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authorLeonard Kugis <>2023-01-23 04:29:27 +0100
committerLeonard Kugis <>2023-01-23 04:29:27 +0100
commitce974e86afd59037c38cb07f4f6b5458a81ca06a (patch)
tree08c2741d0526e27dbf90ac2ab9914a081e9009e2 /Paper/paper.tex
parent9a36663414b96f30652ba5503753f7c16a7dcaa6 (diff)
Paper: Introduction, Compression, Implementation
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+\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
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+\title{EIE: Efficient Inference Engine on Compressed Deep Neural Networks}
+\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Leonard Kugis}
+\IEEEauthorblockA{\textit{Abteilung Entwurf Integrierter Systeme} \\
+\textit{Technische Universität Braunschweig}\\
+Braunschweig, Germany \\}
+With an increased use of deep neural networks instead of conventional algorithms for classification tasks,
+there is demand for implementation in various environments with different constraints.
+Especially high demand for inference in the embedded real time domain has emerged, with its hard
+constraints on latency, energy use and storage.
+To satisfy these constraints, dedicated hardware architectures need to be implemented to maximize
+the efficiency, such as the \emph{Efficient Inference Engine} (\emph{EIE}).
+It utilizes various compression techniques to compress existing deep neural network models
+and implements a specialized hardware architecture to handle the compressed models
+as efficient as possible.
+deep neural networks, compression, inference, weights, sparsity
+This paper gives an overview over different compression methods for \emph{Deep Neural Networks}
+(section~\ref{sec:compression}), after discussing the metrices used to measure
+inference engines (section~\ref{sec:metrices})
+and shows how they are applied in an actual hardware architecture: the \emph{Efficient Inference Engine} (\emph{EIE}) (section~\ref{sec:implementation}).
+\subsection{Deep Neural Networks}
+\emph{Deep Neural Networks} (\emph{DNNs}) consist of different types of layers, namely
+\emph{Convolutional Layers} and \emph{Fully Connected Layers}.
+While for common DNNs (e.g. AlexNet \cite{10.1145/3065386}) convolutional layers make
+up more than 90\% of computational cost \cite{9082126}, fully connected layers take
+up over 90\% of the storage \cite{Cheng_2015_ICCV}.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/fcn}}
+ \caption{Fully connected layer}
+ \label{fcn}
+Fig.~\ref{fcn} shows a fully connected layer in a DNN.
+Each fully connected layer consists of an input vector $a$, an output vector $b$ and
+a weight matrix $W$.
+Essentially, the weight matrix gets multiplied by the input vector,
+so that each combination of the entries $W_{ij}$ get multiplied by the component $a_j$,
+on which an activation function $f$ is applied, forming a component in the output vector $b_i$.
+ b_i = f(\sum\limits_{j=0}^{n} W_{ij} a_j)
+Equ.~\ref{mac} shows this principle formulated. The process of multiplying the weights
+with the components of the input vector is referred to as \emph{Multiply-Accumulate-Operation} (\emph{MAC}).
+This is the essential operation in DNNs and therefore in focus for optimization.
+Input and output vectors are considered as dynamic data, while
+weights and eventual parameters of the activation function are considered as static data.
+\section{Performance metrices}\label{sec:metrices}
+When it comes to optimization of inference architectures for DNNs, there are four major categories of
+metrices to optimize on:
+ \item Throughput
+ \item Latency
+ \item Model size
+ \item Energy use
+\emph{Throughput}. Throughput measures how much data can be processed by the network in a fixed time.
+\emph{Latency}. Latency measures how long it takes for a fixed amount of data to be processed by the network from start to finish.
+\emph{Model size}. Model size indicates the amount of storage required to store the model.
+\emph{Energy use}. Energy use measures how much energy is needed to process a fixed amount of data.
+Since the 1980s there is a more and more evolving gap between memory latency and processing speed.
+Recent CPUs are magnitudes faster than their memory counterparts \cite{carvalho2002gap}.
+This is problematic, because in general the CPU has to wait during each memory access for the data
+to arrive in order to process it further. While this waiting time can be optimized with
+efficient pipelining, the principal still remains.
+The memory accesses for the weights of the DNN make up the biggest part of energy consumption of the
+hardware accelerator, and correlate also with latency and throughput \cite{DBLP:journals/corr/SzeCESZ16}.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/memory_latency}}
+ \caption{Memory hierarchy and energy cost of hierarchy levels \cite{DBLP:journals/corr/SzeCESZ16}}
+ \label{memory_latency}
+Fig.~\ref{memory_latency} shows the energy consumption of each layer of a typical hardware accelerator
+consisting of an external \emph{Dynamic Random Access Memory} (\emph{DRAM}) to store the model,
+internal buffers (typically \emph{Static Random Access Memory} (\emph{SRAM})) and processing engines (\emph{PEs}).
+Memory accesses to DRAM are 200x more costly than register accesses, and 33x more costly than accesses to
+the SRAM-buffer. This results in the demand of storing most of the model in SRAM technology.
+Because such on-chip SRAM capacity is limited, models must be compressed in order to fit onto the SRAM.
+\subsection{Existing DNNs}
+To put the model sizes of DNNs into perspective, Table~\ref{tab_dnn} gives an overview of
+the number of parameters and storage sizes in 32-bit floating point representation.
+\caption{Model sizes of different DNN models}
+\textbf{DNN} & \textbf{Number of} & \textbf{Size in} \\
+& \textbf{Parameters} & \textbf{32-bit float} \\
+AlexNet \cite{choudhary2020comprehensive} & 61 M & 240 MB \\
+VGG-16 \cite{choudhary2020comprehensive} & 138 M & 512 MB \\
+LeNet-5 (caffe) \cite{NIPS2015_ae0eb3ee} & 431 K & 1.724 MB \\
+NeuralTalk (zoo) \cite{das2015neuraltalk} & 90 M & 360 MB \\
+These are common models to perform benchmarks on hardware accelerators
+and compression algorithms. They will be used for evaluation between different
+platforms later.
+Different compression algorithms exist for DNN models. Not only storage size benefits
+from model compression, most methods also optimize the amount of MACs (Equ.~\ref{mac}) that need to be
+performed. It does so by creating a sparse weight matrix from the original weight matrix.
+Multiplication and accumulation with $0$-valued weights can be skipped and therefore it is desired
+to have as many $0$s as weights as possible.
+\subsection{Basis projection}
+Basis projection utilizes the fact that row- and column-vectors of the weight matrices can be
+represented by the linear combination of its basis vectors.
+In common training algorithms, weights (the weight matrices) are trained directly and use the canonical basis vectors.
+But this might not be the optimal basis vectors, resulting in the most amount of zeros.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/basis_projection_png}}
+ \caption{Basis projection and resulting weight distribution \cite{DBLP:journals/corr/SuleimanZS16}}
+ \label{basis_projection}
+Fig.~\ref{basis_projection} depicts the method of basis projection and the resulting distributions of
+weight values. It can be shown that the column vectors can be represented by projected vectors $\alpha$
+and a-priory known basis vectors $S_d$. As the basis projection is a reversible operation, the reverse
+can later be applied to receive the actual results.
+Using this method, experimental results show, that the number of zero-valued weights can be increased from
+$7$\% to $56$\% ($8.0$x increase) \cite{DBLP:journals/corr/SuleimanZS16}.
+Further experiments have shown that, when used along with other compression methods such as pruning and
+weight quantization, $3.6$x compression factor can be archieved. This results in $10$x less MAC operations and
+$5$x reduction in power consumption \cite{DBLP:journals/corr/SuleimanZS16}.
+The key idea behind pruning is the removal of unimportant weights from the weight matrices, which have little or
+no influence on the output accuracy. This influence is also referred to as \emph{sensitivity}.
+For pruning, a common procedure has established \cite{Han2015DeepCC}:
+ \item Train weights
+ \item Prune network
+ \item Retrain network
+ \item Go to 2. or abort if criterion is met
+Under the assumption that there is an already trained network, weights (connections), neurons and convolutional filters
+get removed from the network based on their output sensitivity. However, convolutional filters are not in this scope,
+since they are not part of the fully connected layers of a DNN. Therefore, the main focus
+is on weight/connection based pruning.
+Pruned weights are simply set to value $0$ and not considered in the retraining process.
+This way, they can be handled efficiently by the hardware architecture, by just skipping the
+MAC-operation for these weights. Neurons are pruned by just deleting the corresponding
+row/column of the weight matrix.
+For weight/connection pruning, there are different methods on how to remove the weights and what the
+sensitivity is measured on. They can be classified in three different main classes:
+ \item Magnitude threshold based pruning \cite{9253578}
+ \item Optimal Brain Damage \cite{NIPS1989_6c9882bb} / Optimal Brain Surgeon \cite{NIPS1992_303ed4c6}
+ \item Biased weight decay \cite{NIPS1988_1c9ac015}
+\subsubsection{Magnitude threshold based pruning}
+Magnitude threshold based pruning methods remove weights solely based on their magnitude.
+The following simple rule is applied for the weight removal:
+ &\text{Remove weights $W_{ij}$ for which} \nonumber \\
+ &\left| W_{ij} \right| < \vartheta \\
+ &\vartheta := \text{Threshold} \nonumber
+Weights $W_{ij}$ with magnitude below the threshold $\vartheta$ are removed (set to $0$).
+This assumes that values with low magnitude have a low impact on the accuracy
+of the network and/or the objective function.
+This is generally not always the case and therefore not the optimal solution.
+However, experiments have shown model size decreases of $33$\% for LeNet and up
+to $33$\% for DeepSpeech2 \cite{9253578}.
+This approach is often chosen in environments with focus on training speed, because
+it does not require the calculation of e.g. gradients.
+Therefore, it archives a training cost reduction of $64$\% for LeNet and up to $71$\%
+for DeepSpeech2 \cite{9253578}.
+\subsubsection{Optimal Brain Damage}
+The \emph{Optimal Brain Damage} (\emph{OBD}) method removes weights based on their influence on the
+objective function. The objective function can be any function formulating the error to be
+minimized with training and measures the accuracy of the DNN.
+Formally, the sensitivity is derived from the diagonals of the Hessian of the weight matrix:
+ & h_{kk} = \sum\limits_{(i,j) \in V_k} \frac{{\partial}^2 E}{\partial w_{ij}^2} \\
+ & V_k := \text{Set of index pairs for matrix $W_k$} \nonumber
+After that the \emph{saliencies} are calculated as a measure of sensitivity:
+ & s_k = \frac{h_{kk} u_k^2}{2} \\
+ & u_k := \text{Element $k$ of parameter vector} \nonumber
+For the pruning, all weight matrices undergo the following algorithm \cite{NIPS1989_6c9882bb}:
+ \item Choose network architecture
+ \item Train network
+ \item Compute Hessian diagonals $h_{kk}$ for each parameter
+ \item Compute saliencies $s_k = \frac{h_{kk} u_k^2}{2}$ for each parameter
+ \item Sort parameters by saliency and remove low-saliency parameters
+ \item Go to step 2 or abort when accuracy threshold is reached
+Experiments show that for LeNet a significant decrease in the \emph{Minimum-Mean-Square-Error} (\emph{MSE}) function
+can be obtained compared to magnitude based methods with the same level of pruning, especially for high pruning amounts.
+For $500$ remaining parameters, the MSE for OBD is $3$ magnitudes smaller than for magnitude based pruning.
+However, this results in a generally high error rate and is therefore undesired. Optimal solutions
+are obtained for $30$\% network pruning rate using this method.
+\subsubsection{Optimal Brain Surgeon}
+\emph{Optimal Brain Surgeon} (\emph{OBS}) works similar to OBD. Compared to OBD it does not neccessarily delete
+the weights, but changes the strength of those weights.
+It does so by computing the inverse of the Hessian of the weight matrix \cite{NIPS1992_303ed4c6}:
+ & \textbf{H}_{m+1}^{-1} = \textbf{H}_{m}^{-1} - \frac{\textbf{H}_{m}^{-1} \textbf{X}_{m+1} \textbf{X}_{m+1}^T \textbf{H}_{m}^{-1}}{P + \textbf{X}_{m+1}^T \textbf{H}_{m}^{-1} \textbf{X}_{m+1}} \\
+ & \textbf{H}^{-1} = \frac{1}{P} \sum\limits_{k=1}^{P} H_k^{-1}
+For the pruning, all weight matrices undergo the following algorithm \cite{NIPS1992_303ed4c6}:
+ \item Train network.
+ \item Compute $\textbf{H}^{-1}$.
+ \item Find $q$ with smallest saliency $L_q = \frac{w_q^2}{2 \textbf{H}_{qq}^{-1}}$. If this gradient increase is much smaller than $E$,
+ delete $w_q$ and go to step 4. Otherwise go to step 5.
+ \item Use the $q$ from step 3 and update all weights. Go to step 2.
+ \item No more weights can be deleted without a large increase in $E$. Go to step 1 or abort if lower threshold in accuracy is reached.
+Experiments show that this method can be used to reduce the number of weights by up to $90$\% without significant
+impact on the accuracy, without retraining \cite{NIPS1992_303ed4c6}.
+\subsubsection{Biased weight decay}
+The \emph{Biased weight decay} method works during training-time of the model.
+It bases on the backpropagation algorithm and adds a penalty term to the weight update formula:
+ & w_{n+1} = \alpha (- \frac{\partial E}{\partial w_n}) + \beta w_n \label{bwd1} \\
+ & w_{n+1} = \alpha (- \frac{\partial E}{\partial w_{ij}} - 2 w_n) + w_n \label{bwd2} \\
+ & \alpha < \frac{1}{2} := \text{Learning rate} \nonumber
+Equ.~\ref{bwd1} shows the update term of the backpropagation time considering an equal weight decay
+for all values. Equ.~\ref{bwd2} shows the update term considering lower values to decay faster toward
+zero while keeping high-valued weights the same.
+\subsection{Weight quantization}
+Storing the weight matrices as 32-bit floating point representation is not the most optimal
+way of storage. While it preserves the precision the network was originally trained with,
+it can be reduced significantly without high loss of accuracy.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/clustering}}
+ \caption{Weight quantization using clustering \cite{Han2015DeepCC}}
+ \label{clustering}
+A key concept for quantization of weights is \emph{clustering}. Fig.~\ref{clustering} illustrates
+this process. Using this method, similar valued weights are grouped into clusters.
+The weight matrix then only stores the cluster index instead of the actual 32-bit floating point value.
+Each cluster has its own \emph{centroid} for which the index value in the weight matrix
+gets substituted. The centroids are the mean of all weight-values belonging to this
+respective cluster. Additionally, the centroids can be fine-tuned by applying clustering to the gradient
+of the weight matrix aswell, and update the centroid value with the gradient-means.
+This way, only a lookup-array with the cluster centroids and the respective indices in the weight matrix
+need to be stored. In the example in Fig.~\ref{clustering} a $4 \times 4$ matrix of 32-bit floating point values
+($512$ bit in total) can be reduced to a $4 \times 4$ matrix of 2-bit indices and a 4-value array of 32-bit floating point values
+containing the centroids ($4 \cdot 4 \cdot 2 + 4 \cdot 32 = 160$ bit in total).
+Experiments have shown that using this quantization method only, compression factors of $37$x, $31$x and
+$33$x can be archieved on AlexNet, VGG-16 and LeNet-5, while the loss in accuracy was
+within tolerance \cite{Han2015DeepCC}.
+Technically, this compression method is not lossless, as it generalizes similar weights to their centroids.
+So it comes down to the selection of the right centroids and which values to group into. If this is done efficiently,
+the impact on accuracy is not measurable. For that, the k-means-algorithm is used. It minimizes
+the \emph{Within-Cluster Sum of Squares} (\emph{WCSS}):
+ \text{argmin}_C \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} \sum\limits_{\omega \in c_i} | \omega - c_i |^2
+The k-means algorithm performs the following steps:
+ \item Initialize $k$ cluster centroids
+ \item For all weights:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Assign weight to the cluster with nearest centroid
+ \item Recalculate cluster centroids
+ \end{enumerate}
+A crucial degree of freedom for this is the initialization of the centroids. It determines
+how fast the algorithm converges and to which values. There are different initialization methods.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/centroid_initialization}}
+ \caption{Different centroid initialization methods \cite{Han2015DeepCC}}
+ \label{init}
+Fig.~\ref{init} depicts the different possible methods for centroid initialization.
+Weight value probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) are plotted.
+Note the peaks for low magnitude weights around 0.
+Centroids can be initialized randomly, linear, or by linear sampling of the CDF values.
+Generally, sampling the CDF values linearly and taking the corresponding weight values as centroids
+minimizes the total error in weight values compared to their centroids. While this makes sense in most cases,
+it does not in the case of DNN-weights. Here, weights with high value have a higher impact on the output,
+but are underrepresented by occurrence using this method. This would lead to high value-centroid differences for those values,
+because there are less centroids used. Because of this, linear initialization in the value domain has been established as the
+best initialization method \cite{Han2015DeepCC}.
+\subsection{Huffman encoding}
+Another compression method that can be applied to DNNs is the Huffman encoding.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/huffman}}
+ \caption{Huffman encoding example}
+ \label{huffman}
+Fig.~\ref{huffman} shows an encoding example. As a general principle, weights are encoded
+with variable length in bits. Weights with many occurrences are encoded with less bits than
+weights with less occurrences. The code book is stored as a binary tree, with edges encoding
+$0$s and $1$s. The algorithm is the following:
+ \item Count all weights and sort them by number of occurrence
+ \item Take the two weights with lowest number of occurrence and make them leafs of the tree
+ \item Connect the two nodes of the current layer together to a parent node
+ \item Take the weight with the next lowest occurrence and make it a leaf on the current layer
+ \item Go to step 3 or abort if no weight values are left
+Weights are then encoded by the edges leading to their respective leafs. E.g. in Fig.~\ref{huffman}
+the weight value $0$ is encoded as bit $0$, however weight value $2$ is encoded as bits $101$.
+In this particular example, a compression rate of $74.05$\% is archieved.
+This compression method is especially efficient for models, in which one weight value is dominant.
+When combined with other compression methods (e.g. pruning), which result in sparse matrices,
+this is exactly the case with 0-values.
+Experiments have shown that when used together with pruning and weight quantization,
+Huffman encoding archieves $35$x - $49$x compression rate \cite{Han2015DeepCC}.
+Another remarkable advantage of this compression method is that it is lossless and has therefore
+no impact on the accuracy of the DNN.
+A relatively recent compression/optimization technique for weights of DNNs are HashNets \cite{10.5555/3045118.3045361}.
+Using HashNets, no actual values need to be stored in the weight matrix (not even index values),
+so the memory access for accessing these values can be completely omitted.
+Instead, the values are depicted via a \emph{one-way hash function} $h$.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/hashnets}}
+ \caption{HashNets encoding (based on \cite{10.5555/3045118.3045361})}
+ \label{hashnets}
+Fig.~\ref{hashnets} shows this principle. The real weight values are stored in an indexed
+array. The hash function $h(i,j) := (i,j) \mapsto x$ takes the weight matrix indices $(i,j)$
+and computes the index $x$ for the lookup array, so that the lookup value of the array corresponds
+to the actual value of the \emph{virtual weight matrix} $\textbf{V}$:
+ w^{\ell}_{h^{\ell}(i, j)} = \textbf{V}^{\ell}_{ij}
+This way, the weight matrix only exists virtually. Only the dimensions of the weight matrix and
+the weight lookup array need to be stored, and there is no additional index lookup
+neccessary for the weight matrix. This comes to the cost of computing the hash function,
+but as already discussed in section~\ref{sec:memory} computation is not the limiting factor
+when compared to memory accesses.
+The compression factor for this method can be variably chosen, depending on accuracy requirements.
+The degree of freedom here is the quantization method (how much different values to quantisize to),
+thus, the resulting weight array. Also, different hash functions can be used.
+\cite{10.5555/3045118.3045361} discusses effects of compression factors of up to $64$x, and uses
+\emph{xxHash} as hash function.
+\subsection{Sparse matrix storage}
+When it comes to compression of weight matrices, the storage of the resulting sparse matrix needs
+to be considered aswell. The \emph{Compressed sparse column} (\emph{CSC}) / \emph{Compressed sparse row} (\emph{CSR})
+format has been established for this purpose.
+With this method, a row/column $W_j$ of weight values is encoded as vectors $v$ and $z$.
+$v$ contains the non-zero weight values of the column. $z$ is of equal length than $v$ and denotes
+the amount of $0$s before the corresponding entry in $v$.
+E.g. column $[0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]$ gets encoded as
+$v = [1, 2, 0, 3]$ and $z = [2, 0, 15, 2]$. An additional padding value of $0$ has been added after
+$15$ concurrent $0$s, because the entries are assumed to be of 4-bit integer representation, and there are more than
+$15$ concurrent $0$s after the value $2$.
+For this example, the method needs storage for $8$ values instead of $23$, which equals a compression rate of
+$34.78$\%. This method is also used by the EIE and optimized by its architecture.
+\section{EIE implementation}\label{sec:implementation}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{resources/eie_hw}
+ \caption{Hardware architecture of the EIE \cite{10.1109/ISCA.2016.30}}
+ \label{eie}
+In general, the EIE is an approach to optimize the per-activation formula of DNNs (Equ.~\ref{mac}):
+ & b_i = f(\sum\limits_{j=0}^{n-1} W_{ij} a_j) \overset{!}{=} \text{ReLU}(\sum\limits_{j \in X_i \cap Y} S[I_{ij}] a_j) \\
+ & X_i := \text{Set of columns, skipping $W_{ij} = 0$} \nonumber \\
+ & Y := \text{Set of indices in $a$ for which $a_j \neq 0$} \nonumber \\
+ & I_{ij} := \text{4-bit index} \nonumber \\
+ & S := \text{Shared lookup table} \nonumber
+As activation function $f$ the \emph{Rectified Linear Unit} function (\emph{ReLU}) is fixed.
+It is defined as $0$ for negative values while keeping positive values unchanged.
+The indices $I_{ij}$ decompressed from CSC-format are used to lookup the actual weights from a shared weight lookup table $S$.
+Values of $0$ as weights or inputs are skipped for multiplication and accumulation,
+as they do not need to be computed.
+Fig.~\ref{eie} shows a block diagram of the hardware architecture of the EIE.
+The left side (a) is the \emph{leading non-zero detection unit} (\emph{LNZD}), which detects $0$-values in the input
+vector and skips them, while only forwarding non-zero values. The right side (b) is the actual \emph{processing element} (\emph{PE}), which
+receives the non-zero input values.
+For parallelism, there are generally multiple PEs working independently. $4$ PEs are grouped together and share one
+\subsection{Leading non-zero detection unit}
+Input activations are distributed to each processing element (PE) in a hierarchical manner.
+To utilize the sparsity of the input vector, a leading non-zero detection logic is employed to identify the first non-zero result.
+A group of four PEs perform local leading non-zero detection on their respective inputs and the results are sent
+to a LNZD node.
+\subsection{Activation queue}
+The non-zero elements of the input activation vector $a_j$, along with their corresponding indexes $j$ are broadcasted
+to an activation queue in each PE. However, if any PE has a full queue, the broadcast is disabled. Each PE processes
+the activation at the front of its queue at any given time. The activation queue enables each PE to accumulate
+some values and indices to balance out any load imbalances that may occur due to variations in the number of non-zeros
+in a particular column $j$ among the PEs.
+\subsection{Pointer Read Unit}
+To efficiently access the $v$ and $z$ arrays for a given column $j$ using single-ported SRAM arrays,
+the index $j$ at the head of the activation queue is used to look up the start and end pointers ($p_j$ and $p_{j+1}$)
+for that column. These are seperately stored along with $v$ and $z$ to mark the iteration boundaries.
+To ensure that both pointers can be read in a single cycle, the 16-bit pointers are stored in
+two separate SRAM banks and the least significant bit (LSB) of the address is used to select the appropriate bank.
+As a result, $p_j$ and $p_{j+1}$ will always be located in different banks.
+\subsection{Sparse Matrix Read Unit}
+The Sparse Matrix Read Unit reads out the actual non-zero weight values from the SRAM,
+for the part of the column $W_j$ associated with the respective PE. It uses the pointers
+$p_j$ and $p_{j+1}$ fetched before as reading boundaries.
+As the SRAM is of 64-bit word length and an entry in $v$ and $z$ is encoded in 4-bit each,
+$8$ complete values can be read out in one cycle. This $(v, z)$ pair is then forwarded
+to the arithmetic unit.
+\subsection{Arithmetic Unit}
+The arithmetic unit receives the $(v,z)$ value pair. It calculates the absolute index
+$x$ in the output vector $b$ from the relative index $z$ and calculates the multiplication
+$b_x = b_x + v \cdot a_j$ for which the output $b_x$ is the accumulation register.
+The values are stored in an encoded and quantisized form, so for calculation they are expanded
+to 16-bit floating point representation first.
+\subsection{Activation Read/Write Unit}
+The Activation Read/Write Unit handles the values of the output vector. The target values are buffered
+in two register files. For feed-forward layers in NNs the output values of one layer
+are the input files of the next layer, so they exchange their roles after each layer to
+save memory accesses to the SRAM.
+Access to SRAM is only occurring if the buffer is full. Then the entire buffer batch is written
+to the SRAM.
+\subsection{Weight value distribution}
+An important factor is how to distribute the individual values of the weight matrix
+to the individual PEs.
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/eie_matrix}}
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio]{resources/eie_layout}}
+ \caption{Weight matrix segmentation and memory layout \cite{10.1109/ISCA.2016.30}}
+ \label{eie_segmentation}
+Fig.~\ref{eie_segmentation} illustrates how the values are distributed to 4 PEs, and the corresponding
+memory layout for PE0. Each row belongs to one PE and are distributed sequentially,
+repeating after 4 rows. Each PE calculates one element $b_x$ of the output vector $b$ with one entry
+of the input vector $a_j$ at a time. The individual PEs perform the MACs for each assigned input entry,
+skipping $0$-valued entries using the non-zero detection units.
+On the bottom of Fig.~\ref{eie_segmentation} the memory layout for PE0 is depicted. Each PE stores
+the non-zero values assigned to it, together with the relative indices $z$ encoding the number
+of zeros before each element in $v$, but only for the respective PE.
+To know the iteration boundaries, the column pointers are stored seperately. In the example above,
+the first column has pointer $0$ (because it is the first entry in total). The second entry has pointer $3$,
+because this PE has $3$ non-zero values assigned to it in the first column.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file