no_player=This command can only be issued by a player. no_permission=You dont have permission for this command. lobby_create_success=Lobby has been created. lobby_create_identifier=A lobby with that identifier already exists. lobby_create_membership=You are already in a lobby. lobby_create_map=A map with that name does not exist. lobby_disbanded=Your lobby has been disbanded. lobby_leave_success=You have left the lobby. lobby_leave_membership=You are in no lobby. lobby_left=%player% left your lobby. lobby_joined=%player% joined your lobby. lobby_join_full=The specified lobby is full. lobby_join_identifier=A lobby with that identifier does not exist. lobby_join_success=You joined the lobby. lobby_list=List of lobbies: lobby_start_success=Game has been started. lobby_start_failed=You need to be the creator of a lobby to start a game. game_player_fell=%player% fell. game_revive_countdown=You got %seconds% seconds left to revive %player%. game_player_died=%player% died. game_player_revived=%player1% revived %player2%. game_round=Round %round% is starting. game_points_gained=You gained %points% points. game_points=You have %points% points. game_paid=You paid %amount% points for this. game_no_points=You dont have enough points for this. You need at least %amount%. game_impossible=That action is impossible. Youve been refunded. plugin_enchantment=The enchantment "%type%" is not applicable on the item "%item%". Ignoring.