path: root/Release/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.devhelp.gschema.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Release/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.devhelp.gschema.xml')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Release/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.devhelp.gschema.xml b/Release/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.devhelp.gschema.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c86b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Release/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.devhelp.gschema.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<schemalist gettext-domain="devhelp">
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/">
+ <child name="state" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state"/>
+ <child name="fonts" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.fonts"/>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/">
+ <child name="main" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main"/>
+ <child name="assistant" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state.assistant"/>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/main/">
+ <child name="window" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.window"/>
+ <child name="paned" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.paned"/>
+ <child name="search-notebook" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.search-notebook"/>
+ <child name="contents" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.contents"/>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.window" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/main/window/">
+ <key name="maximized" type="b">
+ <default>false</default>
+ <summary>Main window maximized state</summary>
+ <description>Whether the main window should start maximized.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="width" type="i">
+ <default>700</default>
+ <summary>Width of the main window</summary>
+ <description>The width of the main window.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="height" type="i">
+ <default>500</default>
+ <summary>Height of main window</summary>
+ <description>The height of the main window.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="x-position" type="i">
+ <default>100</default>
+ <summary>X position of main window</summary>
+ <description>The X position of the main window.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="y-position" type="i">
+ <default>100</default>
+ <summary>Y position of main window</summary>
+ <description>The Y position of the main window.</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.paned" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/main/paned/">
+ <key name="position" type="i">
+ <default>250</default>
+ <summary>Width of the index and search pane</summary>
+ <description>The width of the index and search pane.</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.search-notebook" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/main/search-notebook/">
+ <key name="selected-tab" type="s">
+ <default>'content'</default>
+ <summary>Selected tab: "content" or "search"</summary>
+ <description>Which of the tabs is selected: "content" or "search".</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state.main.contents" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/main/contents/">
+ <key name="books-disabled" type="as">
+ <default>[]</default>
+ <summary>Books disabled</summary>
+ <description>List of books disabled by the user.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="group-books-by-language" type="b">
+ <default>false</default>
+ <summary>Group by language</summary>
+ <description>Whether books should be grouped by language in the UI</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state.assistant" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/assistant/">
+ <child name="window" schema="org.gnome.devhelp.state.assistant.window"/>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.state.assistant.window" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/state/assistant/window/">
+ <key name="width" type="i">
+ <default>350</default>
+ <summary>Width of the assistant window</summary>
+ <description>The width of the assistant window.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="height" type="i">
+ <default>400</default>
+ <summary>Height of assistant window</summary>
+ <description>The height of the assistant window.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="x-position" type="i">
+ <default>0</default>
+ <summary>X position of assistant window</summary>
+ <description>The X position of the assistant window.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="y-position" type="i">
+ <default>0</default>
+ <summary>Y position of assistant window</summary>
+ <description>The Y position of the assistant window.</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>
+ <schema id="org.gnome.devhelp.fonts" path="/org/gnome/devhelp/fonts/">
+ <key name="use-system-fonts" type="b">
+ <default>true</default>
+ <summary>Use system fonts</summary>
+ <description>Use the system default fonts.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="variable-font" type="s">
+ <default>'Sans 12'</default>
+ <summary>Font for text</summary>
+ <description>Font for text with variable width.</description>
+ </key>
+ <key name="fixed-font" type="s">
+ <default>'Monospace 12'</default>
+ <summary>Font for fixed width text</summary>
+ <description>Font for text with fixed width, such as code examples.</description>
+ </key>
+ </schema>