""" Supports saving and restoring webui and extensions from a known working set of commits """ import os import sys import traceback import json import time import tqdm from datetime import datetime from collections import OrderedDict import git from modules import shared, extensions from modules.paths_internal import extensions_dir, extensions_builtin_dir, script_path, config_states_dir all_config_states = OrderedDict() def list_config_states(): global all_config_states all_config_states.clear() os.makedirs(config_states_dir, exist_ok=True) config_states = [] for filename in os.listdir(config_states_dir): if filename.endswith(".json"): path = os.path.join(config_states_dir, filename) with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: j = json.load(f) j["filepath"] = path config_states.append(j) config_states = list(sorted(config_states, key=lambda cs: cs["created_at"], reverse=True)) for cs in config_states: timestamp = time.asctime(time.gmtime(cs["created_at"])) name = cs.get("name", "Config") full_name = f"{name}: {timestamp}" all_config_states[full_name] = cs return all_config_states def get_webui_config(): webui_repo = None try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(script_path, ".git")): webui_repo = git.Repo(script_path) except Exception: print(f"Error reading webui git info from {script_path}:", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) webui_remote = None webui_commit_hash = None webui_commit_date = None webui_branch = None if webui_repo and not webui_repo.bare: try: webui_remote = next(webui_repo.remote().urls, None) head = webui_repo.head.commit webui_commit_date = webui_repo.head.commit.committed_date webui_commit_hash = head.hexsha webui_branch = webui_repo.active_branch.name except Exception: webui_remote = None return { "remote": webui_remote, "commit_hash": webui_commit_hash, "commit_date": webui_commit_date, "branch": webui_branch, } def get_extension_config(): ext_config = {} for ext in extensions.extensions: entry = { "name": ext.name, "path": ext.path, "enabled": ext.enabled, "is_builtin": ext.is_builtin, "remote": ext.remote, "commit_hash": ext.commit_hash, "commit_date": ext.commit_date, "branch": ext.branch, "have_info_from_repo": ext.have_info_from_repo } ext_config[ext.name] = entry return ext_config def get_config(): creation_time = datetime.now().timestamp() webui_config = get_webui_config() ext_config = get_extension_config() return { "created_at": creation_time, "webui": webui_config, "extensions": ext_config } def restore_webui_config(config): print("* Restoring webui state...") if "webui" not in config: print("Error: No webui data saved to config") return webui_config = config["webui"] if "commit_hash" not in webui_config: print("Error: No commit saved to webui config") return webui_commit_hash = webui_config.get("commit_hash", None) webui_repo = None try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(script_path, ".git")): webui_repo = git.Repo(script_path) except Exception: print(f"Error reading webui git info from {script_path}:", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) return try: webui_repo.git.fetch(all=True) webui_repo.git.reset(webui_commit_hash, hard=True) print(f"* Restored webui to commit {webui_commit_hash}.") except Exception: print(f"Error restoring webui to commit {webui_commit_hash}:", file=sys.stderr) print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) def restore_extension_config(config): print("* Restoring extension state...") if "extensions" not in config: print("Error: No extension data saved to config") return ext_config = config["extensions"] results = [] disabled = [] for ext in tqdm.tqdm(extensions.extensions): if ext.is_builtin: continue ext.read_info_from_repo() current_commit = ext.commit_hash if ext.name not in ext_config: ext.disabled = True disabled.append(ext.name) results.append((ext, current_commit[:8], False, "Saved extension state not found in config, marking as disabled")) continue entry = ext_config[ext.name] if "commit_hash" in entry and entry["commit_hash"]: try: ext.fetch_and_reset_hard(entry["commit_hash"]) ext.read_info_from_repo() if current_commit != entry["commit_hash"]: results.append((ext, current_commit[:8], True, entry["commit_hash"][:8])) except Exception as ex: results.append((ext, current_commit[:8], False, ex)) else: results.append((ext, current_commit[:8], False, "No commit hash found in config")) if not entry.get("enabled", False): ext.disabled = True disabled.append(ext.name) else: ext.disabled = False shared.opts.disabled_extensions = disabled shared.opts.save(shared.config_filename) print("* Finished restoring extensions. Results:") for ext, prev_commit, success, result in results: if success: print(f" + {ext.name}: {prev_commit} -> {result}") else: print(f" ! {ext.name}: FAILURE ({result})")