_ratio=self.mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ drop=drop_rate, attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
+ drop_path=dpr[sum(depths[:i_layer]):sum(depths[:i_layer + 1])], # no impact on SR results
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ downsample=None,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ img_size=img_size,
+ patch_size=patch_size,
+ resi_connection=resi_connection
+ )
+ self.layers.append(layer)
+ if self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle_hf':
+ self.layers_hf = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i_layer in range(self.num_layers):
+ layer = RSTB(dim=embed_dim,
+ input_resolution=(patches_resolution[0],
+ patches_resolution[1]),
+ depth=depths[i_layer],
+ num_heads=num_heads[i_layer],
+ window_size=window_size,
+ mlp_ratio=self.mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ drop=drop_rate, attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
+ drop_path=dpr[sum(depths[:i_layer]):sum(depths[:i_layer + 1])], # no impact on SR results
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ downsample=None,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ img_size=img_size,
+ patch_size=patch_size,
+ resi_connection=resi_connection
+ )
+ self.layers_hf.append(layer)
+ self.norm = norm_layer(self.num_features)
+ # build the last conv layer in deep feature extraction
+ if resi_connection == '1conv':
+ self.conv_after_body = nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1)
+ elif resi_connection == '3conv':
+ # to save parameters and memory
+ self.conv_after_body = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, embed_dim // 4, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
+ nn.Conv2d(embed_dim // 4, embed_dim // 4, 1, 1, 0),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True),
+ nn.Conv2d(embed_dim // 4, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1))
+ #####################################################################################################
+ ################################ 3, high quality image reconstruction ################################
+ if self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle':
+ # for classical SR
+ self.conv_before_upsample = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_feat, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.upsample = Upsample(upscale, num_feat)
+ self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
+ elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle_aux':
+ self.conv_bicubic = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.conv_before_upsample = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_feat, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.conv_aux = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.conv_after_aux = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(3, num_feat, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.upsample = Upsample(upscale, num_feat)
+ self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
+ elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle_hf':
+ self.conv_before_upsample = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_feat, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.upsample = Upsample(upscale, num_feat)
+ self.upsample_hf = Upsample_hf(upscale, num_feat)
+ self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.conv_first_hf = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(num_feat, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.conv_after_body_hf = nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, embed_dim, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.conv_before_upsample_hf = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_feat, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.conv_last_hf = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
+ elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffledirect':
+ # for lightweight SR (to save parameters)
+ self.upsample = UpsampleOneStep(upscale, embed_dim, num_out_ch,
+ (patches_resolution[0], patches_resolution[1]))
+ elif self.upsampler == 'nearest+conv':
+ # for real-world SR (less artifacts)
+ assert self.upscale == 4, 'only support x4 now.'
+ self.conv_before_upsample = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_feat, 3, 1, 1),
+ nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=True))
+ self.conv_up1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.conv_up2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True)
+ else:
+ # for image denoising and JPEG compression artifact reduction
+ self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1)
+ self.apply(self._init_weights)
+ def _init_weights(self, m):
+ if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
+ trunc_normal_(m.weight, std=.02)
+ if isinstance(m, nn.Linear) and m.bias is not None:
+ nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.LayerNorm):
+ nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
+ nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1.0)
+ @torch.jit.ignore
+ def no_weight_decay(self):
+ return {'absolute_pos_embed'}
+ @torch.jit.ignore
+ def no_weight_decay_keywords(self):
+ return {'relative_position_bias_table'}
+ def check_image_size(self, x):
+ _, _, h, w = x.size()
+ mod_pad_h = (self.window_size - h % self.window_size) % self.window_size
+ mod_pad_w = (self.window_size - w % self.window_size) % self.window_size
+ x = F.pad(x, (0, mod_pad_w, 0, mod_pad_h), 'reflect')
+ return x
+ def forward_features(self, x):
+ x_size = (x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
+ x = self.patch_embed(x)
+ if self.ape:
+ x = x + self.absolute_pos_embed
+ x = self.pos_drop(x)
+ for layer in self.layers:
+ x = layer(x, x_size)
+ x = self.norm(x) # B L C
+ x = self.patch_unembed(x, x_size)
+ return x
+ def forward_features_hf(self, x):
+ x_size = (x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
+ x = self.patch_embed(x)
+ if self.ape:
+ x = x + self.absolute_pos_embed
+ x = self.pos_drop(x)
+ for layer in self.layers_hf:
+ x = layer(x, x_size)
+ x = self.norm(x) # B L C
+ x = self.patch_unembed(x, x_size)
+ return x
+ def forward(self, x):
+ H, W = x.shape[2:]
+ x = self.check_image_size(x)
+ self.mean = self.mean.type_as(x)
+ x = (x - self.mean) * self.img_range
+ if self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle':
+ # for classical SR
+ x = self.conv_first(x)
+ x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
+ x = self.conv_before_upsample(x)
+ x = self.conv_last(self.upsample(x))
+ elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle_aux':
+ bicubic = F.interpolate(x, size=(H * self.upscale, W * self.upscale), mode='bicubic', align_corners=False)
+ bicubic = self.conv_bicubic(bicubic)
+ x = self.conv_first(x)
+ x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
+ x = self.conv_before_upsample(x)
+ aux = self.conv_aux(x) # b, 3, LR_H, LR_W
+ x = self.conv_after_aux(aux)
+ x = self.upsample(x)[:, :, :H * self.upscale, :W * self.upscale] + bicubic[:, :, :H * self.upscale, :W * self.upscale]
+ x = self.conv_last(x)
+ aux = aux / self.img_range + self.mean
+ elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffle_hf':
+ # for classical SR with HF
+ x = self.conv_first(x)
+ x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
+ x_before = self.conv_before_upsample(x)
+ x_out = self.conv_last(self.upsample(x_before))
+ x_hf = self.conv_first_hf(x_before)
+ x_hf = self.conv_after_body_hf(self.forward_features_hf(x_hf)) + x_hf
+ x_hf = self.conv_before_upsample_hf(x_hf)
+ x_hf = self.conv_last_hf(self.upsample_hf(x_hf))
+ x = x_out + x_hf
+ x_hf = x_hf / self.img_range + self.mean
+ elif self.upsampler == 'pixelshuffledirect':
+ # for lightweight SR
+ x = self.conv_first(x)
+ x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
+ x = self.upsample(x)
+ elif self.upsampler == 'nearest+conv':
+ # for real-world SR
+ x = self.conv_first(x)
+ x = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x)) + x
+ x = self.conv_before_upsample(x)
+ x = self.lrelu(self.conv_up1(torch.nn.functional.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')))
+ x = self.lrelu(self.conv_up2(torch.nn.functional.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')))
+ x = self.conv_last(self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(x)))
+ else:
+ # for image denoising and JPEG compression artifact reduction
+ x_first = self.conv_first(x)
+ res = self.conv_after_body(self.forward_features(x_first)) + x_first
+ x = x + self.conv_last(res)
+ x = x / self.img_range + self.mean
+ if self.upsampler == "pixelshuffle_aux":
+ return x[:, :, :H*self.upscale, :W*self.upscale], aux
+ elif self.upsampler == "pixelshuffle_hf":
+ x_out = x_out / self.img_range + self.mean
+ return x_out[:, :, :H*self.upscale, :W*self.upscale], x[:, :, :H*self.upscale, :W*self.upscale], x_hf[:, :, :H*self.upscale, :W*self.upscale]
+ else:
+ return x[:, :, :H*self.upscale, :W*self.upscale]
+ def flops(self):
+ flops = 0
+ H, W = self.patches_resolution
+ flops += H * W * 3 * self.embed_dim * 9
+ flops += self.patch_embed.flops()
+ for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
+ flops += layer.flops()
+ flops += H * W * 3 * self.embed_dim * self.embed_dim
+ flops += self.upsample.flops()
+ return flops
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ upscale = 4
+ window_size = 8
+ height = (1024 // upscale // window_size + 1) * window_size
+ width = (720 // upscale // window_size + 1) * window_size
+ model = Swin2SR(upscale=2, img_size=(height, width),
+ window_size=window_size, img_range=1., depths=[6, 6, 6, 6],
+ embed_dim=60, num_heads=[6, 6, 6, 6], mlp_ratio=2, upsampler='pixelshuffledirect')
+ print(model)
+ print(height, width, model.flops() / 1e9)
+ x = torch.randn((1, 3, height, width))
+ x = model(x)
+ print(x.shape) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/textual_inversion/textual_inversion.py b/modules/textual_inversion/textual_inversion.py
index 45397be9..a03b299c 100644
--- a/modules/textual_inversion/textual_inversion.py
+++ b/modules/textual_inversion/textual_inversion.py
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ def train_embedding(embedding_name, learn_rate, data_root, log_directory, traini
return embedding, filename
tr_img_len = len([os.path.join(data_root, file_path) for file_path in os.listdir(data_root) if os.path.splitext(file_path.casefold())[1] in extns])
epoch_len = (tr_img_len * num_repeats) + tr_img_len
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(ds), total=steps-ititial_step)
diff --git a/modules/ui.py b/modules/ui.py
index 8c06ad7c..e8039d76 100644
--- a/modules/ui.py
+++ b/modules/ui.py
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
denoising_strength = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, label='Denoising strength', value=0.7)
with gr.Row():
- batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=cmd_opts.max_batch_count, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
+ batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
batch_size = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=8, step=1, label='Batch size', value=1)
cfg_scale = gr.Slider(minimum=1.0, maximum=30.0, step=0.5, label='CFG Scale', value=7.0)
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
tiling = gr.Checkbox(label='Tiling', value=False)
with gr.Row():
- batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=cmd_opts.max_batch_count, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
+ batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
batch_size = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=8, step=1, label='Batch size', value=1)
with gr.Group():
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
fn=lambda x: image_from_url_text(x),
- _js="extract_image_from_gallery_img2img",
+ _js="extract_image_from_gallery_inpaint",