diff options
26 files changed, 1640 insertions, 1517 deletions
diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cfd9487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+venv \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78275554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+module.exports = {
+ env: {
+ browser: true,
+ es2021: true,
+ },
+ extends: "eslint:recommended",
+ parserOptions: {
+ ecmaVersion: "latest",
+ },
+ rules: {
+ "arrow-spacing": "error",
+ "block-spacing": "error",
+ "brace-style": "error",
+ "comma-dangle": ["error", "only-multiline"],
+ "comma-spacing": "error",
+ "comma-style": ["error", "last"],
+ "curly": ["error", "multi-line", "consistent"],
+ "eol-last": "error",
+ "func-call-spacing": "error",
+ "function-call-argument-newline": ["error", "consistent"],
+ "function-paren-newline": ["error", "consistent"],
+ "indent": ["error", 4],
+ "key-spacing": "error",
+ "keyword-spacing": "error",
+ "linebreak-style": ["error", "unix"],
+ "no-extra-semi": "error",
+ "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": "error",
+ "no-trailing-spaces": "error",
+ "no-whitespace-before-property": "error",
+ "object-curly-newline": ["error", {consistent: true, multiline: true}],
+ "quote-props": ["error", "consistent-as-needed"],
+ "semi": ["error", "always"],
+ "semi-spacing": "error",
+ "semi-style": ["error", "last"],
+ "space-before-blocks": "error",
+ "space-before-function-paren": ["error", "never"],
+ "space-in-parens": ["error", "never"],
+ "space-infix-ops": "error",
+ "space-unary-ops": "error",
+ "switch-colon-spacing": "error",
+ "template-curly-spacing": ["error", "never"],
+ "unicode-bom": "error",
+ "no-multi-spaces": "error",
+ "object-curly-spacing": ["error", "never"],
+ "operator-linebreak": ["error", "after"],
+ "no-unused-vars": "off",
+ "no-redeclare": "off",
+ },
+ globals: {
+ // this file
+ module: "writable",
+ //script.js
+ gradioApp: "writable",
+ onUiLoaded: "writable",
+ onUiUpdate: "writable",
+ onOptionsChanged: "writable",
+ uiCurrentTab: "writable",
+ uiElementIsVisible: "writable",
+ executeCallbacks: "writable",
+ //ui.js
+ opts: "writable",
+ all_gallery_buttons: "writable",
+ selected_gallery_button: "writable",
+ selected_gallery_index: "writable",
+ args_to_array: "writable",
+ switch_to_txt2img: "writable",
+ switch_to_img2img_tab: "writable",
+ switch_to_img2img: "writable",
+ switch_to_sketch: "writable",
+ switch_to_inpaint: "writable",
+ switch_to_inpaint_sketch: "writable",
+ switch_to_extras: "writable",
+ get_tab_index: "writable",
+ create_submit_args: "writable",
+ restart_reload: "writable",
+ updateInput: "writable",
+ //extraNetworks.js
+ requestGet: "writable",
+ popup: "writable",
+ // from python
+ localization: "writable",
+ // progrssbar.js
+ randomId: "writable",
+ requestProgress: "writable",
+ // imageviewer.js
+ modalPrevImage: "writable",
+ modalNextImage: "writable",
+ }
diff --git a/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml b/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml
index d42965b1..7b7219fd 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/on_pull_request.yaml
@@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
-# See https://github.com/actions/starter-workflows/blob/1067f16ad8a1eac328834e4b0ae24f7d206f810d/ci/pylint.yml for original reference file
name: Run Linting/Formatting on Pull Requests
- push
- pull_request
- # See https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#onpull_requestpull_request_targetbranchesbranches-ignore for syntax docs
- # if you want to filter out branches, delete the `- pull_request` and uncomment these lines :
- # pull_request:
- # branches:
- # - master
- # branches-ignore:
- # - development
- lint:
+ lint-python:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Code
@@ -29,18 +21,14 @@ jobs:
run: pip install ruff==0.0.265
- name: Run Ruff
run: ruff .
-# The rest are currently disabled pending fixing of e.g. installing the torch dependency.
-# - name: Install PyLint
-# run: |
-# python -m pip install --upgrade pip
-# pip install pylint
-# # This lets PyLint check to see if it can resolve imports
-# - name: Install dependencies
-# run: |
-# export COMMANDLINE_ARGS="--skip-torch-cuda-test --exit"
-# python launch.py
-# - name: Analysing the code with pylint
-# run: |
-# pylint $(git ls-files '*.py')
+ lint-js:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout Code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Install Node.js
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+ with:
+ node-version: 18
+ - run: npm i --ci
+ - run: npm run lint
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7328401f..46654d83 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ notification.mp3
+/package-lock.json \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions-builtin/prompt-bracket-checker/javascript/prompt-bracket-checker.js b/extensions-builtin/prompt-bracket-checker/javascript/prompt-bracket-checker.js
index 5c7a836a..114cf94c 100644
--- a/extensions-builtin/prompt-bracket-checker/javascript/prompt-bracket-checker.js
+++ b/extensions-builtin/prompt-bracket-checker/javascript/prompt-bracket-checker.js
@@ -4,39 +4,39 @@
// If there's a mismatch, the keyword counter turns red and if you hover on it, a tooltip tells you what's wrong.
function checkBrackets(textArea, counterElt) {
- var counts = {};
- (textArea.value.match(/[(){}\[\]]/g) || []).forEach(bracket => {
- counts[bracket] = (counts[bracket] || 0) + 1;
- });
- var errors = [];
+ var counts = {};
+ (textArea.value.match(/[(){}[\]]/g) || []).forEach(bracket => {
+ counts[bracket] = (counts[bracket] || 0) + 1;
+ });
+ var errors = [];
- function checkPair(open, close, kind) {
- if (counts[open] !== counts[close]) {
- errors.push(
- `${open}...${close} - Detected ${counts[open] || 0} opening and ${counts[close] || 0} closing ${kind}.`
- );
+ function checkPair(open, close, kind) {
+ if (counts[open] !== counts[close]) {
+ errors.push(
+ `${open}...${close} - Detected ${counts[open] || 0} opening and ${counts[close] || 0} closing ${kind}.`
+ );
+ }
- }
- checkPair('(', ')', 'round brackets');
- checkPair('[', ']', 'square brackets');
- checkPair('{', '}', 'curly brackets');
- counterElt.title = errors.join('\n');
- counterElt.classList.toggle('error', errors.length !== 0);
+ checkPair('(', ')', 'round brackets');
+ checkPair('[', ']', 'square brackets');
+ checkPair('{', '}', 'curly brackets');
+ counterElt.title = errors.join('\n');
+ counterElt.classList.toggle('error', errors.length !== 0);
function setupBracketChecking(id_prompt, id_counter) {
- var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + id_prompt + " > label > textarea");
- var counter = gradioApp().getElementById(id_counter)
+ var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + id_prompt + " > label > textarea");
+ var counter = gradioApp().getElementById(id_counter);
- if (textarea && counter) {
- textarea.addEventListener("input", () => checkBrackets(textarea, counter));
- }
+ if (textarea && counter) {
+ textarea.addEventListener("input", () => checkBrackets(textarea, counter));
+ }
-onUiLoaded(function () {
- setupBracketChecking('txt2img_prompt', 'txt2img_token_counter');
- setupBracketChecking('txt2img_neg_prompt', 'txt2img_negative_token_counter');
- setupBracketChecking('img2img_prompt', 'img2img_token_counter');
- setupBracketChecking('img2img_neg_prompt', 'img2img_negative_token_counter');
+onUiLoaded(function() {
+ setupBracketChecking('txt2img_prompt', 'txt2img_token_counter');
+ setupBracketChecking('txt2img_neg_prompt', 'txt2img_negative_token_counter');
+ setupBracketChecking('img2img_prompt', 'img2img_token_counter');
+ setupBracketChecking('img2img_neg_prompt', 'img2img_negative_token_counter');
diff --git a/javascript/aspectRatioOverlay.js b/javascript/aspectRatioOverlay.js
index 5160081d..1c08a1a9 100644
--- a/javascript/aspectRatioOverlay.js
+++ b/javascript/aspectRatioOverlay.js
@@ -1,111 +1,113 @@
-let currentWidth = null;
-let currentHeight = null;
-let arFrameTimeout = setTimeout(function(){},0);
-function dimensionChange(e, is_width, is_height){
- if(is_width){
- currentWidth = e.target.value*1.0
- }
- if(is_height){
- currentHeight = e.target.value*1.0
- }
- var inImg2img = gradioApp().querySelector("#tab_img2img").style.display == "block";
- if(!inImg2img){
- return;
- }
- var targetElement = null;
- var tabIndex = get_tab_index('mode_img2img')
- if(tabIndex == 0){ // img2img
- targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_image div[data-testid=image] img');
- } else if(tabIndex == 1){ //Sketch
- targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_sketch div[data-testid=image] img');
- } else if(tabIndex == 2){ // Inpaint
- targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2maskimg div[data-testid=image] img');
- } else if(tabIndex == 3){ // Inpaint sketch
- targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#inpaint_sketch div[data-testid=image] img');
- }
- if(targetElement){
- var arPreviewRect = gradioApp().querySelector('#imageARPreview');
- if(!arPreviewRect){
- arPreviewRect = document.createElement('div')
- arPreviewRect.id = "imageARPreview";
- gradioApp().appendChild(arPreviewRect)
- }
- var viewportOffset = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect();
- var viewportscale = Math.min( targetElement.clientWidth/targetElement.naturalWidth, targetElement.clientHeight/targetElement.naturalHeight )
- var scaledx = targetElement.naturalWidth*viewportscale
- var scaledy = targetElement.naturalHeight*viewportscale
- var cleintRectTop = (viewportOffset.top+window.scrollY)
- var cleintRectLeft = (viewportOffset.left+window.scrollX)
- var cleintRectCentreY = cleintRectTop + (targetElement.clientHeight/2)
- var cleintRectCentreX = cleintRectLeft + (targetElement.clientWidth/2)
- var arscale = Math.min( scaledx/currentWidth, scaledy/currentHeight )
- var arscaledx = currentWidth*arscale
- var arscaledy = currentHeight*arscale
- var arRectTop = cleintRectCentreY-(arscaledy/2)
- var arRectLeft = cleintRectCentreX-(arscaledx/2)
- var arRectWidth = arscaledx
- var arRectHeight = arscaledy
- arPreviewRect.style.top = arRectTop+'px';
- arPreviewRect.style.left = arRectLeft+'px';
- arPreviewRect.style.width = arRectWidth+'px';
- arPreviewRect.style.height = arRectHeight+'px';
- clearTimeout(arFrameTimeout);
- arFrameTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
- arPreviewRect.style.display = 'none';
- },2000);
- arPreviewRect.style.display = 'block';
- }
- var arPreviewRect = gradioApp().querySelector('#imageARPreview');
- if(arPreviewRect){
- arPreviewRect.style.display = 'none';
- }
- var tabImg2img = gradioApp().querySelector("#tab_img2img");
- if (tabImg2img) {
- var inImg2img = tabImg2img.style.display == "block";
- if(inImg2img){
- let inputs = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('input');
- inputs.forEach(function(e){
- var is_width = e.parentElement.id == "img2img_width"
- var is_height = e.parentElement.id == "img2img_height"
- if((is_width || is_height) && !e.classList.contains('scrollwatch')){
- e.addEventListener('input', function(e){dimensionChange(e, is_width, is_height)} )
- e.classList.add('scrollwatch')
- }
- if(is_width){
- currentWidth = e.value*1.0
- }
- if(is_height){
- currentHeight = e.value*1.0
- }
- })
- }
- }
+let currentWidth = null;
+let currentHeight = null;
+let arFrameTimeout = setTimeout(function() {}, 0);
+function dimensionChange(e, is_width, is_height) {
+ if (is_width) {
+ currentWidth = e.target.value * 1.0;
+ }
+ if (is_height) {
+ currentHeight = e.target.value * 1.0;
+ }
+ var inImg2img = gradioApp().querySelector("#tab_img2img").style.display == "block";
+ if (!inImg2img) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var targetElement = null;
+ var tabIndex = get_tab_index('mode_img2img');
+ if (tabIndex == 0) { // img2img
+ targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_image div[data-testid=image] img');
+ } else if (tabIndex == 1) { //Sketch
+ targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_sketch div[data-testid=image] img');
+ } else if (tabIndex == 2) { // Inpaint
+ targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2maskimg div[data-testid=image] img');
+ } else if (tabIndex == 3) { // Inpaint sketch
+ targetElement = gradioApp().querySelector('#inpaint_sketch div[data-testid=image] img');
+ }
+ if (targetElement) {
+ var arPreviewRect = gradioApp().querySelector('#imageARPreview');
+ if (!arPreviewRect) {
+ arPreviewRect = document.createElement('div');
+ arPreviewRect.id = "imageARPreview";
+ gradioApp().appendChild(arPreviewRect);
+ }
+ var viewportOffset = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var viewportscale = Math.min(targetElement.clientWidth / targetElement.naturalWidth, targetElement.clientHeight / targetElement.naturalHeight);
+ var scaledx = targetElement.naturalWidth * viewportscale;
+ var scaledy = targetElement.naturalHeight * viewportscale;
+ var cleintRectTop = (viewportOffset.top + window.scrollY);
+ var cleintRectLeft = (viewportOffset.left + window.scrollX);
+ var cleintRectCentreY = cleintRectTop + (targetElement.clientHeight / 2);
+ var cleintRectCentreX = cleintRectLeft + (targetElement.clientWidth / 2);
+ var arscale = Math.min(scaledx / currentWidth, scaledy / currentHeight);
+ var arscaledx = currentWidth * arscale;
+ var arscaledy = currentHeight * arscale;
+ var arRectTop = cleintRectCentreY - (arscaledy / 2);
+ var arRectLeft = cleintRectCentreX - (arscaledx / 2);
+ var arRectWidth = arscaledx;
+ var arRectHeight = arscaledy;
+ arPreviewRect.style.top = arRectTop + 'px';
+ arPreviewRect.style.left = arRectLeft + 'px';
+ arPreviewRect.style.width = arRectWidth + 'px';
+ arPreviewRect.style.height = arRectHeight + 'px';
+ clearTimeout(arFrameTimeout);
+ arFrameTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
+ arPreviewRect.style.display = 'none';
+ }, 2000);
+ arPreviewRect.style.display = 'block';
+ }
+onUiUpdate(function() {
+ var arPreviewRect = gradioApp().querySelector('#imageARPreview');
+ if (arPreviewRect) {
+ arPreviewRect.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ var tabImg2img = gradioApp().querySelector("#tab_img2img");
+ if (tabImg2img) {
+ var inImg2img = tabImg2img.style.display == "block";
+ if (inImg2img) {
+ let inputs = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('input');
+ inputs.forEach(function(e) {
+ var is_width = e.parentElement.id == "img2img_width";
+ var is_height = e.parentElement.id == "img2img_height";
+ if ((is_width || is_height) && !e.classList.contains('scrollwatch')) {
+ e.addEventListener('input', function(e) {
+ dimensionChange(e, is_width, is_height);
+ });
+ e.classList.add('scrollwatch');
+ }
+ if (is_width) {
+ currentWidth = e.value * 1.0;
+ }
+ if (is_height) {
+ currentHeight = e.value * 1.0;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/contextMenus.js b/javascript/contextMenus.js
index b2bdf053..f14af1d4 100644
--- a/javascript/contextMenus.js
+++ b/javascript/contextMenus.js
@@ -1,166 +1,172 @@
-contextMenuInit = function(){
- let eventListenerApplied=false;
- let menuSpecs = new Map();
- const uid = function(){
- return Date.now().toString(36) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
- }
- function showContextMenu(event,element,menuEntries){
- let posx = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
- let posy = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- let oldMenu = gradioApp().querySelector('#context-menu')
- if(oldMenu){
- oldMenu.remove()
- }
- let baseStyle = window.getComputedStyle(uiCurrentTab)
- const contextMenu = document.createElement('nav')
- contextMenu.id = "context-menu"
- contextMenu.style.background = baseStyle.background
- contextMenu.style.color = baseStyle.color
- contextMenu.style.fontFamily = baseStyle.fontFamily
- contextMenu.style.top = posy+'px'
- contextMenu.style.left = posx+'px'
- const contextMenuList = document.createElement('ul')
- contextMenuList.className = 'context-menu-items';
- contextMenu.append(contextMenuList);
- menuEntries.forEach(function(entry){
- let contextMenuEntry = document.createElement('a')
- contextMenuEntry.innerHTML = entry['name']
- contextMenuEntry.addEventListener("click", function() {
- entry['func']();
- })
- contextMenuList.append(contextMenuEntry);
- })
- gradioApp().appendChild(contextMenu)
- let menuWidth = contextMenu.offsetWidth + 4;
- let menuHeight = contextMenu.offsetHeight + 4;
- let windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
- let windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
- if ( (windowWidth - posx) < menuWidth ) {
- contextMenu.style.left = windowWidth - menuWidth + "px";
- }
- if ( (windowHeight - posy) < menuHeight ) {
- contextMenu.style.top = windowHeight - menuHeight + "px";
- }
- }
- function appendContextMenuOption(targetElementSelector,entryName,entryFunction){
- var currentItems = menuSpecs.get(targetElementSelector)
- if(!currentItems){
- currentItems = []
- menuSpecs.set(targetElementSelector,currentItems);
- }
- let newItem = {'id':targetElementSelector+'_'+uid(),
- 'name':entryName,
- 'func':entryFunction,
- 'isNew':true}
- currentItems.push(newItem)
- return newItem['id']
- }
- function removeContextMenuOption(uid){
- menuSpecs.forEach(function(v) {
- let index = -1
- v.forEach(function(e,ei){if(e['id']==uid){index=ei}})
- if(index>=0){
- v.splice(index, 1);
- }
- })
- }
- function addContextMenuEventListener(){
- if(eventListenerApplied){
- return;
- }
- gradioApp().addEventListener("click", function(e) {
- if(! e.isTrusted){
- return
- }
- let oldMenu = gradioApp().querySelector('#context-menu')
- if(oldMenu){
- oldMenu.remove()
- }
- });
- gradioApp().addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) {
- let oldMenu = gradioApp().querySelector('#context-menu')
- if(oldMenu){
- oldMenu.remove()
- }
- menuSpecs.forEach(function(v,k) {
- if(e.composedPath()[0].matches(k)){
- showContextMenu(e,e.composedPath()[0],v)
- e.preventDefault()
- }
- })
- });
- eventListenerApplied=true
- }
- return [appendContextMenuOption, removeContextMenuOption, addContextMenuEventListener]
-initResponse = contextMenuInit();
-appendContextMenuOption = initResponse[0];
-removeContextMenuOption = initResponse[1];
-addContextMenuEventListener = initResponse[2];
- //Start example Context Menu Items
- let generateOnRepeat = function(genbuttonid,interruptbuttonid){
- let genbutton = gradioApp().querySelector(genbuttonid);
- let interruptbutton = gradioApp().querySelector(interruptbuttonid);
- if(!interruptbutton.offsetParent){
- genbutton.click();
- }
- clearInterval(window.generateOnRepeatInterval)
- window.generateOnRepeatInterval = setInterval(function(){
- if(!interruptbutton.offsetParent){
- genbutton.click();
- }
- },
- 500)
- }
- appendContextMenuOption('#txt2img_generate','Generate forever',function(){
- generateOnRepeat('#txt2img_generate','#txt2img_interrupt');
- })
- appendContextMenuOption('#img2img_generate','Generate forever',function(){
- generateOnRepeat('#img2img_generate','#img2img_interrupt');
- })
- let cancelGenerateForever = function(){
- clearInterval(window.generateOnRepeatInterval)
- }
- appendContextMenuOption('#txt2img_interrupt','Cancel generate forever',cancelGenerateForever)
- appendContextMenuOption('#txt2img_generate', 'Cancel generate forever',cancelGenerateForever)
- appendContextMenuOption('#img2img_interrupt','Cancel generate forever',cancelGenerateForever)
- appendContextMenuOption('#img2img_generate', 'Cancel generate forever',cancelGenerateForever)
-//End example Context Menu Items
- addContextMenuEventListener()
+var contextMenuInit = function() {
+ let eventListenerApplied = false;
+ let menuSpecs = new Map();
+ const uid = function() {
+ return Date.now().toString(36) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
+ };
+ function showContextMenu(event, element, menuEntries) {
+ let posx = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
+ let posy = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ let oldMenu = gradioApp().querySelector('#context-menu');
+ if (oldMenu) {
+ oldMenu.remove();
+ }
+ let baseStyle = window.getComputedStyle(uiCurrentTab);
+ const contextMenu = document.createElement('nav');
+ contextMenu.id = "context-menu";
+ contextMenu.style.background = baseStyle.background;
+ contextMenu.style.color = baseStyle.color;
+ contextMenu.style.fontFamily = baseStyle.fontFamily;
+ contextMenu.style.top = posy + 'px';
+ contextMenu.style.left = posx + 'px';
+ const contextMenuList = document.createElement('ul');
+ contextMenuList.className = 'context-menu-items';
+ contextMenu.append(contextMenuList);
+ menuEntries.forEach(function(entry) {
+ let contextMenuEntry = document.createElement('a');
+ contextMenuEntry.innerHTML = entry['name'];
+ contextMenuEntry.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ entry['func']();
+ });
+ contextMenuList.append(contextMenuEntry);
+ });
+ gradioApp().appendChild(contextMenu);
+ let menuWidth = contextMenu.offsetWidth + 4;
+ let menuHeight = contextMenu.offsetHeight + 4;
+ let windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
+ let windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
+ if ((windowWidth - posx) < menuWidth) {
+ contextMenu.style.left = windowWidth - menuWidth + "px";
+ }
+ if ((windowHeight - posy) < menuHeight) {
+ contextMenu.style.top = windowHeight - menuHeight + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ function appendContextMenuOption(targetElementSelector, entryName, entryFunction) {
+ var currentItems = menuSpecs.get(targetElementSelector);
+ if (!currentItems) {
+ currentItems = [];
+ menuSpecs.set(targetElementSelector, currentItems);
+ }
+ let newItem = {
+ id: targetElementSelector + '_' + uid(),
+ name: entryName,
+ func: entryFunction,
+ isNew: true
+ };
+ currentItems.push(newItem);
+ return newItem['id'];
+ }
+ function removeContextMenuOption(uid) {
+ menuSpecs.forEach(function(v) {
+ let index = -1;
+ v.forEach(function(e, ei) {
+ if (e['id'] == uid) {
+ index = ei;
+ }
+ });
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ v.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function addContextMenuEventListener() {
+ if (eventListenerApplied) {
+ return;
+ }
+ gradioApp().addEventListener("click", function(e) {
+ if (!e.isTrusted) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let oldMenu = gradioApp().querySelector('#context-menu');
+ if (oldMenu) {
+ oldMenu.remove();
+ }
+ });
+ gradioApp().addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) {
+ let oldMenu = gradioApp().querySelector('#context-menu');
+ if (oldMenu) {
+ oldMenu.remove();
+ }
+ menuSpecs.forEach(function(v, k) {
+ if (e.composedPath()[0].matches(k)) {
+ showContextMenu(e, e.composedPath()[0], v);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ eventListenerApplied = true;
+ }
+ return [appendContextMenuOption, removeContextMenuOption, addContextMenuEventListener];
+var initResponse = contextMenuInit();
+var appendContextMenuOption = initResponse[0];
+var removeContextMenuOption = initResponse[1];
+var addContextMenuEventListener = initResponse[2];
+(function() {
+ //Start example Context Menu Items
+ let generateOnRepeat = function(genbuttonid, interruptbuttonid) {
+ let genbutton = gradioApp().querySelector(genbuttonid);
+ let interruptbutton = gradioApp().querySelector(interruptbuttonid);
+ if (!interruptbutton.offsetParent) {
+ genbutton.click();
+ }
+ clearInterval(window.generateOnRepeatInterval);
+ window.generateOnRepeatInterval = setInterval(function() {
+ if (!interruptbutton.offsetParent) {
+ genbutton.click();
+ }
+ },
+ 500);
+ };
+ appendContextMenuOption('#txt2img_generate', 'Generate forever', function() {
+ generateOnRepeat('#txt2img_generate', '#txt2img_interrupt');
+ });
+ appendContextMenuOption('#img2img_generate', 'Generate forever', function() {
+ generateOnRepeat('#img2img_generate', '#img2img_interrupt');
+ });
+ let cancelGenerateForever = function() {
+ clearInterval(window.generateOnRepeatInterval);
+ };
+ appendContextMenuOption('#txt2img_interrupt', 'Cancel generate forever', cancelGenerateForever);
+ appendContextMenuOption('#txt2img_generate', 'Cancel generate forever', cancelGenerateForever);
+ appendContextMenuOption('#img2img_interrupt', 'Cancel generate forever', cancelGenerateForever);
+ appendContextMenuOption('#img2img_generate', 'Cancel generate forever', cancelGenerateForever);
+//End example Context Menu Items
+onUiUpdate(function() {
+ addContextMenuEventListener();
diff --git a/javascript/dragdrop.js b/javascript/dragdrop.js
index fe008924..e316a365 100644
--- a/javascript/dragdrop.js
+++ b/javascript/dragdrop.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
// allows drag-dropping files into gradio image elements, and also pasting images from clipboard
-function isValidImageList( files ) {
+function isValidImageList(files) {
return files && files?.length === 1 && ['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg'].includes(files[0].type);
-function dropReplaceImage( imgWrap, files ) {
- if ( ! isValidImageList( files ) ) {
+function dropReplaceImage(imgWrap, files) {
+ if (!isValidImageList(files)) {
@@ -14,44 +14,44 @@ function dropReplaceImage( imgWrap, files ) {
imgWrap.querySelector('.modify-upload button + button, .touch-none + div button + button')?.click();
const callback = () => {
const fileInput = imgWrap.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
- if ( fileInput ) {
- if ( files.length === 0 ) {
+ if (fileInput) {
+ if (files.length === 0) {
files = new DataTransfer();
fileInput.files = files.files;
} else {
fileInput.files = files;
- fileInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
+ fileInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
- if ( imgWrap.closest('#pnginfo_image') ) {
+ if (imgWrap.closest('#pnginfo_image')) {
// special treatment for PNG Info tab, wait for fetch request to finish
const oldFetch = window.fetch;
- window.fetch = async (input, options) => {
+ window.fetch = async(input, options) => {
const response = await oldFetch(input, options);
- if ( 'api/predict/' === input ) {
+ if ('api/predict/' === input) {
const content = await response.text();
window.fetch = oldFetch;
- window.requestAnimationFrame( () => callback() );
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(() => callback());
return new Response(content, {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
headers: response.headers
- })
+ });
return response;
- };
+ };
} else {
- window.requestAnimationFrame( () => callback() );
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(() => callback());
window.document.addEventListener('dragover', e => {
const target = e.composedPath()[0];
const imgWrap = target.closest('[data-testid="image"]');
- if ( !imgWrap && target.placeholder && target.placeholder.indexOf("Prompt") == -1) {
+ if (!imgWrap && target.placeholder && target.placeholder.indexOf("Prompt") == -1) {
@@ -65,33 +65,34 @@ window.document.addEventListener('drop', e => {
const imgWrap = target.closest('[data-testid="image"]');
- if ( !imgWrap ) {
+ if (!imgWrap) {
const files = e.dataTransfer.files;
- dropReplaceImage( imgWrap, files );
+ dropReplaceImage(imgWrap, files);
window.addEventListener('paste', e => {
const files = e.clipboardData.files;
- if ( ! isValidImageList( files ) ) {
+ if (!isValidImageList(files)) {
const visibleImageFields = [...gradioApp().querySelectorAll('[data-testid="image"]')]
.filter(el => uiElementIsVisible(el));
- if ( ! visibleImageFields.length ) {
+ if (!visibleImageFields.length) {
const firstFreeImageField = visibleImageFields
.filter(el => el.querySelector('input[type=file]'))?.[0];
firstFreeImageField ?
- firstFreeImageField :
- visibleImageFields[visibleImageFields.length - 1]
- , files );
+ firstFreeImageField :
+ visibleImageFields[visibleImageFields.length - 1]
+ , files
+ );
diff --git a/javascript/edit-attention.js b/javascript/edit-attention.js
index d2c2f190..fdf00b4d 100644
--- a/javascript/edit-attention.js
+++ b/javascript/edit-attention.js
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-function keyupEditAttention(event){
- let target = event.originalTarget || event.composedPath()[0];
- if (! target.matches("[id*='_toprow'] [id*='_prompt'] textarea")) return;
- if (! (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey)) return;
- let isPlus = event.key == "ArrowUp"
- let isMinus = event.key == "ArrowDown"
- if (!isPlus && !isMinus) return;
- let selectionStart = target.selectionStart;
- let selectionEnd = target.selectionEnd;
- let text = target.value;
- function selectCurrentParenthesisBlock(OPEN, CLOSE){
- if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) return false;
- // Find opening parenthesis around current cursor
- const before = text.substring(0, selectionStart);
- let beforeParen = before.lastIndexOf(OPEN);
- if (beforeParen == -1) return false;
- let beforeParenClose = before.lastIndexOf(CLOSE);
- while (beforeParenClose !== -1 && beforeParenClose > beforeParen) {
- beforeParen = before.lastIndexOf(OPEN, beforeParen - 1);
- beforeParenClose = before.lastIndexOf(CLOSE, beforeParenClose - 1);
- }
- // Find closing parenthesis around current cursor
- const after = text.substring(selectionStart);
- let afterParen = after.indexOf(CLOSE);
- if (afterParen == -1) return false;
- let afterParenOpen = after.indexOf(OPEN);
- while (afterParenOpen !== -1 && afterParen > afterParenOpen) {
- afterParen = after.indexOf(CLOSE, afterParen + 1);
- afterParenOpen = after.indexOf(OPEN, afterParenOpen + 1);
- }
- if (beforeParen === -1 || afterParen === -1) return false;
- // Set the selection to the text between the parenthesis
- const parenContent = text.substring(beforeParen + 1, selectionStart + afterParen);
- const lastColon = parenContent.lastIndexOf(":");
- selectionStart = beforeParen + 1;
- selectionEnd = selectionStart + lastColon;
- target.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
- return true;
- }
- function selectCurrentWord(){
- if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) return false;
- const delimiters = opts.keyedit_delimiters + " \r\n\t";
- // seek backward until to find beggining
- while (!delimiters.includes(text[selectionStart - 1]) && selectionStart > 0) {
- selectionStart--;
- }
- // seek forward to find end
- while (!delimiters.includes(text[selectionEnd]) && selectionEnd < text.length) {
- selectionEnd++;
- }
- target.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
- return true;
- }
- // If the user hasn't selected anything, let's select their current parenthesis block or word
- if (!selectCurrentParenthesisBlock('<', '>') && !selectCurrentParenthesisBlock('(', ')')) {
- selectCurrentWord();
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- var closeCharacter = ')'
- var delta = opts.keyedit_precision_attention
- if (selectionStart > 0 && text[selectionStart - 1] == '<'){
- closeCharacter = '>'
- delta = opts.keyedit_precision_extra
- } else if (selectionStart == 0 || text[selectionStart - 1] != "(") {
- // do not include spaces at the end
- while(selectionEnd > selectionStart && text[selectionEnd-1] == ' '){
- selectionEnd -= 1;
- }
- if(selectionStart == selectionEnd){
- return
- }
- text = text.slice(0, selectionStart) + "(" + text.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + ":1.0)" + text.slice(selectionEnd);
- selectionStart += 1;
- selectionEnd += 1;
- }
- var end = text.slice(selectionEnd + 1).indexOf(closeCharacter) + 1;
- var weight = parseFloat(text.slice(selectionEnd + 1, selectionEnd + 1 + end));
- if (isNaN(weight)) return;
- weight += isPlus ? delta : -delta;
- weight = parseFloat(weight.toPrecision(12));
- if(String(weight).length == 1) weight += ".0"
- if (closeCharacter == ')' && weight == 1) {
- text = text.slice(0, selectionStart - 1) + text.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + text.slice(selectionEnd + 5);
- selectionStart--;
- selectionEnd--;
- } else {
- text = text.slice(0, selectionEnd + 1) + weight + text.slice(selectionEnd + 1 + end - 1);
- }
- target.focus();
- target.value = text;
- target.selectionStart = selectionStart;
- target.selectionEnd = selectionEnd;
- updateInput(target)
-addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
- keyupEditAttention(event);
+function keyupEditAttention(event) {
+ let target = event.originalTarget || event.composedPath()[0];
+ if (!target.matches("[id*='_toprow'] [id*='_prompt'] textarea")) return;
+ if (!(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey)) return;
+ let isPlus = event.key == "ArrowUp";
+ let isMinus = event.key == "ArrowDown";
+ if (!isPlus && !isMinus) return;
+ let selectionStart = target.selectionStart;
+ let selectionEnd = target.selectionEnd;
+ let text = target.value;
+ function selectCurrentParenthesisBlock(OPEN, CLOSE) {
+ if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) return false;
+ // Find opening parenthesis around current cursor
+ const before = text.substring(0, selectionStart);
+ let beforeParen = before.lastIndexOf(OPEN);
+ if (beforeParen == -1) return false;
+ let beforeParenClose = before.lastIndexOf(CLOSE);
+ while (beforeParenClose !== -1 && beforeParenClose > beforeParen) {
+ beforeParen = before.lastIndexOf(OPEN, beforeParen - 1);
+ beforeParenClose = before.lastIndexOf(CLOSE, beforeParenClose - 1);
+ }
+ // Find closing parenthesis around current cursor
+ const after = text.substring(selectionStart);
+ let afterParen = after.indexOf(CLOSE);
+ if (afterParen == -1) return false;
+ let afterParenOpen = after.indexOf(OPEN);
+ while (afterParenOpen !== -1 && afterParen > afterParenOpen) {
+ afterParen = after.indexOf(CLOSE, afterParen + 1);
+ afterParenOpen = after.indexOf(OPEN, afterParenOpen + 1);
+ }
+ if (beforeParen === -1 || afterParen === -1) return false;
+ // Set the selection to the text between the parenthesis
+ const parenContent = text.substring(beforeParen + 1, selectionStart + afterParen);
+ const lastColon = parenContent.lastIndexOf(":");
+ selectionStart = beforeParen + 1;
+ selectionEnd = selectionStart + lastColon;
+ target.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function selectCurrentWord() {
+ if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) return false;
+ const delimiters = opts.keyedit_delimiters + " \r\n\t";
+ // seek backward until to find beggining
+ while (!delimiters.includes(text[selectionStart - 1]) && selectionStart > 0) {
+ selectionStart--;
+ }
+ // seek forward to find end
+ while (!delimiters.includes(text[selectionEnd]) && selectionEnd < text.length) {
+ selectionEnd++;
+ }
+ target.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If the user hasn't selected anything, let's select their current parenthesis block or word
+ if (!selectCurrentParenthesisBlock('<', '>') && !selectCurrentParenthesisBlock('(', ')')) {
+ selectCurrentWord();
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var closeCharacter = ')';
+ var delta = opts.keyedit_precision_attention;
+ if (selectionStart > 0 && text[selectionStart - 1] == '<') {
+ closeCharacter = '>';
+ delta = opts.keyedit_precision_extra;
+ } else if (selectionStart == 0 || text[selectionStart - 1] != "(") {
+ // do not include spaces at the end
+ while (selectionEnd > selectionStart && text[selectionEnd - 1] == ' ') {
+ selectionEnd -= 1;
+ }
+ if (selectionStart == selectionEnd) {
+ return;
+ }
+ text = text.slice(0, selectionStart) + "(" + text.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + ":1.0)" + text.slice(selectionEnd);
+ selectionStart += 1;
+ selectionEnd += 1;
+ }
+ var end = text.slice(selectionEnd + 1).indexOf(closeCharacter) + 1;
+ var weight = parseFloat(text.slice(selectionEnd + 1, selectionEnd + 1 + end));
+ if (isNaN(weight)) return;
+ weight += isPlus ? delta : -delta;
+ weight = parseFloat(weight.toPrecision(12));
+ if (String(weight).length == 1) weight += ".0";
+ if (closeCharacter == ')' && weight == 1) {
+ text = text.slice(0, selectionStart - 1) + text.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + text.slice(selectionEnd + 5);
+ selectionStart--;
+ selectionEnd--;
+ } else {
+ text = text.slice(0, selectionEnd + 1) + weight + text.slice(selectionEnd + 1 + end - 1);
+ }
+ target.focus();
+ target.value = text;
+ target.selectionStart = selectionStart;
+ target.selectionEnd = selectionEnd;
+ updateInput(target);
+addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
+ keyupEditAttention(event);
diff --git a/javascript/extensions.js b/javascript/extensions.js
index 2a2d2f8e..efeaf3a5 100644
--- a/javascript/extensions.js
+++ b/javascript/extensions.js
@@ -1,71 +1,74 @@
-function extensions_apply(_disabled_list, _update_list, disable_all){
- var disable = []
- var update = []
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(function(x){
- if(x.name.startsWith("enable_") && ! x.checked)
- disable.push(x.name.substring(7))
- if(x.name.startsWith("update_") && x.checked)
- update.push(x.name.substring(7))
- })
- restart_reload()
- return [JSON.stringify(disable), JSON.stringify(update), disable_all]
-function extensions_check(){
- var disable = []
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(function(x){
- if(x.name.startsWith("enable_") && ! x.checked)
- disable.push(x.name.substring(7))
- })
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions .extension_status').forEach(function(x){
- x.innerHTML = "Loading..."
- })
- var id = randomId()
- requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('extensions_installed_top'), null, function(){
- })
- return [id, JSON.stringify(disable)]
-function install_extension_from_index(button, url){
- button.disabled = "disabled"
- button.value = "Installing..."
- var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector('#extension_to_install textarea')
- textarea.value = url
- updateInput(textarea)
- gradioApp().querySelector('#install_extension_button').click()
-function config_state_confirm_restore(_, config_state_name, config_restore_type) {
- if (config_state_name == "Current") {
- return [false, config_state_name, config_restore_type];
- }
- let restored = "";
- if (config_restore_type == "extensions") {
- restored = "all saved extension versions";
- } else if (config_restore_type == "webui") {
- restored = "the webui version";
- } else {
- restored = "the webui version and all saved extension versions";
- }
- let confirmed = confirm("Are you sure you want to restore from this state?\nThis will reset " + restored + ".");
- if (confirmed) {
- restart_reload();
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions .extension_status').forEach(function(x){
- x.innerHTML = "Loading..."
- })
- }
- return [confirmed, config_state_name, config_restore_type];
+function extensions_apply(_disabled_list, _update_list, disable_all) {
+ var disable = [];
+ var update = [];
+ gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(function(x) {
+ if (x.name.startsWith("enable_") && !x.checked) {
+ disable.push(x.name.substring(7));
+ }
+ if (x.name.startsWith("update_") && x.checked) {
+ update.push(x.name.substring(7));
+ }
+ });
+ restart_reload();
+ return [JSON.stringify(disable), JSON.stringify(update), disable_all];
+function extensions_check() {
+ var disable = [];
+ gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(function(x) {
+ if (x.name.startsWith("enable_") && !x.checked) {
+ disable.push(x.name.substring(7));
+ }
+ });
+ gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions .extension_status').forEach(function(x) {
+ x.innerHTML = "Loading...";
+ });
+ var id = randomId();
+ requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('extensions_installed_top'), null, function() {
+ });
+ return [id, JSON.stringify(disable)];
+function install_extension_from_index(button, url) {
+ button.disabled = "disabled";
+ button.value = "Installing...";
+ var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector('#extension_to_install textarea');
+ textarea.value = url;
+ updateInput(textarea);
+ gradioApp().querySelector('#install_extension_button').click();
+function config_state_confirm_restore(_, config_state_name, config_restore_type) {
+ if (config_state_name == "Current") {
+ return [false, config_state_name, config_restore_type];
+ }
+ let restored = "";
+ if (config_restore_type == "extensions") {
+ restored = "all saved extension versions";
+ } else if (config_restore_type == "webui") {
+ restored = "the webui version";
+ } else {
+ restored = "the webui version and all saved extension versions";
+ }
+ let confirmed = confirm("Are you sure you want to restore from this state?\nThis will reset " + restored + ".");
+ if (confirmed) {
+ restart_reload();
+ gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#extensions .extension_status').forEach(function(x) {
+ x.innerHTML = "Loading...";
+ });
+ }
+ return [confirmed, config_state_name, config_restore_type];
diff --git a/javascript/extraNetworks.js b/javascript/extraNetworks.js
index 4d9a522c..aafe0a00 100644
--- a/javascript/extraNetworks.js
+++ b/javascript/extraNetworks.js
@@ -1,205 +1,215 @@
-function setupExtraNetworksForTab(tabname){
- gradioApp().querySelector('#'+tabname+'_extra_tabs').classList.add('extra-networks')
- var tabs = gradioApp().querySelector('#'+tabname+'_extra_tabs > div')
- var search = gradioApp().querySelector('#'+tabname+'_extra_search textarea')
- var refresh = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname+'_extra_refresh')
- search.classList.add('search')
- tabs.appendChild(search)
- tabs.appendChild(refresh)
- var applyFilter = function(){
- var searchTerm = search.value.toLowerCase()
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#'+tabname+'_extra_tabs div.card').forEach(function(elem){
- var searchOnly = elem.querySelector('.search_only')
- var text = elem.querySelector('.name').textContent.toLowerCase() + " " + elem.querySelector('.search_term').textContent.toLowerCase()
- var visible = text.indexOf(searchTerm) != -1
- if(searchOnly && searchTerm.length < 4){
- visible = false
- }
- elem.style.display = visible ? "" : "none"
- })
- }
- search.addEventListener("input", applyFilter);
- applyFilter();
- extraNetworksApplyFilter[tabname] = applyFilter;
-function applyExtraNetworkFilter(tabname){
- setTimeout(extraNetworksApplyFilter[tabname], 1);
-var extraNetworksApplyFilter = {}
-var activePromptTextarea = {};
-function setupExtraNetworks(){
- setupExtraNetworksForTab('txt2img')
- setupExtraNetworksForTab('img2img')
- function registerPrompt(tabname, id){
- var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + id + " > label > textarea");
- if (! activePromptTextarea[tabname]){
- activePromptTextarea[tabname] = textarea
- }
- textarea.addEventListener("focus", function(){
- activePromptTextarea[tabname] = textarea;
- });
- }
- registerPrompt('txt2img', 'txt2img_prompt')
- registerPrompt('txt2img', 'txt2img_neg_prompt')
- registerPrompt('img2img', 'img2img_prompt')
- registerPrompt('img2img', 'img2img_neg_prompt')
-var re_extranet = /<([^:]+:[^:]+):[\d\.]+>/;
-var re_extranet_g = /\s+<([^:]+:[^:]+):[\d\.]+>/g;
-function tryToRemoveExtraNetworkFromPrompt(textarea, text){
- var m = text.match(re_extranet)
- var replaced = false
- var newTextareaText
- if(m) {
- var partToSearch = m[1]
- newTextareaText = textarea.value.replaceAll(re_extranet_g, function(found){
- m = found.match(re_extranet);
- if(m[1] == partToSearch){
- replaced = true;
- return ""
- }
- return found;
- })
- } else {
- newTextareaText = textarea.value.replaceAll(new RegExp(text, "g"), function(found){
- if(found == text) {
- replaced = true;
- return ""
- }
- return found;
- })
- }
- if(replaced){
- textarea.value = newTextareaText
- return true;
- }
- return false
-function cardClicked(tabname, textToAdd, allowNegativePrompt){
- var textarea = allowNegativePrompt ? activePromptTextarea[tabname] : gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabname + "_prompt > label > textarea")
- if(! tryToRemoveExtraNetworkFromPrompt(textarea, textToAdd)){
- textarea.value = textarea.value + opts.extra_networks_add_text_separator + textToAdd
- }
- updateInput(textarea)
-function saveCardPreview(event, tabname, filename){
- var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabname + '_preview_filename > label > textarea')
- var button = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_save_preview')
- textarea.value = filename
- updateInput(textarea)
- button.click()
- event.stopPropagation()
- event.preventDefault()
-function extraNetworksSearchButton(tabs_id, event){
- var searchTextarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabs_id + ' > div > textarea')
- var button = event.target
- var text = button.classList.contains("search-all") ? "" : button.textContent.trim()
- searchTextarea.value = text
- updateInput(searchTextarea)
-var globalPopup = null;
-var globalPopupInner = null;
-function popup(contents){
- if(! globalPopup){
- globalPopup = document.createElement('div')
- globalPopup.onclick = function(){ globalPopup.style.display = "none"; };
- globalPopup.classList.add('global-popup');
- var close = document.createElement('div')
- close.classList.add('global-popup-close');
- close.onclick = function(){ globalPopup.style.display = "none"; };
- close.title = "Close";
- globalPopup.appendChild(close)
- globalPopupInner = document.createElement('div')
- globalPopupInner.onclick = function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); return false; };
- globalPopupInner.classList.add('global-popup-inner');
- globalPopup.appendChild(globalPopupInner)
- gradioApp().appendChild(globalPopup);
- }
- globalPopupInner.innerHTML = '';
- globalPopupInner.appendChild(contents);
- globalPopup.style.display = "flex";
-function extraNetworksShowMetadata(text){
- var elem = document.createElement('pre')
- elem.classList.add('popup-metadata');
- elem.textContent = text;
- popup(elem);
-function requestGet(url, data, handler, errorHandler){
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- var args = Object.keys(data).map(function(k){ return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[k]) }).join('&')
- xhr.open("GET", url + "?" + args, true);
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- if (xhr.status === 200) {
- try {
- var js = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
- handler(js)
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(error);
- errorHandler()
- }
- } else{
- errorHandler()
- }
- }
- };
- var js = JSON.stringify(data);
- xhr.send(js);
-function extraNetworksRequestMetadata(event, extraPage, cardName){
- var showError = function(){ extraNetworksShowMetadata("there was an error getting metadata"); }
- requestGet("./sd_extra_networks/metadata", {"page": extraPage, "item": cardName}, function(data){
- if(data && data.metadata){
- extraNetworksShowMetadata(data.metadata)
- } else{
- showError()
- }
- }, showError)
- event.stopPropagation()
+function setupExtraNetworksForTab(tabname) {
+ gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tabname + '_extra_tabs').classList.add('extra-networks');
+ var tabs = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tabname + '_extra_tabs > div');
+ var search = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tabname + '_extra_search textarea');
+ var refresh = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_extra_refresh');
+ search.classList.add('search');
+ tabs.appendChild(search);
+ tabs.appendChild(refresh);
+ var applyFilter = function() {
+ var searchTerm = search.value.toLowerCase();
+ gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#' + tabname + '_extra_tabs div.card').forEach(function(elem) {
+ var searchOnly = elem.querySelector('.search_only');
+ var text = elem.querySelector('.name').textContent.toLowerCase() + " " + elem.querySelector('.search_term').textContent.toLowerCase();
+ var visible = text.indexOf(searchTerm) != -1;
+ if (searchOnly && searchTerm.length < 4) {
+ visible = false;
+ }
+ elem.style.display = visible ? "" : "none";
+ });
+ };
+ search.addEventListener("input", applyFilter);
+ applyFilter();
+ extraNetworksApplyFilter[tabname] = applyFilter;
+function applyExtraNetworkFilter(tabname) {
+ setTimeout(extraNetworksApplyFilter[tabname], 1);
+var extraNetworksApplyFilter = {};
+var activePromptTextarea = {};
+function setupExtraNetworks() {
+ setupExtraNetworksForTab('txt2img');
+ setupExtraNetworksForTab('img2img');
+ function registerPrompt(tabname, id) {
+ var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + id + " > label > textarea");
+ if (!activePromptTextarea[tabname]) {
+ activePromptTextarea[tabname] = textarea;
+ }
+ textarea.addEventListener("focus", function() {
+ activePromptTextarea[tabname] = textarea;
+ });
+ }
+ registerPrompt('txt2img', 'txt2img_prompt');
+ registerPrompt('txt2img', 'txt2img_neg_prompt');
+ registerPrompt('img2img', 'img2img_prompt');
+ registerPrompt('img2img', 'img2img_neg_prompt');
+var re_extranet = /<([^:]+:[^:]+):[\d.]+>/;
+var re_extranet_g = /\s+<([^:]+:[^:]+):[\d.]+>/g;
+function tryToRemoveExtraNetworkFromPrompt(textarea, text) {
+ var m = text.match(re_extranet);
+ var replaced = false;
+ var newTextareaText;
+ if (m) {
+ var partToSearch = m[1];
+ newTextareaText = textarea.value.replaceAll(re_extranet_g, function(found) {
+ m = found.match(re_extranet);
+ if (m[1] == partToSearch) {
+ replaced = true;
+ return "";
+ }
+ return found;
+ });
+ } else {
+ newTextareaText = textarea.value.replaceAll(new RegExp(text, "g"), function(found) {
+ if (found == text) {
+ replaced = true;
+ return "";
+ }
+ return found;
+ });
+ }
+ if (replaced) {
+ textarea.value = newTextareaText;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function cardClicked(tabname, textToAdd, allowNegativePrompt) {
+ var textarea = allowNegativePrompt ? activePromptTextarea[tabname] : gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabname + "_prompt > label > textarea");
+ if (!tryToRemoveExtraNetworkFromPrompt(textarea, textToAdd)) {
+ textarea.value = textarea.value + opts.extra_networks_add_text_separator + textToAdd;
+ }
+ updateInput(textarea);
+function saveCardPreview(event, tabname, filename) {
+ var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabname + '_preview_filename > label > textarea');
+ var button = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_save_preview');
+ textarea.value = filename;
+ updateInput(textarea);
+ button.click();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+function extraNetworksSearchButton(tabs_id, event) {
+ var searchTextarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + tabs_id + ' > div > textarea');
+ var button = event.target;
+ var text = button.classList.contains("search-all") ? "" : button.textContent.trim();
+ searchTextarea.value = text;
+ updateInput(searchTextarea);
+var globalPopup = null;
+var globalPopupInner = null;
+function popup(contents) {
+ if (!globalPopup) {
+ globalPopup = document.createElement('div');
+ globalPopup.onclick = function() {
+ globalPopup.style.display = "none";
+ };
+ globalPopup.classList.add('global-popup');
+ var close = document.createElement('div');
+ close.classList.add('global-popup-close');
+ close.onclick = function() {
+ globalPopup.style.display = "none";
+ };
+ close.title = "Close";
+ globalPopup.appendChild(close);
+ globalPopupInner = document.createElement('div');
+ globalPopupInner.onclick = function(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation(); return false;
+ };
+ globalPopupInner.classList.add('global-popup-inner');
+ globalPopup.appendChild(globalPopupInner);
+ gradioApp().appendChild(globalPopup);
+ }
+ globalPopupInner.innerHTML = '';
+ globalPopupInner.appendChild(contents);
+ globalPopup.style.display = "flex";
+function extraNetworksShowMetadata(text) {
+ var elem = document.createElement('pre');
+ elem.classList.add('popup-metadata');
+ elem.textContent = text;
+ popup(elem);
+function requestGet(url, data, handler, errorHandler) {
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ var args = Object.keys(data).map(function(k) {
+ return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[k]);
+ }).join('&');
+ xhr.open("GET", url + "?" + args, true);
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
+ if (xhr.status === 200) {
+ try {
+ var js = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
+ handler(js);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ errorHandler();
+ }
+ } else {
+ errorHandler();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var js = JSON.stringify(data);
+ xhr.send(js);
+function extraNetworksRequestMetadata(event, extraPage, cardName) {
+ var showError = function() {
+ extraNetworksShowMetadata("there was an error getting metadata");
+ };
+ requestGet("./sd_extra_networks/metadata", {page: extraPage, item: cardName}, function(data) {
+ if (data && data.metadata) {
+ extraNetworksShowMetadata(data.metadata);
+ } else {
+ showError();
+ }
+ }, showError);
+ event.stopPropagation();
diff --git a/javascript/generationParams.js b/javascript/generationParams.js
index ef64ee2e..a877f8a5 100644
--- a/javascript/generationParams.js
+++ b/javascript/generationParams.js
@@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
// attaches listeners to the txt2img and img2img galleries to update displayed generation param text when the image changes
let txt2img_gallery, img2img_gallery, modal = undefined;
- if (!txt2img_gallery) {
- txt2img_gallery = attachGalleryListeners("txt2img")
- }
- if (!img2img_gallery) {
- img2img_gallery = attachGalleryListeners("img2img")
- }
- if (!modal) {
- modal = gradioApp().getElementById('lightboxModal')
- modalObserver.observe(modal, { attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'] });
- }
+onUiUpdate(function() {
+ if (!txt2img_gallery) {
+ txt2img_gallery = attachGalleryListeners("txt2img");
+ }
+ if (!img2img_gallery) {
+ img2img_gallery = attachGalleryListeners("img2img");
+ }
+ if (!modal) {
+ modal = gradioApp().getElementById('lightboxModal');
+ modalObserver.observe(modal, {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style']});
+ }
let modalObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutationRecord) {
- let selectedTab = gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs div button.selected')?.innerText
- if (mutationRecord.target.style.display === 'none' && (selectedTab === 'txt2img' || selectedTab === 'img2img'))
- gradioApp().getElementById(selectedTab+"_generation_info_button")?.click()
- });
+ mutations.forEach(function(mutationRecord) {
+ let selectedTab = gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs div button.selected')?.innerText;
+ if (mutationRecord.target.style.display === 'none' && (selectedTab === 'txt2img' || selectedTab === 'img2img')) {
+ gradioApp().getElementById(selectedTab + "_generation_info_button")?.click();
+ }
+ });
function attachGalleryListeners(tab_name) {
- var gallery = gradioApp().querySelector('#'+tab_name+'_gallery')
- gallery?.addEventListener('click', () => gradioApp().getElementById(tab_name+"_generation_info_button").click());
- gallery?.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39) // left or right arrow
- gradioApp().getElementById(tab_name+"_generation_info_button").click()
- });
- return gallery;
+ var gallery = gradioApp().querySelector('#' + tab_name + '_gallery');
+ gallery?.addEventListener('click', () => gradioApp().getElementById(tab_name + "_generation_info_button").click());
+ gallery?.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
+ if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39) { // left or right arrow
+ gradioApp().getElementById(tab_name + "_generation_info_button").click();
+ }
+ });
+ return gallery;
diff --git a/javascript/hints.js b/javascript/hints.js
index d2efd35e..615ac264 100644
--- a/javascript/hints.js
+++ b/javascript/hints.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// mouseover tooltips for various UI elements
-titles = {
+var titles = {
"Sampling steps": "How many times to improve the generated image iteratively; higher values take longer; very low values can produce bad results",
"Sampling method": "Which algorithm to use to produce the image",
"GFPGAN": "Restore low quality faces using GFPGAN neural network",
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ titles = {
"Inpaint at full resolution": "Upscale masked region to target resolution, do inpainting, downscale back and paste into original image",
"Denoising strength": "Determines how little respect the algorithm should have for image's content. At 0, nothing will change, and at 1 you'll get an unrelated image. With values below 1.0, processing will take less steps than the Sampling Steps slider specifies.",
"Skip": "Stop processing current image and continue processing.",
"Interrupt": "Stop processing images and return any results accumulated so far.",
"Save": "Write image to a directory (default - log/images) and generation parameters into csv file.",
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ titles = {
"Add difference": "Result = A + (B - C) * M",
"No interpolation": "Result = A",
- "Initialization text": "If the number of tokens is more than the number of vectors, some may be skipped.\nLeave the textbox empty to start with zeroed out vectors",
+ "Initialization text": "If the number of tokens is more than the number of vectors, some may be skipped.\nLeave the textbox empty to start with zeroed out vectors",
"Learning rate": "How fast should training go. Low values will take longer to train, high values may fail to converge (not generate accurate results) and/or may break the embedding (This has happened if you see Loss: nan in the training info textbox. If this happens, you need to manually restore your embedding from an older not-broken backup).\n\nYou can set a single numeric value, or multiple learning rates using the syntax:\n\n rate_1:max_steps_1, rate_2:max_steps_2, ...\n\nEG: 0.005:100, 1e-3:1000, 1e-5\n\nWill train with rate of 0.005 for first 100 steps, then 1e-3 until 1000 steps, then 1e-5 for all remaining steps.",
"Clip skip": "Early stopping parameter for CLIP model; 1 is stop at last layer as usual, 2 is stop at penultimate layer, etc.",
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ titles = {
"Discard weights with matching name": "Regular expression; if weights's name matches it, the weights is not written to the resulting checkpoint. Use ^model_ema to discard EMA weights.",
"Extra networks tab order": "Comma-separated list of tab names; tabs listed here will appear in the extra networks UI first and in order lsited.",
"Negative Guidance minimum sigma": "Skip negative prompt for steps where image is already mostly denoised; the higher this value, the more skips there will be; provides increased performance in exchange for minor quality reduction."
function updateTooltipForSpan(span){
if (span.title) return; // already has a title
diff --git a/javascript/hires_fix.js b/javascript/hires_fix.js
index 48196be4..0d04ab3b 100644
--- a/javascript/hires_fix.js
+++ b/javascript/hires_fix.js
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-function onCalcResolutionHires(enable, width, height, hr_scale, hr_resize_x, hr_resize_y){
- function setInactive(elem, inactive){
- elem.classList.toggle('inactive', !!inactive)
- }
- var hrUpscaleBy = gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hr_scale')
- var hrResizeX = gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hr_resize_x')
- var hrResizeY = gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hr_resize_y')
- gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hires_fix_row2').style.display = opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height ? "none" : ""
- setInactive(hrUpscaleBy, opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height || hr_resize_x > 0 || hr_resize_y > 0)
- setInactive(hrResizeX, opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height || hr_resize_x == 0)
- setInactive(hrResizeY, opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height || hr_resize_y == 0)
- return [enable, width, height, hr_scale, hr_resize_x, hr_resize_y]
+function onCalcResolutionHires(enable, width, height, hr_scale, hr_resize_x, hr_resize_y) {
+ function setInactive(elem, inactive) {
+ elem.classList.toggle('inactive', !!inactive);
+ }
+ var hrUpscaleBy = gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hr_scale');
+ var hrResizeX = gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hr_resize_x');
+ var hrResizeY = gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hr_resize_y');
+ gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_hires_fix_row2').style.display = opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height ? "none" : "";
+ setInactive(hrUpscaleBy, opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height || hr_resize_x > 0 || hr_resize_y > 0);
+ setInactive(hrResizeX, opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height || hr_resize_x == 0);
+ setInactive(hrResizeY, opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height || hr_resize_y == 0);
+ return [enable, width, height, hr_scale, hr_resize_x, hr_resize_y];
diff --git a/javascript/imageMaskFix.js b/javascript/imageMaskFix.js
index a612705d..3c9b8a6f 100644
--- a/javascript/imageMaskFix.js
+++ b/javascript/imageMaskFix.js
@@ -4,17 +4,16 @@
function imageMaskResize() {
const canvases = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#img2maskimg .touch-none canvas');
- if ( ! canvases.length ) {
- canvases_fixed = false; // TODO: this is unused..?
- window.removeEventListener( 'resize', imageMaskResize );
- return;
+ if (!canvases.length) {
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', imageMaskResize);
+ return;
const wrapper = canvases[0].closest('.touch-none');
const previewImage = wrapper.previousElementSibling;
- if ( ! previewImage.complete ) {
- previewImage.addEventListener( 'load', imageMaskResize);
+ if (!previewImage.complete) {
+ previewImage.addEventListener('load', imageMaskResize);
@@ -24,15 +23,15 @@ function imageMaskResize() {
const nh = previewImage.naturalHeight;
const portrait = nh > nw;
- const wW = Math.min(w, portrait ? h/nh*nw : w/nw*nw);
- const wH = Math.min(h, portrait ? h/nh*nh : w/nw*nh);
+ const wW = Math.min(w, portrait ? h / nh * nw : w / nw * nw);
+ const wH = Math.min(h, portrait ? h / nh * nh : w / nw * nh);
wrapper.style.width = `${wW}px`;
wrapper.style.height = `${wH}px`;
wrapper.style.left = `0px`;
wrapper.style.top = `0px`;
- canvases.forEach( c => {
+ canvases.forEach(c => {
c.style.width = c.style.height = '';
c.style.maxWidth = '100%';
c.style.maxHeight = '100%';
@@ -41,4 +40,4 @@ function imageMaskResize() {
-window.addEventListener( 'resize', imageMaskResize);
+window.addEventListener('resize', imageMaskResize);
diff --git a/javascript/imageParams.js b/javascript/imageParams.js
index 64aee93b..057e2d39 100644
--- a/javascript/imageParams.js
+++ b/javascript/imageParams.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-window.onload = (function(){
+window.onload = (function() {
window.addEventListener('drop', e => {
const target = e.composedPath()[0];
if (target.placeholder.indexOf("Prompt") == -1) return;
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ window.onload = (function(){
const imgParent = gradioApp().getElementById(prompt_target);
const files = e.dataTransfer.files;
const fileInput = imgParent.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
- if ( fileInput ) {
+ if (fileInput) {
fileInput.files = files;
fileInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
diff --git a/javascript/imageviewer.js b/javascript/imageviewer.js
index 32066ab8..78e24eb9 100644
--- a/javascript/imageviewer.js
+++ b/javascript/imageviewer.js
@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@ function closeModal() {
function showModal(event) {
const source = event.target || event.srcElement;
- const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage")
- const lb = gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal")
- modalImage.src = source.src
+ const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage");
+ const lb = gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal");
+ modalImage.src = source.src;
if (modalImage.style.display === 'none') {
lb.style.setProperty('background-image', 'url(' + source.src + ')');
lb.style.display = "flex";
- lb.focus()
+ lb.focus();
- const tabTxt2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_txt2img")
- const tabImg2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_img2img")
+ const tabTxt2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_txt2img");
+ const tabImg2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_img2img");
// show the save button in modal only on txt2img or img2img tabs
if (tabTxt2Img.style.display != "none" || tabImg2Img.style.display != "none") {
- gradioApp().getElementById("modal_save").style.display = "inline"
+ gradioApp().getElementById("modal_save").style.display = "inline";
} else {
- gradioApp().getElementById("modal_save").style.display = "none"
+ gradioApp().getElementById("modal_save").style.display = "none";
- event.stopPropagation()
+ event.stopPropagation();
function negmod(n, m) {
@@ -30,14 +30,15 @@ function negmod(n, m) {
function updateOnBackgroundChange() {
- const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage")
+ const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage");
if (modalImage && modalImage.offsetParent) {
let currentButton = selected_gallery_button();
if (currentButton?.children?.length > 0 && modalImage.src != currentButton.children[0].src) {
modalImage.src = currentButton.children[0].src;
if (modalImage.style.display === 'none') {
- modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`)
+ const modal = gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal");
+ modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`);
@@ -49,108 +50,109 @@ function modalImageSwitch(offset) {
if (galleryButtons.length > 1) {
var currentButton = selected_gallery_button();
- var result = -1
+ var result = -1;
galleryButtons.forEach(function(v, i) {
if (v == currentButton) {
- result = i
+ result = i;
- })
+ });
if (result != -1) {
- var nextButton = galleryButtons[negmod((result + offset), galleryButtons.length)]
- nextButton.click()
+ var nextButton = galleryButtons[negmod((result + offset), galleryButtons.length)];
+ nextButton.click();
const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage");
const modal = gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal");
modalImage.src = nextButton.children[0].src;
if (modalImage.style.display === 'none') {
- modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`)
+ modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`);
setTimeout(function() {
- modal.focus()
- }, 10)
+ modal.focus();
+ }, 10);
-function saveImage(){
- const tabTxt2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_txt2img")
- const tabImg2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_img2img")
- const saveTxt2Img = "save_txt2img"
- const saveImg2Img = "save_img2img"
+function saveImage() {
+ const tabTxt2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_txt2img");
+ const tabImg2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_img2img");
+ const saveTxt2Img = "save_txt2img";
+ const saveImg2Img = "save_img2img";
if (tabTxt2Img.style.display != "none") {
- gradioApp().getElementById(saveTxt2Img).click()
+ gradioApp().getElementById(saveTxt2Img).click();
} else if (tabImg2Img.style.display != "none") {
- gradioApp().getElementById(saveImg2Img).click()
+ gradioApp().getElementById(saveImg2Img).click();
} else {
- console.error("missing implementation for saving modal of this type")
+ console.error("missing implementation for saving modal of this type");
function modalSaveImage(event) {
- saveImage()
- event.stopPropagation()
+ saveImage();
+ event.stopPropagation();
function modalNextImage(event) {
- modalImageSwitch(1)
- event.stopPropagation()
+ modalImageSwitch(1);
+ event.stopPropagation();
function modalPrevImage(event) {
- modalImageSwitch(-1)
- event.stopPropagation()
+ modalImageSwitch(-1);
+ event.stopPropagation();
function modalKeyHandler(event) {
switch (event.key) {
- case "s":
- saveImage()
- break;
- case "ArrowLeft":
- modalPrevImage(event)
- break;
- case "ArrowRight":
- modalNextImage(event)
- break;
- case "Escape":
- closeModal();
- break;
+ case "s":
+ saveImage();
+ break;
+ case "ArrowLeft":
+ modalPrevImage(event);
+ break;
+ case "ArrowRight":
+ modalNextImage(event);
+ break;
+ case "Escape":
+ closeModal();
+ break;
function setupImageForLightbox(e) {
- if (e.dataset.modded)
- return;
+ if (e.dataset.modded) {
+ return;
+ }
- e.dataset.modded = true;
- e.style.cursor='pointer'
- e.style.userSelect='none'
+ e.dataset.modded = true;
+ e.style.cursor = 'pointer';
+ e.style.userSelect = 'none';
- var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1
+ var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
- // For Firefox, listening on click first switched to next image then shows the lightbox.
- // If you know how to fix this without switching to mousedown event, please.
- // For other browsers the event is click to make it possiblr to drag picture.
- var event = isFirefox ? 'mousedown' : 'click'
+ // For Firefox, listening on click first switched to next image then shows the lightbox.
+ // If you know how to fix this without switching to mousedown event, please.
+ // For other browsers the event is click to make it possiblr to drag picture.
+ var event = isFirefox ? 'mousedown' : 'click';
- e.addEventListener(event, function (evt) {
- if(!opts.js_modal_lightbox || evt.button != 0) return;
+ e.addEventListener(event, function(evt) {
+ if (!opts.js_modal_lightbox || evt.button != 0) return;
- modalZoomSet(gradioApp().getElementById('modalImage'), opts.js_modal_lightbox_initially_zoomed)
- evt.preventDefault()
- showModal(evt)
- }, true);
+ modalZoomSet(gradioApp().getElementById('modalImage'), opts.js_modal_lightbox_initially_zoomed);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ showModal(evt);
+ }, true);
function modalZoomSet(modalImage, enable) {
- if(modalImage) modalImage.classList.toggle('modalImageFullscreen', !!enable);
+ if (modalImage) modalImage.classList.toggle('modalImageFullscreen', !!enable);
function modalZoomToggle(event) {
var modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage");
- modalZoomSet(modalImage, !modalImage.classList.contains('modalImageFullscreen'))
- event.stopPropagation()
+ modalZoomSet(modalImage, !modalImage.classList.contains('modalImageFullscreen'));
+ event.stopPropagation();
function modalTileImageToggle(event) {
@@ -159,99 +161,93 @@ function modalTileImageToggle(event) {
const isTiling = modalImage.style.display === 'none';
if (isTiling) {
modalImage.style.display = 'block';
- modal.style.setProperty('background-image', 'none')
+ modal.style.setProperty('background-image', 'none');
} else {
modalImage.style.display = 'none';
- modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`)
+ modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`);
- event.stopPropagation()
-function galleryImageHandler(e) {
- //if (e && e.parentElement.tagName == 'BUTTON') {
- e.onclick = showGalleryImage;
- //}
+ event.stopPropagation();
onUiUpdate(function() {
- var fullImg_preview = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.gradio-gallery > div > img')
+ var fullImg_preview = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('.gradio-gallery > div > img');
if (fullImg_preview != null) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
//const modalFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
- const modal = document.createElement('div')
+ const modal = document.createElement('div');
modal.onclick = closeModal;
modal.id = "lightboxModal";
- modal.tabIndex = 0
- modal.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true)
+ modal.tabIndex = 0;
+ modal.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true);
- const modalControls = document.createElement('div')
+ const modalControls = document.createElement('div');
modalControls.className = 'modalControls gradio-container';
- const modalZoom = document.createElement('span')
+ const modalZoom = document.createElement('span');
modalZoom.className = 'modalZoom cursor';
- modalZoom.innerHTML = '&#10529;'
- modalZoom.addEventListener('click', modalZoomToggle, true)
+ modalZoom.innerHTML = '&#10529;';
+ modalZoom.addEventListener('click', modalZoomToggle, true);
modalZoom.title = "Toggle zoomed view";
- modalControls.appendChild(modalZoom)
+ modalControls.appendChild(modalZoom);
- const modalTileImage = document.createElement('span')
+ const modalTileImage = document.createElement('span');
modalTileImage.className = 'modalTileImage cursor';
- modalTileImage.innerHTML = '&#8862;'
- modalTileImage.addEventListener('click', modalTileImageToggle, true)
+ modalTileImage.innerHTML = '&#8862;';
+ modalTileImage.addEventListener('click', modalTileImageToggle, true);
modalTileImage.title = "Preview tiling";
- modalControls.appendChild(modalTileImage)
+ modalControls.appendChild(modalTileImage);
- const modalSave = document.createElement("span")
- modalSave.className = "modalSave cursor"
- modalSave.id = "modal_save"
- modalSave.innerHTML = "&#x1F5AB;"
- modalSave.addEventListener("click", modalSaveImage, true)
- modalSave.title = "Save Image(s)"
- modalControls.appendChild(modalSave)
+ const modalSave = document.createElement("span");
+ modalSave.className = "modalSave cursor";
+ modalSave.id = "modal_save";
+ modalSave.innerHTML = "&#x1F5AB;";
+ modalSave.addEventListener("click", modalSaveImage, true);
+ modalSave.title = "Save Image(s)";
+ modalControls.appendChild(modalSave);
- const modalClose = document.createElement('span')
+ const modalClose = document.createElement('span');
modalClose.className = 'modalClose cursor';
- modalClose.innerHTML = '&times;'
+ modalClose.innerHTML = '&times;';
modalClose.onclick = closeModal;
modalClose.title = "Close image viewer";
- modalControls.appendChild(modalClose)
+ modalControls.appendChild(modalClose);
- const modalImage = document.createElement('img')
+ const modalImage = document.createElement('img');
modalImage.id = 'modalImage';
modalImage.onclick = closeModal;
- modalImage.tabIndex = 0
- modalImage.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true)
- modal.appendChild(modalImage)
+ modalImage.tabIndex = 0;
+ modalImage.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true);
+ modal.appendChild(modalImage);
- const modalPrev = document.createElement('a')
+ const modalPrev = document.createElement('a');
modalPrev.className = 'modalPrev';
- modalPrev.innerHTML = '&#10094;'
- modalPrev.tabIndex = 0
+ modalPrev.innerHTML = '&#10094;';
+ modalPrev.tabIndex = 0;
modalPrev.addEventListener('click', modalPrevImage, true);
- modalPrev.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true)
- modal.appendChild(modalPrev)
+ modalPrev.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true);
+ modal.appendChild(modalPrev);
- const modalNext = document.createElement('a')
+ const modalNext = document.createElement('a');
modalNext.className = 'modalNext';
- modalNext.innerHTML = '&#10095;'
- modalNext.tabIndex = 0
+ modalNext.innerHTML = '&#10095;';
+ modalNext.tabIndex = 0;
modalNext.addEventListener('click', modalNextImage, true);
- modalNext.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true)
+ modalNext.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true);
- modal.appendChild(modalNext)
+ modal.appendChild(modalNext);
try {
- gradioApp().appendChild(modal);
- } catch (e) {
- gradioApp().body.appendChild(modal);
- }
+ gradioApp().appendChild(modal);
+ } catch (e) {
+ gradioApp().body.appendChild(modal);
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/imageviewerGamepad.js b/javascript/imageviewerGamepad.js
index 6297a12b..31d226de 100644
--- a/javascript/imageviewerGamepad.js
+++ b/javascript/imageviewerGamepad.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', (e) => {
const index = e.gamepad.index;
let isWaiting = false;
- setInterval(async () => {
+ setInterval(async() => {
if (!opts.js_modal_lightbox_gamepad || isWaiting) return;
const gamepad = navigator.getGamepads()[index];
const xValue = gamepad.axes[0];
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', (e) => {
if (isWaiting) {
await sleepUntil(() => {
- const xValue = navigator.getGamepads()[index].axes[0]
+ const xValue = navigator.getGamepads()[index].axes[0];
if (xValue < 0.3 && xValue > -0.3) {
return true;
diff --git a/javascript/localization.js b/javascript/localization.js
index 86e5ca67..eb22b8a7 100644
--- a/javascript/localization.js
+++ b/javascript/localization.js
@@ -1,177 +1,176 @@
-// localization = {} -- the dict with translations is created by the backend
- setting_sd_hypernetwork: 'OPTION',
- setting_sd_model_checkpoint: 'OPTION',
- setting_realesrgan_enabled_models: 'OPTION',
- modelmerger_primary_model_name: 'OPTION',
- modelmerger_secondary_model_name: 'OPTION',
- modelmerger_tertiary_model_name: 'OPTION',
- train_embedding: 'OPTION',
- train_hypernetwork: 'OPTION',
- txt2img_styles: 'OPTION',
- img2img_styles: 'OPTION',
- setting_random_artist_categories: 'SPAN',
- setting_face_restoration_model: 'SPAN',
- setting_realesrgan_enabled_models: 'SPAN',
- extras_upscaler_1: 'SPAN',
- extras_upscaler_2: 'SPAN',
-re_num = /^[\.\d]+$/
-re_emoji = /[\p{Extended_Pictographic}\u{1F3FB}-\u{1F3FF}\u{1F9B0}-\u{1F9B3}]/u
-original_lines = {}
-translated_lines = {}
-function hasLocalization() {
- return window.localization && Object.keys(window.localization).length > 0;
-function textNodesUnder(el){
- var n, a=[], walk=document.createTreeWalker(el,NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,null,false);
- while(n=walk.nextNode()) a.push(n);
- return a;
-function canBeTranslated(node, text){
- if(! text) return false;
- if(! node.parentElement) return false;
- var parentType = node.parentElement.nodeName
- if(parentType=='SCRIPT' || parentType=='STYLE' || parentType=='TEXTAREA') return false;
- if (parentType=='OPTION' || parentType=='SPAN'){
- var pnode = node
- for(var level=0; level<4; level++){
- pnode = pnode.parentElement
- if(! pnode) break;
- if(ignore_ids_for_localization[pnode.id] == parentType) return false;
- }
- }
- if(re_num.test(text)) return false;
- if(re_emoji.test(text)) return false;
- return true
-function getTranslation(text){
- if(! text) return undefined
- if(translated_lines[text] === undefined){
- original_lines[text] = 1
- }
- tl = localization[text]
- if(tl !== undefined){
- translated_lines[tl] = 1
- }
- return tl
-function processTextNode(node){
- var text = node.textContent.trim()
- if(! canBeTranslated(node, text)) return
- tl = getTranslation(text)
- if(tl !== undefined){
- node.textContent = tl
- }
-function processNode(node){
- if(node.nodeType == 3){
- processTextNode(node)
- return
- }
- if(node.title){
- tl = getTranslation(node.title)
- if(tl !== undefined){
- node.title = tl
- }
- }
- if(node.placeholder){
- tl = getTranslation(node.placeholder)
- if(tl !== undefined){
- node.placeholder = tl
- }
- }
- textNodesUnder(node).forEach(function(node){
- processTextNode(node)
- })
-function dumpTranslations(){
- if(!hasLocalization()) {
- // If we don't have any localization,
- // we will not have traversed the app to find
- // original_lines, so do that now.
- processNode(gradioApp());
- }
- var dumped = {}
- if (localization.rtl) {
- dumped.rtl = true;
- }
- for (const text in original_lines) {
- if(dumped[text] !== undefined) continue;
- dumped[text] = localization[text] || text;
- }
- return dumped;
-function download_localization() {
- var text = JSON.stringify(dumpTranslations(), null, 4)
- var element = document.createElement('a');
- element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
- element.setAttribute('download', "localization.json");
- element.style.display = 'none';
- document.body.appendChild(element);
- element.click();
- document.body.removeChild(element);
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
- if (!hasLocalization()) {
- return;
- }
- onUiUpdate(function (m) {
- m.forEach(function (mutation) {
- mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (node) {
- processNode(node)
- })
- });
- })
- processNode(gradioApp())
- if (localization.rtl) { // if the language is from right to left,
- (new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { // wait for the style to load
- mutations.forEach(mutation => {
- mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
- if (node.tagName === 'STYLE') {
- observer.disconnect();
- for (const x of node.sheet.rules) { // find all rtl media rules
- if (Array.from(x.media || []).includes('rtl')) {
- x.media.appendMedium('all'); // enable them
- }
- }
- }
- })
- });
- })).observe(gradioApp(), { childList: true });
- }
+// localization = {} -- the dict with translations is created by the backend
+var ignore_ids_for_localization = {
+ setting_sd_hypernetwork: 'OPTION',
+ setting_sd_model_checkpoint: 'OPTION',
+ modelmerger_primary_model_name: 'OPTION',
+ modelmerger_secondary_model_name: 'OPTION',
+ modelmerger_tertiary_model_name: 'OPTION',
+ train_embedding: 'OPTION',
+ train_hypernetwork: 'OPTION',
+ txt2img_styles: 'OPTION',
+ img2img_styles: 'OPTION',
+ setting_random_artist_categories: 'SPAN',
+ setting_face_restoration_model: 'SPAN',
+ setting_realesrgan_enabled_models: 'SPAN',
+ extras_upscaler_1: 'SPAN',
+ extras_upscaler_2: 'SPAN',
+var re_num = /^[.\d]+$/;
+var re_emoji = /[\p{Extended_Pictographic}\u{1F3FB}-\u{1F3FF}\u{1F9B0}-\u{1F9B3}]/u;
+var original_lines = {};
+var translated_lines = {};
+function hasLocalization() {
+ return window.localization && Object.keys(window.localization).length > 0;
+function textNodesUnder(el) {
+ var n, a = [], walk = document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
+ while ((n = walk.nextNode())) a.push(n);
+ return a;
+function canBeTranslated(node, text) {
+ if (!text) return false;
+ if (!node.parentElement) return false;
+ var parentType = node.parentElement.nodeName;
+ if (parentType == 'SCRIPT' || parentType == 'STYLE' || parentType == 'TEXTAREA') return false;
+ if (parentType == 'OPTION' || parentType == 'SPAN') {
+ var pnode = node;
+ for (var level = 0; level < 4; level++) {
+ pnode = pnode.parentElement;
+ if (!pnode) break;
+ if (ignore_ids_for_localization[pnode.id] == parentType) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (re_num.test(text)) return false;
+ if (re_emoji.test(text)) return false;
+ return true;
+function getTranslation(text) {
+ if (!text) return undefined;
+ if (translated_lines[text] === undefined) {
+ original_lines[text] = 1;
+ }
+ var tl = localization[text];
+ if (tl !== undefined) {
+ translated_lines[tl] = 1;
+ }
+ return tl;
+function processTextNode(node) {
+ var text = node.textContent.trim();
+ if (!canBeTranslated(node, text)) return;
+ var tl = getTranslation(text);
+ if (tl !== undefined) {
+ node.textContent = tl;
+ }
+function processNode(node) {
+ if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+ processTextNode(node);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (node.title) {
+ let tl = getTranslation(node.title);
+ if (tl !== undefined) {
+ node.title = tl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (node.placeholder) {
+ let tl = getTranslation(node.placeholder);
+ if (tl !== undefined) {
+ node.placeholder = tl;
+ }
+ }
+ textNodesUnder(node).forEach(function(node) {
+ processTextNode(node);
+ });
+function dumpTranslations() {
+ if (!hasLocalization()) {
+ // If we don't have any localization,
+ // we will not have traversed the app to find
+ // original_lines, so do that now.
+ processNode(gradioApp());
+ }
+ var dumped = {};
+ if (localization.rtl) {
+ dumped.rtl = true;
+ }
+ for (const text in original_lines) {
+ if (dumped[text] !== undefined) continue;
+ dumped[text] = localization[text] || text;
+ }
+ return dumped;
+function download_localization() {
+ var text = JSON.stringify(dumpTranslations(), null, 4);
+ var element = document.createElement('a');
+ element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
+ element.setAttribute('download', "localization.json");
+ element.style.display = 'none';
+ document.body.appendChild(element);
+ element.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(element);
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
+ if (!hasLocalization()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ onUiUpdate(function(m) {
+ m.forEach(function(mutation) {
+ mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {
+ processNode(node);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ processNode(gradioApp());
+ if (localization.rtl) { // if the language is from right to left,
+ (new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { // wait for the style to load
+ mutations.forEach(mutation => {
+ mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
+ if (node.tagName === 'STYLE') {
+ observer.disconnect();
+ for (const x of node.sheet.rules) { // find all rtl media rules
+ if (Array.from(x.media || []).includes('rtl')) {
+ x.media.appendMedium('all'); // enable them
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ })).observe(gradioApp(), {childList: true});
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/notification.js b/javascript/notification.js
index 83fce1f8..a68a76f2 100644
--- a/javascript/notification.js
+++ b/javascript/notification.js
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ let lastHeadImg = null;
let notificationButton = null;
- if(notificationButton == null){
- notificationButton = gradioApp().getElementById('request_notifications')
+onUiUpdate(function() {
+ if (notificationButton == null) {
+ notificationButton = gradioApp().getElementById('request_notifications');
- if(notificationButton != null){
+ if (notificationButton != null) {
notificationButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
void Notification.requestPermission();
- },true);
+ }, true);
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ onUiUpdate(function(){
- notification.onclick = function(_){
+ notification.onclick = function(_) {
diff --git a/javascript/progressbar.js b/javascript/progressbar.js
index 8d2c3492..29299787 100644
--- a/javascript/progressbar.js
+++ b/javascript/progressbar.js
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
// code related to showing and updating progressbar shown as the image is being made
-function rememberGallerySelection(){
+function rememberGallerySelection() {
-function getGallerySelectedIndex(){
+function getGallerySelectedIndex() {
-function request(url, data, handler, errorHandler){
+function request(url, data, handler, errorHandler) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
try {
var js = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
- handler(js)
+ handler(js);
} catch (error) {
- errorHandler()
+ errorHandler();
- } else{
- errorHandler()
+ } else {
+ errorHandler();
@@ -31,147 +31,147 @@ function request(url, data, handler, errorHandler){
-function pad2(x){
- return x<10 ? '0'+x : x
+function pad2(x) {
+ return x < 10 ? '0' + x : x;
-function formatTime(secs){
- if(secs > 3600){
- return pad2(Math.floor(secs/60/60)) + ":" + pad2(Math.floor(secs/60)%60) + ":" + pad2(Math.floor(secs)%60)
- } else if(secs > 60){
- return pad2(Math.floor(secs/60)) + ":" + pad2(Math.floor(secs)%60)
- } else{
- return Math.floor(secs) + "s"
+function formatTime(secs) {
+ if (secs > 3600) {
+ return pad2(Math.floor(secs / 60 / 60)) + ":" + pad2(Math.floor(secs / 60) % 60) + ":" + pad2(Math.floor(secs) % 60);
+ } else if (secs > 60) {
+ return pad2(Math.floor(secs / 60)) + ":" + pad2(Math.floor(secs) % 60);
+ } else {
+ return Math.floor(secs) + "s";
-function setTitle(progress){
- var title = 'Stable Diffusion'
+function setTitle(progress) {
+ var title = 'Stable Diffusion';
- if(opts.show_progress_in_title && progress){
+ if (opts.show_progress_in_title && progress) {
title = '[' + progress.trim() + '] ' + title;
- if(document.title != title){
- document.title = title;
+ if (document.title != title) {
+ document.title = title;
-function randomId(){
- return "task(" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7)+")"
+function randomId() {
+ return "task(" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7) + ")";
// starts sending progress requests to "/internal/progress" uri, creating progressbar above progressbarContainer element and
// preview inside gallery element. Cleans up all created stuff when the task is over and calls atEnd.
// calls onProgress every time there is a progress update
-function requestProgress(id_task, progressbarContainer, gallery, atEnd, onProgress, inactivityTimeout=40){
- var dateStart = new Date()
- var wasEverActive = false
- var parentProgressbar = progressbarContainer.parentNode
- var parentGallery = gallery ? gallery.parentNode : null
- var divProgress = document.createElement('div')
- divProgress.className='progressDiv'
- divProgress.style.display = opts.show_progressbar ? "block" : "none"
- var divInner = document.createElement('div')
- divInner.className='progress'
- divProgress.appendChild(divInner)
- parentProgressbar.insertBefore(divProgress, progressbarContainer)
- if(parentGallery){
- var livePreview = document.createElement('div')
- livePreview.className='livePreview'
- parentGallery.insertBefore(livePreview, gallery)
+function requestProgress(id_task, progressbarContainer, gallery, atEnd, onProgress, inactivityTimeout = 40) {
+ var dateStart = new Date();
+ var wasEverActive = false;
+ var parentProgressbar = progressbarContainer.parentNode;
+ var parentGallery = gallery ? gallery.parentNode : null;
+ var divProgress = document.createElement('div');
+ divProgress.className = 'progressDiv';
+ divProgress.style.display = opts.show_progressbar ? "block" : "none";
+ var divInner = document.createElement('div');
+ divInner.className = 'progress';
+ divProgress.appendChild(divInner);
+ parentProgressbar.insertBefore(divProgress, progressbarContainer);
+ if (parentGallery) {
+ var livePreview = document.createElement('div');
+ livePreview.className = 'livePreview';
+ parentGallery.insertBefore(livePreview, gallery);
- var removeProgressBar = function(){
- setTitle("")
- parentProgressbar.removeChild(divProgress)
- if(parentGallery) parentGallery.removeChild(livePreview)
- atEnd()
- }
+ var removeProgressBar = function() {
+ setTitle("");
+ parentProgressbar.removeChild(divProgress);
+ if (parentGallery) parentGallery.removeChild(livePreview);
+ atEnd();
+ };
- var fun = function(id_task, id_live_preview){
- request("./internal/progress", {"id_task": id_task, "id_live_preview": id_live_preview}, function(res){
- if(res.completed){
- removeProgressBar()
- return
+ var fun = function(id_task, id_live_preview) {
+ request("./internal/progress", {id_task: id_task, id_live_preview: id_live_preview}, function(res) {
+ if (res.completed) {
+ removeProgressBar();
+ return;
- var rect = progressbarContainer.getBoundingClientRect()
+ var rect = progressbarContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
- if(rect.width){
+ if (rect.width) {
divProgress.style.width = rect.width + "px";
- let progressText = ""
+ let progressText = "";
- divInner.style.width = ((res.progress || 0) * 100.0) + '%'
- divInner.style.background = res.progress ? "" : "transparent"
+ divInner.style.width = ((res.progress || 0) * 100.0) + '%';
+ divInner.style.background = res.progress ? "" : "transparent";
- if(res.progress > 0){
- progressText = ((res.progress || 0) * 100.0).toFixed(0) + '%'
+ if (res.progress > 0) {
+ progressText = ((res.progress || 0) * 100.0).toFixed(0) + '%';
- if(res.eta){
- progressText += " ETA: " + formatTime(res.eta)
+ if (res.eta) {
+ progressText += " ETA: " + formatTime(res.eta);
- setTitle(progressText)
+ setTitle(progressText);
- if(res.textinfo && res.textinfo.indexOf("\n") == -1){
- progressText = res.textinfo + " " + progressText
+ if (res.textinfo && res.textinfo.indexOf("\n") == -1) {
+ progressText = res.textinfo + " " + progressText;
- divInner.textContent = progressText
+ divInner.textContent = progressText;
- var elapsedFromStart = (new Date() - dateStart) / 1000
+ var elapsedFromStart = (new Date() - dateStart) / 1000;
- if(res.active) wasEverActive = true;
+ if (res.active) wasEverActive = true;
- if(! res.active && wasEverActive){
- removeProgressBar()
- return
+ if (!res.active && wasEverActive) {
+ removeProgressBar();
+ return;
- if(elapsedFromStart > inactivityTimeout && !res.queued && !res.active){
- removeProgressBar()
- return
+ if (elapsedFromStart > inactivityTimeout && !res.queued && !res.active) {
+ removeProgressBar();
+ return;
- if(res.live_preview && gallery){
- var rect = gallery.getBoundingClientRect()
- if(rect.width){
- livePreview.style.width = rect.width + "px"
- livePreview.style.height = rect.height + "px"
+ if (res.live_preview && gallery) {
+ rect = gallery.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (rect.width) {
+ livePreview.style.width = rect.width + "px";
+ livePreview.style.height = rect.height + "px";
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
- livePreview.appendChild(img)
- if(livePreview.childElementCount > 2){
- livePreview.removeChild(livePreview.firstElementChild)
+ livePreview.appendChild(img);
+ if (livePreview.childElementCount > 2) {
+ livePreview.removeChild(livePreview.firstElementChild);
- }
+ };
img.src = res.live_preview;
- if(onProgress){
- onProgress(res)
+ if (onProgress) {
+ onProgress(res);
setTimeout(() => {
fun(id_task, res.id_live_preview);
- }, opts.live_preview_refresh_period || 500)
- }, function(){
- removeProgressBar()
- })
- }
+ }, opts.live_preview_refresh_period || 500);
+ }, function() {
+ removeProgressBar();
+ });
+ };
- fun(id_task, 0)
+ fun(id_task, 0);
diff --git a/javascript/textualInversion.js b/javascript/textualInversion.js
index 0354b860..37e3d075 100644
--- a/javascript/textualInversion.js
+++ b/javascript/textualInversion.js
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-function start_training_textual_inversion(){
- gradioApp().querySelector('#ti_error').innerHTML=''
- var id = randomId()
- requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('ti_output'), gradioApp().getElementById('ti_gallery'), function(){}, function(progress){
- gradioApp().getElementById('ti_progress').innerHTML = progress.textinfo
- })
- var res = args_to_array(arguments)
- res[0] = id
- return res
+function start_training_textual_inversion() {
+ gradioApp().querySelector('#ti_error').innerHTML = '';
+ var id = randomId();
+ requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('ti_output'), gradioApp().getElementById('ti_gallery'), function() {}, function(progress) {
+ gradioApp().getElementById('ti_progress').innerHTML = progress.textinfo;
+ });
+ var res = args_to_array(arguments);
+ res[0] = id;
+ return res;
diff --git a/javascript/ui.js b/javascript/ui.js
index 6d4119d7..dbb8132f 100644
--- a/javascript/ui.js
+++ b/javascript/ui.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// various functions for interaction with ui.py not large enough to warrant putting them in separate files
-function set_theme(theme){
- var gradioURL = window.location.href
+function set_theme(theme) {
+ var gradioURL = window.location.href;
if (!gradioURL.includes('?__theme=')) {
- window.location.replace(gradioURL + '?__theme=' + theme);
+ window.location.replace(gradioURL + '?__theme=' + theme);
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function all_gallery_buttons() {
if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) {
- })
+ });
return visibleGalleryButtons;
@@ -25,31 +25,35 @@ function selected_gallery_button() {
if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) {
visibleCurrentButton = elem;
- })
+ });
return visibleCurrentButton;
-function selected_gallery_index(){
+function selected_gallery_index() {
var buttons = all_gallery_buttons();
var button = selected_gallery_button();
- var result = -1
- buttons.forEach(function(v, i){ if(v==button) { result = i } })
+ var result = -1;
+ buttons.forEach(function(v, i) {
+ if (v == button) {
+ result = i;
+ }
+ });
- return result
+ return result;
-function extract_image_from_gallery(gallery){
- if (gallery.length == 0){
+function extract_image_from_gallery(gallery) {
+ if (gallery.length == 0) {
return [null];
- if (gallery.length == 1){
+ if (gallery.length == 1) {
return [gallery[0]];
- var index = selected_gallery_index()
+ var index = selected_gallery_index();
- if (index < 0 || index >= gallery.length){
+ if (index < 0 || index >= gallery.length) {
// Use the first image in the gallery as the default
index = 0;
@@ -57,249 +61,242 @@ function extract_image_from_gallery(gallery){
return [gallery[index]];
-function args_to_array(args){
- var res = []
- for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){
- res.push(args[i])
+function args_to_array(args) {
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ res.push(args[i]);
- return res
+ return res;
-function switch_to_txt2img(){
+function switch_to_txt2img() {
return args_to_array(arguments);
-function switch_to_img2img_tab(no){
+function switch_to_img2img_tab(no) {
-function switch_to_img2img(){
+function switch_to_img2img() {
return args_to_array(arguments);
-function switch_to_sketch(){
+function switch_to_sketch() {
return args_to_array(arguments);
-function switch_to_inpaint(){
+function switch_to_inpaint() {
return args_to_array(arguments);
-function switch_to_inpaint_sketch(){
+function switch_to_inpaint_sketch() {
return args_to_array(arguments);
-function switch_to_inpaint(){
- gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs').querySelectorAll('button')[1].click();
- gradioApp().getElementById('mode_img2img').querySelectorAll('button')[2].click();
- return args_to_array(arguments);
-function switch_to_extras(){
+function switch_to_extras() {
return args_to_array(arguments);
-function get_tab_index(tabId){
- var res = 0
+function get_tab_index(tabId) {
+ var res = 0;
- gradioApp().getElementById(tabId).querySelector('div').querySelectorAll('button').forEach(function(button, i){
- if(button.className.indexOf('selected') != -1)
- res = i
- })
+ gradioApp().getElementById(tabId).querySelector('div').querySelectorAll('button').forEach(function(button, i) {
+ if (button.className.indexOf('selected') != -1) {
+ res = i;
+ }
+ });
- return res
+ return res;
-function create_tab_index_args(tabId, args){
- var res = []
- for(var i=0; i<args.length; i++){
- res.push(args[i])
+function create_tab_index_args(tabId, args) {
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ res.push(args[i]);
- res[0] = get_tab_index(tabId)
+ res[0] = get_tab_index(tabId);
- return res
+ return res;
function get_img2img_tab_index() {
- let res = args_to_array(arguments)
- res.splice(-2)
- res[0] = get_tab_index('mode_img2img')
- return res
+ let res = args_to_array(arguments);
+ res.splice(-2);
+ res[0] = get_tab_index('mode_img2img');
+ return res;
-function create_submit_args(args){
- var res = []
- for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){
- res.push(args[i])
+function create_submit_args(args) {
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ res.push(args[i]);
// As it is currently, txt2img and img2img send back the previous output args (txt2img_gallery, generation_info, html_info) whenever you generate a new image.
// This can lead to uploading a huge gallery of previously generated images, which leads to an unnecessary delay between submitting and beginning to generate.
// I don't know why gradio is sending outputs along with inputs, but we can prevent sending the image gallery here, which seems to be an issue for some.
// If gradio at some point stops sending outputs, this may break something
- if(Array.isArray(res[res.length - 3])){
- res[res.length - 3] = null
+ if (Array.isArray(res[res.length - 3])) {
+ res[res.length - 3] = null;
- return res
+ return res;
-function showSubmitButtons(tabname, show){
- gradioApp().getElementById(tabname+'_interrupt').style.display = show ? "none" : "block"
- gradioApp().getElementById(tabname+'_skip').style.display = show ? "none" : "block"
+function showSubmitButtons(tabname, show) {
+ gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_interrupt').style.display = show ? "none" : "block";
+ gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_skip').style.display = show ? "none" : "block";
-function showRestoreProgressButton(tabname, show){
- var button = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + "_restore_progress")
- if(! button) return
+function showRestoreProgressButton(tabname, show) {
+ var button = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + "_restore_progress");
+ if (!button) return;
- button.style.display = show ? "flex" : "none"
+ button.style.display = show ? "flex" : "none";
-function submit(){
- rememberGallerySelection('txt2img_gallery')
- showSubmitButtons('txt2img', false)
+function submit() {
+ showSubmitButtons('txt2img', false);
- var id = randomId()
+ var id = randomId();
localStorage.setItem("txt2img_task_id", id);
- requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery'), function(){
- showSubmitButtons('txt2img', true)
- localStorage.removeItem("txt2img_task_id")
- showRestoreProgressButton('txt2img', false)
- })
+ requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery'), function() {
+ showSubmitButtons('txt2img', true);
+ localStorage.removeItem("txt2img_task_id");
+ showRestoreProgressButton('txt2img', false);
+ });
- var res = create_submit_args(arguments)
+ var res = create_submit_args(arguments);
- res[0] = id
+ res[0] = id;
- return res
+ return res;
-function submit_img2img(){
- rememberGallerySelection('img2img_gallery')
- showSubmitButtons('img2img', false)
+function submit_img2img() {
+ showSubmitButtons('img2img', false);
- var id = randomId()
+ var id = randomId();
localStorage.setItem("img2img_task_id", id);
- requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery'), function(){
- showSubmitButtons('img2img', true)
- localStorage.removeItem("img2img_task_id")
- showRestoreProgressButton('img2img', false)
- })
+ requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery'), function() {
+ showSubmitButtons('img2img', true);
+ localStorage.removeItem("img2img_task_id");
+ showRestoreProgressButton('img2img', false);
+ });
- var res = create_submit_args(arguments)
+ var res = create_submit_args(arguments);
- res[0] = id
- res[1] = get_tab_index('mode_img2img')
+ res[0] = id;
+ res[1] = get_tab_index('mode_img2img');
- return res
+ return res;
-function restoreProgressTxt2img(){
- showRestoreProgressButton("txt2img", false)
- var id = localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id")
+function restoreProgressTxt2img() {
+ showRestoreProgressButton("txt2img", false);
+ var id = localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id");
- id = localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id")
+ id = localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id");
- if(id) {
- requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery'), function(){
- showSubmitButtons('txt2img', true)
- }, null, 0)
+ if (id) {
+ requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('txt2img_gallery'), function() {
+ showSubmitButtons('txt2img', true);
+ }, null, 0);
- return id
+ return id;
-function restoreProgressImg2img(){
- showRestoreProgressButton("img2img", false)
- var id = localStorage.getItem("img2img_task_id")
+function restoreProgressImg2img() {
+ showRestoreProgressButton("img2img", false);
- if(id) {
- requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery'), function(){
- showSubmitButtons('img2img', true)
- }, null, 0)
+ var id = localStorage.getItem("img2img_task_id");
+ if (id) {
+ requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery_container'), gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_gallery'), function() {
+ showSubmitButtons('img2img', true);
+ }, null, 0);
- return id
+ return id;
-onUiLoaded(function () {
- showRestoreProgressButton('txt2img', localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id"))
- showRestoreProgressButton('img2img', localStorage.getItem("img2img_task_id"))
+onUiLoaded(function() {
+ showRestoreProgressButton('txt2img', localStorage.getItem("txt2img_task_id"));
+ showRestoreProgressButton('img2img', localStorage.getItem("img2img_task_id"));
-function modelmerger(){
- var id = randomId()
- requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('modelmerger_results_panel'), null, function(){})
+function modelmerger() {
+ var id = randomId();
+ requestProgress(id, gradioApp().getElementById('modelmerger_results_panel'), null, function() {});
- var res = create_submit_args(arguments)
- res[0] = id
- return res
+ var res = create_submit_args(arguments);
+ res[0] = id;
+ return res;
function ask_for_style_name(_, prompt_text, negative_prompt_text) {
- var name_ = prompt('Style name:')
- return [name_, prompt_text, negative_prompt_text]
+ var name_ = prompt('Style name:');
+ return [name_, prompt_text, negative_prompt_text];
function confirm_clear_prompt(prompt, negative_prompt) {
- if(confirm("Delete prompt?")) {
- prompt = ""
- negative_prompt = ""
+ if (confirm("Delete prompt?")) {
+ prompt = "";
+ negative_prompt = "";
- return [prompt, negative_prompt]
+ return [prompt, negative_prompt];
-promptTokecountUpdateFuncs = {}
+var promptTokecountUpdateFuncs = {};
-function recalculatePromptTokens(name){
- if(promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[name]){
- promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[name]()
+function recalculatePromptTokens(name) {
+ if (promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[name]) {
+ promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[name]();
-function recalculate_prompts_txt2img(){
- recalculatePromptTokens('txt2img_prompt')
- recalculatePromptTokens('txt2img_neg_prompt')
+function recalculate_prompts_txt2img() {
+ recalculatePromptTokens('txt2img_prompt');
+ recalculatePromptTokens('txt2img_neg_prompt');
return args_to_array(arguments);
-function recalculate_prompts_img2img(){
- recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_prompt')
- recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_neg_prompt')
+function recalculate_prompts_img2img() {
+ recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_prompt');
+ recalculatePromptTokens('img2img_neg_prompt');
return args_to_array(arguments);
-var opts = {}
- if(Object.keys(opts).length != 0) return;
+var opts = {};
+onUiUpdate(function() {
+ if (Object.keys(opts).length != 0) return;
+ var json_elem = gradioApp().getElementById('settings_json');
+ if (json_elem == null) return;
- var json_elem = gradioApp().getElementById('settings_json')
- if(json_elem == null) return;
+ var textarea = json_elem.querySelector('textarea');
+ var jsdata = textarea.value;
+ opts = JSON.parse(jsdata);
- var textarea = json_elem.querySelector('textarea')
- var jsdata = textarea.value
- opts = JSON.parse(jsdata)
- executeCallbacks(optionsChangedCallbacks);
+ executeCallbacks(optionsChangedCallbacks); /*global optionsChangedCallbacks*/
Object.defineProperty(textarea, 'value', {
set: function(newValue) {
@@ -308,7 +305,7 @@ onUiUpdate(function(){
valueProp.set.call(textarea, newValue);
if (oldValue != newValue) {
- opts = JSON.parse(textarea.value)
+ opts = JSON.parse(textarea.value);
@@ -319,122 +316,130 @@ onUiUpdate(function(){
- json_elem.parentElement.style.display="none"
+ json_elem.parentElement.style.display = "none";
- function registerTextarea(id, id_counter, id_button){
- var prompt = gradioApp().getElementById(id)
- var counter = gradioApp().getElementById(id_counter)
+ function registerTextarea(id, id_counter, id_button) {
+ var prompt = gradioApp().getElementById(id);
+ var counter = gradioApp().getElementById(id_counter);
var textarea = gradioApp().querySelector("#" + id + " > label > textarea");
- if(counter.parentElement == prompt.parentElement){
- return
+ if (counter.parentElement == prompt.parentElement) {
+ return;
- prompt.parentElement.insertBefore(counter, prompt)
- prompt.parentElement.style.position = "relative"
+ prompt.parentElement.insertBefore(counter, prompt);
+ prompt.parentElement.style.position = "relative";
- promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[id] = function(){ update_token_counter(id_button); }
- textarea.addEventListener("input", promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[id]);
+ promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[id] = function() {
+ update_token_counter(id_button);
+ };
+ textarea.addEventListener("input", promptTokecountUpdateFuncs[id]);
- registerTextarea('txt2img_prompt', 'txt2img_token_counter', 'txt2img_token_button')
- registerTextarea('txt2img_neg_prompt', 'txt2img_negative_token_counter', 'txt2img_negative_token_button')
- registerTextarea('img2img_prompt', 'img2img_token_counter', 'img2img_token_button')
- registerTextarea('img2img_neg_prompt', 'img2img_negative_token_counter', 'img2img_negative_token_button')
- var show_all_pages = gradioApp().getElementById('settings_show_all_pages')
- var settings_tabs = gradioApp().querySelector('#settings div')
- if(show_all_pages && settings_tabs){
- settings_tabs.appendChild(show_all_pages)
- show_all_pages.onclick = function(){
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#settings > div').forEach(function(elem){
- if(elem.id == "settings_tab_licenses")
+ registerTextarea('txt2img_prompt', 'txt2img_token_counter', 'txt2img_token_button');
+ registerTextarea('txt2img_neg_prompt', 'txt2img_negative_token_counter', 'txt2img_negative_token_button');
+ registerTextarea('img2img_prompt', 'img2img_token_counter', 'img2img_token_button');
+ registerTextarea('img2img_neg_prompt', 'img2img_negative_token_counter', 'img2img_negative_token_button');
+ var show_all_pages = gradioApp().getElementById('settings_show_all_pages');
+ var settings_tabs = gradioApp().querySelector('#settings div');
+ if (show_all_pages && settings_tabs) {
+ settings_tabs.appendChild(show_all_pages);
+ show_all_pages.onclick = function() {
+ gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#settings > div').forEach(function(elem) {
+ if (elem.id == "settings_tab_licenses") {
+ }
elem.style.display = "block";
- })
- }
+ });
+ };
- var elem = gradioApp().getElementById('sd_checkpoint_hash')
- var sd_checkpoint_hash = opts.sd_checkpoint_hash || ""
- var shorthash = sd_checkpoint_hash.substring(0,10)
+onOptionsChanged(function() {
+ var elem = gradioApp().getElementById('sd_checkpoint_hash');
+ var sd_checkpoint_hash = opts.sd_checkpoint_hash || "";
+ var shorthash = sd_checkpoint_hash.substring(0, 10);
- if(elem && elem.textContent != shorthash){
- elem.textContent = shorthash
- elem.title = sd_checkpoint_hash
- elem.href = "https://google.com/search?q=" + sd_checkpoint_hash
- }
+ if (elem && elem.textContent != shorthash) {
+ elem.textContent = shorthash;
+ elem.title = sd_checkpoint_hash;
+ elem.href = "https://google.com/search?q=" + sd_checkpoint_hash;
+ }
let txt2img_textarea, img2img_textarea = undefined;
-let wait_time = 800
+let wait_time = 800;
let token_timeouts = {};
function update_txt2img_tokens(...args) {
- update_token_counter("txt2img_token_button")
- if (args.length == 2)
- return args[0]
- return args;
+ update_token_counter("txt2img_token_button");
+ if (args.length == 2) {
+ return args[0];
+ }
+ return args;
function update_img2img_tokens(...args) {
- update_token_counter("img2img_token_button")
- if (args.length == 2)
- return args[0]
- return args;
+ update_token_counter(
+ "img2img_token_button"
+ );
+ if (args.length == 2) {
+ return args[0];
+ }
+ return args;
function update_token_counter(button_id) {
- if (token_timeouts[button_id])
- clearTimeout(token_timeouts[button_id]);
- token_timeouts[button_id] = setTimeout(() => gradioApp().getElementById(button_id)?.click(), wait_time);
+ if (token_timeouts[button_id]) {
+ clearTimeout(token_timeouts[button_id]);
+ }
+ token_timeouts[button_id] = setTimeout(() => gradioApp().getElementById(button_id)?.click(), wait_time);
-function restart_reload(){
- document.body.innerHTML='<h1 style="font-family:monospace;margin-top:20%;color:lightgray;text-align:center;">Reloading...</h1>';
+function restart_reload() {
+ document.body.innerHTML = '<h1 style="font-family:monospace;margin-top:20%;color:lightgray;text-align:center;">Reloading...</h1>';
- var requestPing = function(){
- requestGet("./internal/ping", {}, function(data){
+ var requestPing = function() {
+ requestGet("./internal/ping", {}, function(data) {
- }, function(){
+ }, function() {
setTimeout(requestPing, 500);
- })
- }
+ });
+ };
setTimeout(requestPing, 2000);
- return []
+ return [];
// Simulate an `input` DOM event for Gradio Textbox component. Needed after you edit its contents in javascript, otherwise your edits
// will only visible on web page and not sent to python.
-function updateInput(target){
- let e = new Event("input", { bubbles: true })
- Object.defineProperty(e, "target", {value: target})
- target.dispatchEvent(e);
+function updateInput(target) {
+ let e = new Event("input", {bubbles: true});
+ Object.defineProperty(e, "target", {value: target});
+ target.dispatchEvent(e);
var desiredCheckpointName = null;
-function selectCheckpoint(name){
+function selectCheckpoint(name) {
desiredCheckpointName = name;
- gradioApp().getElementById('change_checkpoint').click()
+ gradioApp().getElementById('change_checkpoint').click();
-function currentImg2imgSourceResolution(_, _, scaleBy){
- var img = gradioApp().querySelector('#mode_img2img > div[style="display: block;"] img')
- return img ? [img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight, scaleBy] : [0, 0, scaleBy]
+function currentImg2imgSourceResolution(w, h, scaleBy) {
+ var img = gradioApp().querySelector('#mode_img2img > div[style="display: block;"] img');
+ return img ? [img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight, scaleBy] : [0, 0, scaleBy];
-function updateImg2imgResizeToTextAfterChangingImage(){
+function updateImg2imgResizeToTextAfterChangingImage() {
// At the time this is called from gradio, the image has no yet been replaced.
// There may be a better solution, but this is simple and straightforward so I'm going with it.
setTimeout(function() {
- gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_update_resize_to').click()
+ gradioApp().getElementById('img2img_update_resize_to').click();
}, 500);
return []
diff --git a/javascript/ui_settings_hints.js b/javascript/ui_settings_hints.js
index 6d1933dc..e216852b 100644
--- a/javascript/ui_settings_hints.js
+++ b/javascript/ui_settings_hints.js
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-// various hints and extra info for the settings tab
-settingsHintsSetup = false
- if(settingsHintsSetup) return
- settingsHintsSetup = true
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#settings [id^=setting_]').forEach(function(div){
- var name = div.id.substr(8)
- var commentBefore = opts._comments_before[name]
- var commentAfter = opts._comments_after[name]
- if(! commentBefore && !commentAfter) return
- var span = null
- if(div.classList.contains('gradio-checkbox')) span = div.querySelector('label span')
- else if(div.classList.contains('gradio-checkboxgroup')) span = div.querySelector('span').firstChild
- else if(div.classList.contains('gradio-radio')) span = div.querySelector('span').firstChild
- else span = div.querySelector('label span').firstChild
- if(!span) return
- if(commentBefore){
- var comment = document.createElement('DIV')
- comment.className = 'settings-comment'
- comment.innerHTML = commentBefore
- span.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\xa0'), span)
- span.parentElement.insertBefore(comment, span)
- span.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\xa0'), span)
- }
- if(commentAfter){
- var comment = document.createElement('DIV')
- comment.className = 'settings-comment'
- comment.innerHTML = commentAfter
- span.parentElement.insertBefore(comment, span.nextSibling)
- span.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\xa0'), span.nextSibling)
- }
- })
-function settingsHintsShowQuicksettings(){
- requestGet("./internal/quicksettings-hint", {}, function(data){
- var table = document.createElement('table')
- table.className = 'settings-value-table'
- data.forEach(function(obj){
- var tr = document.createElement('tr')
- var td = document.createElement('td')
- td.textContent = obj.name
- tr.appendChild(td)
- var td = document.createElement('td')
- td.textContent = obj.label
- tr.appendChild(td)
- table.appendChild(tr)
- })
- popup(table);
- })
+// various hints and extra info for the settings tab
+var settingsHintsSetup = false;
+onOptionsChanged(function() {
+ if (settingsHintsSetup) return;
+ settingsHintsSetup = true;
+ gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#settings [id^=setting_]').forEach(function(div) {
+ var name = div.id.substr(8);
+ var commentBefore = opts._comments_before[name];
+ var commentAfter = opts._comments_after[name];
+ if (!commentBefore && !commentAfter) return;
+ var span = null;
+ if (div.classList.contains('gradio-checkbox')) span = div.querySelector('label span');
+ else if (div.classList.contains('gradio-checkboxgroup')) span = div.querySelector('span').firstChild;
+ else if (div.classList.contains('gradio-radio')) span = div.querySelector('span').firstChild;
+ else span = div.querySelector('label span').firstChild;
+ if (!span) return;
+ if (commentBefore) {
+ var comment = document.createElement('DIV');
+ comment.className = 'settings-comment';
+ comment.innerHTML = commentBefore;
+ span.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\xa0'), span);
+ span.parentElement.insertBefore(comment, span);
+ span.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\xa0'), span);
+ }
+ if (commentAfter) {
+ comment = document.createElement('DIV');
+ comment.className = 'settings-comment';
+ comment.innerHTML = commentAfter;
+ span.parentElement.insertBefore(comment, span.nextSibling);
+ span.parentElement.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\xa0'), span.nextSibling);
+ }
+ });
+function settingsHintsShowQuicksettings() {
+ requestGet("./internal/quicksettings-hint", {}, function(data) {
+ var table = document.createElement('table');
+ table.className = 'settings-value-table';
+ data.forEach(function(obj) {
+ var tr = document.createElement('tr');
+ var td = document.createElement('td');
+ td.textContent = obj.name;
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ td = document.createElement('td');
+ td.textContent = obj.label;
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ table.appendChild(tr);
+ });
+ popup(table);
+ });
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0ba4067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "name": "stable-diffusion-webui",
+ "version": "0.0.0",
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "eslint": "^8.40.0"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "lint": "eslint .",
+ "fix": "eslint --fix ."
+ }
diff --git a/script.js b/script.js
index 03afe844..db4d9157 100644
--- a/script.js
+++ b/script.js
@@ -1,66 +1,72 @@
function gradioApp() {
- const elems = document.getElementsByTagName('gradio-app')
- const elem = elems.length == 0 ? document : elems[0]
+ const elems = document.getElementsByTagName('gradio-app');
+ const elem = elems.length == 0 ? document : elems[0];
- if (elem !== document) elem.getElementById = function(id){ return document.getElementById(id) }
- return elem.shadowRoot ? elem.shadowRoot : elem
+ if (elem !== document) {
+ elem.getElementById = function(id) {
+ return document.getElementById(id);
+ };
+ }
+ return elem.shadowRoot ? elem.shadowRoot : elem;
function get_uiCurrentTab() {
- return gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs button.selected')
+ return gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs button.selected');
function get_uiCurrentTabContent() {
- return gradioApp().querySelector('.tabitem[id^=tab_]:not([style*="display: none"])')
+ return gradioApp().querySelector('.tabitem[id^=tab_]:not([style*="display: none"])');
-uiUpdateCallbacks = []
-uiLoadedCallbacks = []
-uiTabChangeCallbacks = []
-optionsChangedCallbacks = []
-let uiCurrentTab = null
+var uiUpdateCallbacks = [];
+var uiLoadedCallbacks = [];
+var uiTabChangeCallbacks = [];
+var optionsChangedCallbacks = [];
+var uiCurrentTab = null;
-function onUiUpdate(callback){
- uiUpdateCallbacks.push(callback)
+function onUiUpdate(callback) {
+ uiUpdateCallbacks.push(callback);
-function onUiLoaded(callback){
- uiLoadedCallbacks.push(callback)
+function onUiLoaded(callback) {
+ uiLoadedCallbacks.push(callback);
-function onUiTabChange(callback){
- uiTabChangeCallbacks.push(callback)
+function onUiTabChange(callback) {
+ uiTabChangeCallbacks.push(callback);
-function onOptionsChanged(callback){
- optionsChangedCallbacks.push(callback)
+function onOptionsChanged(callback) {
+ optionsChangedCallbacks.push(callback);
-function runCallback(x, m){
+function runCallback(x, m) {
try {
- x(m)
+ x(m);
} catch (e) {
(console.error || console.log).call(console, e.message, e);
function executeCallbacks(queue, m) {
- queue.forEach(function(x){runCallback(x, m)})
+ queue.forEach(function(x) {
+ runCallback(x, m);
+ });
var executedOnLoaded = false;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
- var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(m){
- if(!executedOnLoaded && gradioApp().querySelector('#txt2img_prompt')){
+ var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(m) {
+ if (!executedOnLoaded && gradioApp().querySelector('#txt2img_prompt')) {
executedOnLoaded = true;
executeCallbacks(uiUpdateCallbacks, m);
const newTab = get_uiCurrentTab();
- if ( newTab && ( newTab !== uiCurrentTab ) ) {
+ if (newTab && (newTab !== uiCurrentTab)) {
uiCurrentTab = newTab;
- mutationObserver.observe( gradioApp(), { childList:true, subtree:true })
+ mutationObserver.observe(gradioApp(), {childList: true, subtree: true});
@@ -69,33 +75,33 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
var handled = false;
if (e.key !== undefined) {
- if((e.key == "Enter" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey))) handled = true;
+ if ((e.key == "Enter" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey))) handled = true;
} else if (e.keyCode !== undefined) {
- if((e.keyCode == 13 && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey))) handled = true;
+ if ((e.keyCode == 13 && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey))) handled = true;
if (handled) {
- button = get_uiCurrentTabContent().querySelector('button[id$=_generate]');
+ var button = get_uiCurrentTabContent().querySelector('button[id$=_generate]');
if (button) {
* checks that a UI element is not in another hidden element or tab content
function uiElementIsVisible(el) {
let isVisible = !el.closest('.\\!hidden');
- if ( ! isVisible ) {
+ if (!isVisible) {
return false;
- while( isVisible = el.closest('.tabitem')?.style.display !== 'none' ) {
- if ( ! isVisible ) {
+ while ((isVisible = el.closest('.tabitem')?.style.display) !== 'none') {
+ if (!isVisible) {
return false;
- } else if ( el.parentElement ) {
- el = el.parentElement
+ } else if (el.parentElement) {
+ el = el.parentElement;
} else {