import os import shutil import time import hashlib import gradio show_max_dates_num = 3 system_bak_path = "webui_log_and_bak" def is_valid_date(date): try: time.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d") return True except: return False def reduplicative_file_move(src, dst): def same_name_file(basename, path): name, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) f_list = os.listdir(path) max_num = 0 for f in f_list: if len(f) <= len(basename): continue f_ext = f[-len(ext):] if len(ext) > 0 else "" if f[:len(name)] == name and f_ext == ext: if f[len(name)] == "(" and f[-len(ext)-1] == ")": number = f[len(name)+1:-len(ext)-1] if number.isdigit(): if int(number) > max_num: max_num = int(number) return f"{name}({max_num + 1}){ext}" name = os.path.basename(src) save_name = os.path.join(dst, name) if not os.path.exists(save_name): shutil.move(src, dst) else: name = same_name_file(name, dst) shutil.move(src, os.path.join(dst, name)) def traverse_all_files(curr_path, image_list, all_type=False): try: f_list = os.listdir(curr_path) except: if all_type or curr_path[-10:].rfind(".") > 0 and curr_path[-4:] != ".txt": image_list.append(curr_path) return image_list for file in f_list: file = os.path.join(curr_path, file) if (not all_type) and file[-4:] == ".txt": pass elif os.path.isfile(file) and file[-10:].rfind(".") > 0: image_list.append(file) else: image_list = traverse_all_files(file, image_list) return image_list def get_recent_images(dir_name, page_index, step, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to): #print(f"turn_page {page_index}",date_from) if date_from is None or date_from == "": return None, 1, None, "" image_list = [] date_list = auto_sorting(dir_name) page_index = int(page_index) today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time())) for date in date_list: if date >= date_from and date <= date_to: path = os.path.join(dir_name, date) if date == today and not os.path.exists(path): continue image_list = traverse_all_files(path, image_list) image_list = sorted(image_list, key=lambda file: -os.path.getctime(file)) num = 48 if tabname != "extras" else 12 max_page_index = len(image_list) // num + 1 page_index = max_page_index if page_index == -1 else page_index + step page_index = 1 if page_index < 1 else page_index page_index = max_page_index if page_index > max_page_index else page_index idx_frm = (page_index - 1) * num image_list = image_list[idx_frm:idx_frm + num] image_index = int(image_index) if image_index < 0 or image_index > len(image_list) - 1: current_file = None else: current_file = image_list[image_index] return image_list, page_index, image_list, "" def auto_sorting(dir_name): #print(f"auto sorting") bak_path = os.path.join(dir_name, system_bak_path) if not os.path.exists(bak_path): os.mkdir(bak_path) log_file = None files_list = [] f_list = os.listdir(dir_name) for file in f_list: if file == system_bak_path: continue file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file) if not is_valid_date(file): if file[-10:].rfind(".") > 0: files_list.append(file_path) else: files_list = traverse_all_files(file_path, files_list, all_type=True) for file in files_list: date_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(os.path.getctime(file))) file_path = os.path.dirname(file) hash_path = hashlib.md5(file_path.encode()).hexdigest() path = os.path.join(dir_name, date_str, hash_path) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) if log_file is None: log_file = open(os.path.join(bak_path,"path_mapping.csv"),"a") log_file.write(f"{hash_path},{file_path}\n") reduplicative_file_move(file, path) date_list = [] f_list = os.listdir(dir_name) for f in f_list: if is_valid_date(f): date_list.append(f) elif f == system_bak_path: continue else: reduplicative_file_move(os.path.join(dir_name, f), bak_path) today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time())) if today not in date_list: date_list.append(today) return sorted(date_list) def archive_images(dir_name): date_list = auto_sorting(dir_name) date_from = date_list[-show_max_dates_num] if len(date_list) > show_max_dates_num else date_list[0] return ( gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.Dropdown.update(choices=date_list, value=date_list[-1]), gradio.Dropdown.update(choices=date_list, value=date_from) ) def date_to_change(dir_name, page_index, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to): #print("date_to", date_to) date_list = auto_sorting(dir_name) date_from_list = [date for date in date_list if date <= date_to] date_from = date_from_list[0] if len(date_from_list) < show_max_dates_num else date_from_list[-show_max_dates_num] image_list, page_index, image_list, _ =get_recent_images(dir_name, 1, 0, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to) return image_list, page_index, image_list, _, gradio.Dropdown.update(choices=date_from_list, value=date_from) def first_page_click(dir_name, page_index, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to): return get_recent_images(dir_name, 1, 0, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to) def end_page_click(dir_name, page_index, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to): return get_recent_images(dir_name, -1, 0, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to) def prev_page_click(dir_name, page_index, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to): return get_recent_images(dir_name, page_index, -1, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to) def next_page_click(dir_name, page_index, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to): return get_recent_images(dir_name, page_index, 1, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to) def page_index_change(dir_name, page_index, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to): return get_recent_images(dir_name, page_index, 0, image_index, tabname, date_from, date_to) def show_image_info(tabname_box, num, filenames): # #print(f"select image {num}") file = filenames[int(num)] return file, num, file def delete_image(delete_num, tabname, name, page_index, filenames, image_index): if name == "": return filenames, delete_num else: delete_num = int(delete_num) index = list(filenames).index(name) i = 0 new_file_list = [] for name in filenames: if i >= index and i < index + delete_num: if os.path.exists(name): #print(f"Delete file {name}") os.remove(name) txt_file = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + ".txt" if os.path.exists(txt_file): os.remove(txt_file) else: #print(f"Not exists file {name}") else: new_file_list.append(name) i += 1 return new_file_list, 1 def show_images_history(gr, opts, tabname, run_pnginfo, switch_dict): if opts.outdir_samples != "": dir_name = opts.outdir_samples elif tabname == "txt2img": dir_name = opts.outdir_txt2img_samples elif tabname == "img2img": dir_name = opts.outdir_img2img_samples elif tabname == "extras": dir_name = opts.outdir_extras_samples d = dir_name.split("/") dir_name = "/" if dir_name.startswith("/") else d[0] for p in d[1:]: dir_name = os.path.join(dir_name, p) f_list = os.listdir(dir_name) sorted_flag = os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, system_bak_path)) or len(f_list) == 0 date_list, date_from, date_to = None, None, None if sorted_flag: #print(sorted_flag) date_list = auto_sorting(dir_name) date_to = date_list[-1] date_from = date_list[-show_max_dates_num] if len(date_list) > show_max_dates_num else date_list[0] with gr.Column(visible=sorted_flag) as page_panel: with gr.Row(): renew_page = gr.Button('Refresh', elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_renew_page", interactive=sorted_flag) first_page = gr.Button('First Page') prev_page = gr.Button('Prev Page') page_index = gr.Number(value=1, label="Page Index") next_page = gr.Button('Next Page') end_page = gr.Button('End Page') with gr.Row(elem_id=tabname + "_images_history"): with gr.Column(scale=2): with gr.Row(): newest = gr.Button('Newest') date_to = gr.Dropdown(choices=date_list, value=date_to, label="Date to") date_from = gr.Dropdown(choices=date_list, value=date_from, label="Date from") history_gallery = gr.Gallery(show_label=False, elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_gallery").style(grid=6) with gr.Row(): delete_num = gr.Number(value=1, interactive=True, label="number of images to delete consecutively next") delete = gr.Button('Delete', elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_del_button") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): pnginfo_send_to_txt2img = gr.Button('Send to txt2img') pnginfo_send_to_img2img = gr.Button('Send to img2img') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): img_file_info = gr.Textbox(label="Generate Info", interactive=False) img_file_name = gr.Textbox(value="", label="File Name", interactive=False) # hiden items with gr.Row(visible=False): img_path = gr.Textbox(dir_name) tabname_box = gr.Textbox(tabname) image_index = gr.Textbox(value=-1) set_index = gr.Button('set_index', elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_set_index") filenames = gr.State() hidden = gr.Image(type="pil") info1 = gr.Textbox() info2 = gr.Textbox() with gr.Column(visible=not sorted_flag) as init_warning: with gr.Row(): gr.Textbox("The system needs to archive the files according to the date. This requires changing the directory structure of the files", label="Waring", css="") with gr.Row(): sorted_button = gr.Button('Confirme') # turn pages gallery_inputs = [img_path, page_index, image_index, tabname_box, date_from, date_to] gallery_outputs = [history_gallery, page_index, filenames, img_file_name], _js="images_history_turnpage", inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs), _js="images_history_turnpage", inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs), _js="images_history_turnpage", inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs), _js="images_history_turnpage", inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs) page_index.submit(page_index_change, _js="images_history_turnpage", inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs), _js="images_history_turnpage", inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs) # page_index.change(page_index_change, inputs=[tabname_box, img_path, page_index], outputs=[history_gallery, page_index]) # other funcitons, _js="images_history_get_current_img", inputs=[tabname_box, image_index, filenames], outputs=[img_file_name, image_index, hidden]) img_file_name.change(fn=None, _js="images_history_enable_del_buttons", inputs=None, outputs=None), _js="images_history_delete", inputs=[delete_num, tabname_box, img_file_name, page_index, filenames, image_index], outputs=[filenames, delete_num]) hidden.change(fn=run_pnginfo, inputs=[hidden], outputs=[info1, img_file_info, info2]) date_to.change(date_to_change, _js="images_history_turnpage", inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs + [date_from]) #, inputs=[hidden], outputs=[info1, img_file_info, info2]) switch_dict["fn"](pnginfo_send_to_txt2img, switch_dict["t2i"], img_file_info, 'switch_to_txt2img') switch_dict["fn"](pnginfo_send_to_img2img, switch_dict["i2i"], img_file_info, 'switch_to_img2img_img2img'), inputs=[img_path], outputs=[init_warning, page_panel, date_to, date_from]), inputs=[img_path], outputs=[init_warning, page_panel, date_to, date_from]) def create_history_tabs(gr, opts, run_pnginfo, switch_dict): with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as images_history: with gr.Tabs() as tabs: with gr.Tab("txt2img history"): with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as images_history_txt2img: show_images_history(gr, opts, "txt2img", run_pnginfo, switch_dict) with gr.Tab("img2img history"): with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as images_history_img2img: show_images_history(gr, opts, "img2img", run_pnginfo, switch_dict) with gr.Tab("extras history"): with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as images_history_img2img: show_images_history(gr, opts, "extras", run_pnginfo, switch_dict) return images_history