path: root/scripts
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authorCodeHatchling <steve@codehatch.com>2023-12-06 22:25:53 -0700
committerCodeHatchling <steve@codehatch.com>2023-12-07 14:28:02 -0700
commit2abc417834d752e43a283f8603bfddfb1c80b30f (patch)
treeb6cdd6aa6014b856533e5d9ab8afc4e492e8f1cf /scripts
parentac4578912395627731f2cd8529f87a95df1f7644 (diff)
Re-implemented soft inpainting via a script. Also fixed some mistakes with the previous hooks, removed unnecessary formatting changes, removed code that I had forgotten to.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/soft_inpainting.py b/scripts/soft_inpainting.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47e0269b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/soft_inpainting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+import gradio as gr
+from modules.ui_components import InputAccordion
+import modules.scripts as scripts
+class SoftInpaintingSettings:
+ def __init__(self, mask_blend_power, mask_blend_scale, inpaint_detail_preservation):
+ self.mask_blend_power = mask_blend_power
+ self.mask_blend_scale = mask_blend_scale
+ self.inpaint_detail_preservation = inpaint_detail_preservation
+ def add_generation_params(self, dest):
+ dest[enabled_gen_param_label] = True
+ dest[gen_param_labels.mask_blend_power] = self.mask_blend_power
+ dest[gen_param_labels.mask_blend_scale] = self.mask_blend_scale
+ dest[gen_param_labels.inpaint_detail_preservation] = self.inpaint_detail_preservation
+# ------------------- Methods -------------------
+def latent_blend(soft_inpainting, a, b, t):
+ """
+ Interpolates two latent image representations according to the parameter t,
+ where the interpolated vectors' magnitudes are also interpolated separately.
+ The "detail_preservation" factor biases the magnitude interpolation towards
+ the larger of the two magnitudes.
+ """
+ import torch
+ # NOTE: We use inplace operations wherever possible.
+ # [4][w][h] to [1][4][w][h]
+ t2 = t.unsqueeze(0)
+ # [4][w][h] to [1][1][w][h] - the [4] seem redundant.
+ t3 = t[0].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
+ one_minus_t2 = 1 - t2
+ one_minus_t3 = 1 - t3
+ # Linearly interpolate the image vectors.
+ a_scaled = a * one_minus_t2
+ b_scaled = b * t2
+ image_interp = a_scaled
+ image_interp.add_(b_scaled)
+ result_type = image_interp.dtype
+ del a_scaled, b_scaled, t2, one_minus_t2
+ # Calculate the magnitude of the interpolated vectors. (We will remove this magnitude.)
+ # 64-bit operations are used here to allow large exponents.
+ current_magnitude = torch.norm(image_interp, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True).to(torch.float64).add_(0.00001)
+ # Interpolate the powered magnitudes, then un-power them (bring them back to a power of 1).
+ a_magnitude = torch.norm(a, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True).to(torch.float64).pow_(
+ soft_inpainting.inpaint_detail_preservation) * one_minus_t3
+ b_magnitude = torch.norm(b, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True).to(torch.float64).pow_(
+ soft_inpainting.inpaint_detail_preservation) * t3
+ desired_magnitude = a_magnitude
+ desired_magnitude.add_(b_magnitude).pow_(1 / soft_inpainting.inpaint_detail_preservation)
+ del a_magnitude, b_magnitude, t3, one_minus_t3
+ # Change the linearly interpolated image vectors' magnitudes to the value we want.
+ # This is the last 64-bit operation.
+ image_interp_scaling_factor = desired_magnitude
+ image_interp_scaling_factor.div_(current_magnitude)
+ image_interp_scaling_factor = image_interp_scaling_factor.to(result_type)
+ image_interp_scaled = image_interp
+ image_interp_scaled.mul_(image_interp_scaling_factor)
+ del current_magnitude
+ del desired_magnitude
+ del image_interp
+ del image_interp_scaling_factor
+ del result_type
+ return image_interp_scaled
+def get_modified_nmask(soft_inpainting, nmask, sigma):
+ """
+ Converts a negative mask representing the transparency of the original latent vectors being overlayed
+ to a mask that is scaled according to the denoising strength for this step.
+ Where:
+ 0 = fully opaque, infinite density, fully masked
+ 1 = fully transparent, zero density, fully unmasked
+ We bring this transparency to a power, as this allows one to simulate N number of blending operations
+ where N can be any positive real value. Using this one can control the balance of influence between
+ the denoiser and the original latents according to the sigma value.
+ NOTE: "mask" is not used
+ """
+ import torch
+ return torch.pow(nmask, (sigma ** soft_inpainting.mask_blend_power) * soft_inpainting.mask_blend_scale)
+def apply_adaptive_masks(
+ latent_orig,
+ latent_processed,
+ overlay_images,
+ width, height,
+ paste_to):
+ import torch
+ import numpy as np
+ import modules.processing as proc
+ import modules.images as images
+ from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFilter
+ # TODO: Bias the blending according to the latent mask, add adjustable parameter for bias control.
+ # latent_mask = p.nmask[0].float().cpu()
+ # convert the original mask into a form we use to scale distances for thresholding
+ # mask_scalar = 1-(torch.clamp(latent_mask, min=0, max=1) ** (p.mask_blend_scale / 2))
+ # mask_scalar = mask_scalar / (1.00001-mask_scalar)
+ # mask_scalar = mask_scalar.numpy()
+ latent_distance = torch.norm(latent_processed - latent_orig, p=2, dim=1)
+ kernel, kernel_center = images.get_gaussian_kernel(stddev_radius=1.5, max_radius=2)
+ masks_for_overlay = []
+ for i, (distance_map, overlay_image) in enumerate(zip(latent_distance, overlay_images)):
+ converted_mask = distance_map.float().cpu().numpy()
+ converted_mask = images.weighted_histogram_filter(converted_mask, kernel, kernel_center,
+ percentile_min=0.9, percentile_max=1, min_width=1)
+ converted_mask = images.weighted_histogram_filter(converted_mask, kernel, kernel_center,
+ percentile_min=0.25, percentile_max=0.75, min_width=1)
+ # The distance at which opacity of original decreases to 50%
+ # half_weighted_distance = 1 # * mask_scalar
+ # converted_mask = converted_mask / half_weighted_distance
+ converted_mask = 1 / (1 + converted_mask ** 2)
+ converted_mask = images.smootherstep(converted_mask)
+ converted_mask = 1 - converted_mask
+ converted_mask = 255. * converted_mask
+ converted_mask = converted_mask.astype(np.uint8)
+ converted_mask = Image.fromarray(converted_mask)
+ converted_mask = images.resize_image(2, converted_mask, width, height)
+ converted_mask = proc.create_binary_mask(converted_mask, round=False)
+ # Remove aliasing artifacts using a gaussian blur.
+ converted_mask = converted_mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=4))
+ # Expand the mask to fit the whole image if needed.
+ if paste_to is not None:
+ converted_mask = proc.uncrop(converted_mask,
+ (overlay_image.width, overlay_image.height),
+ paste_to)
+ masks_for_overlay.append(converted_mask)
+ image_masked = Image.new('RGBa', (overlay_image.width, overlay_image.height))
+ image_masked.paste(overlay_image.convert("RGBA").convert("RGBa"),
+ mask=ImageOps.invert(converted_mask.convert('L')))
+ overlay_images[i] = image_masked.convert('RGBA')
+ return masks_for_overlay
+def apply_masks(
+ soft_inpainting,
+ nmask,
+ overlay_images,
+ width, height,
+ paste_to):
+ import torch
+ import numpy as np
+ import modules.processing as proc
+ import modules.images as images
+ from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFilter
+ converted_mask = nmask[0].float()
+ converted_mask = torch.clamp(converted_mask, min=0, max=1).pow_(soft_inpainting.mask_blend_scale / 2)
+ converted_mask = 255. * converted_mask
+ converted_mask = converted_mask.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
+ converted_mask = Image.fromarray(converted_mask)
+ converted_mask = images.resize_image(2, converted_mask, width, height)
+ converted_mask = proc.create_binary_mask(converted_mask, round=False)
+ # Remove aliasing artifacts using a gaussian blur.
+ converted_mask = converted_mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=4))
+ # Expand the mask to fit the whole image if needed.
+ if paste_to is not None:
+ converted_mask = proc.uncrop(converted_mask,
+ (width, height),
+ paste_to)
+ masks_for_overlay = []
+ for i, overlay_image in enumerate(overlay_images):
+ masks_for_overlay[i] = converted_mask
+ image_masked = Image.new('RGBa', (overlay_image.width, overlay_image.height))
+ image_masked.paste(overlay_image.convert("RGBA").convert("RGBa"),
+ mask=ImageOps.invert(converted_mask.convert('L')))
+ overlay_images[i] = image_masked.convert('RGBA')
+ return masks_for_overlay
+# ------------------- Constants -------------------
+default = SoftInpaintingSettings(1, 0.5, 4)
+enabled_ui_label = "Soft inpainting"
+enabled_gen_param_label = "Soft inpainting enabled"
+enabled_el_id = "soft_inpainting_enabled"
+ui_labels = SoftInpaintingSettings(
+ "Schedule bias",
+ "Preservation strength",
+ "Transition contrast boost")
+ui_info = SoftInpaintingSettings(
+ "Shifts when preservation of original content occurs during denoising.",
+ "How strongly partially masked content should be preserved.",
+ "Amplifies the contrast that may be lost in partially masked regions.")
+gen_param_labels = SoftInpaintingSettings(
+ "Soft inpainting schedule bias",
+ "Soft inpainting preservation strength",
+ "Soft inpainting transition contrast boost")
+el_ids = SoftInpaintingSettings(
+ "mask_blend_power",
+ "mask_blend_scale",
+ "inpaint_detail_preservation")
+class Script(scripts.Script):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.masks_for_overlay = None
+ self.overlay_images = None
+ def title(self):
+ return "Soft Inpainting"
+ def show(self, is_img2img):
+ return scripts.AlwaysVisible if is_img2img else False
+ def ui(self, is_img2img):
+ if not is_img2img:
+ return
+ with InputAccordion(False, label=enabled_ui_label, elem_id=enabled_el_id) as soft_inpainting_enabled:
+ with gr.Group():
+ gr.Markdown(
+ """
+ Soft inpainting allows you to **seamlessly blend original content with inpainted content** according to the mask opacity.
+ **High _Mask blur_** values are recommended!
+ """)
+ result = SoftInpaintingSettings(
+ gr.Slider(label=ui_labels.mask_blend_power,
+ info=ui_info.mask_blend_power,
+ minimum=0,
+ maximum=8,
+ step=0.1,
+ value=default.mask_blend_power,
+ elem_id=el_ids.mask_blend_power),
+ gr.Slider(label=ui_labels.mask_blend_scale,
+ info=ui_info.mask_blend_scale,
+ minimum=0,
+ maximum=8,
+ step=0.05,
+ value=default.mask_blend_scale,
+ elem_id=el_ids.mask_blend_scale),
+ gr.Slider(label=ui_labels.inpaint_detail_preservation,
+ info=ui_info.inpaint_detail_preservation,
+ minimum=1,
+ maximum=32,
+ step=0.5,
+ value=default.inpaint_detail_preservation,
+ elem_id=el_ids.inpaint_detail_preservation))
+ with gr.Accordion("Help", open=False):
+ gr.Markdown(
+ f"""
+ ### {ui_labels.mask_blend_power}
+ The blending strength of original content is scaled proportionally with the decreasing noise level values at each step (sigmas).
+ This ensures that the influence of the denoiser and original content preservation is roughly balanced at each step.
+ This balance can be shifted using this parameter, controlling whether earlier or later steps have stronger preservation.
+ - **Below 1**: Stronger preservation near the end (with low sigma)
+ - **1**: Balanced (proportional to sigma)
+ - **Above 1**: Stronger preservation in the beginning (with high sigma)
+ """)
+ gr.Markdown(
+ f"""
+ ### {ui_labels.mask_blend_scale}
+ Skews whether partially masked image regions should be more likely to preserve the original content or favor inpainted content.
+ This may need to be adjusted depending on the {ui_labels.mask_blend_power}, CFG Scale, prompt and Denoising strength.
+ - **Low values**: Favors generated content.
+ - **High values**: Favors original content.
+ """)
+ gr.Markdown(
+ f"""
+ ### {ui_labels.inpaint_detail_preservation}
+ This parameter controls how the original latent vectors and denoised latent vectors are interpolated.
+ With higher values, the magnitude of the resulting blended vector will be closer to the maximum of the two interpolated vectors.
+ This can prevent the loss of contrast that occurs with linear interpolation.
+ - **Low values**: Softer blending, details may fade.
+ - **High values**: Stronger contrast, may over-saturate colors.
+ """)
+ self.infotext_fields = [(soft_inpainting_enabled, enabled_gen_param_label),
+ (result.mask_blend_power, gen_param_labels.mask_blend_power),
+ (result.mask_blend_scale, gen_param_labels.mask_blend_scale),
+ (result.inpaint_detail_preservation, gen_param_labels.inpaint_detail_preservation)]
+ self.paste_field_names = []
+ for _, field_name in self.infotext_fields:
+ self.paste_field_names.append(field_name)
+ return [soft_inpainting_enabled,
+ result.mask_blend_power,
+ result.mask_blend_scale,
+ result.inpaint_detail_preservation]
+ def process(self, p, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
+ if not enabled:
+ return
+ # Shut off the rounding it normally does.
+ p.mask_round = False
+ settings = SoftInpaintingSettings(power, scale, detail_preservation)
+ # p.extra_generation_params["Mask rounding"] = False
+ settings.add_generation_params(p.extra_generation_params)
+ def on_mask_blend(self, p, mba: scripts.MaskBlendArgs, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
+ if not enabled:
+ return
+ if mba.sigma is None:
+ mba.blended_latent = mba.current_latent
+ return
+ settings = SoftInpaintingSettings(power, scale, detail_preservation)
+ # todo: Why is sigma 2D? Both values are the same.
+ mba.blended_latent = latent_blend(settings,
+ mba.init_latent,
+ mba.current_latent,
+ get_modified_nmask(settings, mba.nmask, mba.sigma[0]))
+ def post_sample(self, p, ps: scripts.PostSampleArgs, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
+ if not enabled:
+ return
+ settings = SoftInpaintingSettings(power, scale, detail_preservation)
+ from modules import images
+ from modules.shared import opts
+ # since the original code puts holes in the existing overlay images,
+ # we have to rebuild them.
+ self.overlay_images = []
+ for img in p.init_images:
+ image = images.flatten(img, opts.img2img_background_color)
+ if p.paste_to is None and p.resize_mode != 3:
+ image = images.resize_image(p.resize_mode, image, p.width, p.height)
+ self.overlay_images.append(image.convert('RGBA'))
+ if getattr(ps.samples, 'already_decoded', False):
+ self.masks_for_overlay = apply_masks(soft_inpainting=settings,
+ nmask=p.nmask,
+ overlay_images=self.overlay_images,
+ width=p.width,
+ height=p.height,
+ paste_to=p.paste_to)
+ else:
+ self.masks_for_overlay = apply_adaptive_masks(latent_orig=p.init_latent,
+ latent_processed=ps.samples,
+ overlay_images=self.overlay_images,
+ width=p.width,
+ height=p.height,
+ paste_to=p.paste_to)
+ def postprocess_maskoverlay(self, p, ppmo: scripts.PostProcessMaskOverlayArgs, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
+ if not enabled:
+ return
+ ppmo.mask_for_overlay = self.masks_for_overlay[ppmo.index]
+ ppmo.overlay_image = self.overlay_images[ppmo.index] \ No newline at end of file