path: root/modules/api/models.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/api/models.py')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/api/models.py b/modules/api/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c78095ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/api/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+import inspect
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, create_model
+from typing import Any, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Literal
+from inflection import underscore
+from modules.processing import StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img, StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img
+from modules.shared import sd_upscalers, opts, parser
+from typing import Dict, List
+ "self",
+ "kwargs",
+ "sd_model",
+ "outpath_samples",
+ "outpath_grids",
+ "sampler_index",
+ "do_not_save_samples",
+ "do_not_save_grid",
+ "extra_generation_params",
+ "overlay_images",
+ "do_not_reload_embeddings",
+ "seed_enable_extras",
+ "prompt_for_display",
+ "sampler_noise_scheduler_override",
+ "ddim_discretize"
+class ModelDef(BaseModel):
+ """Assistance Class for Pydantic Dynamic Model Generation"""
+ field: str
+ field_alias: str
+ field_type: Any
+ field_value: Any
+ field_exclude: bool = False
+class PydanticModelGenerator:
+ """
+ Takes in created classes and stubs them out in a way FastAPI/Pydantic is happy about:
+ source_data is a snapshot of the default values produced by the class
+ params are the names of the actual keys required by __init__
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ model_name: str = None,
+ class_instance = None,
+ additional_fields = None,
+ ):
+ def field_type_generator(k, v):
+ # field_type = str if not overrides.get(k) else overrides[k]["type"]
+ # print(k, v.annotation, v.default)
+ field_type = v.annotation
+ return Optional[field_type]
+ def merge_class_params(class_):
+ all_classes = list(filter(lambda x: x is not object, inspect.getmro(class_)))
+ parameters = {}
+ for classes in all_classes:
+ parameters = {**parameters, **inspect.signature(classes.__init__).parameters}
+ return parameters
+ self._model_name = model_name
+ self._class_data = merge_class_params(class_instance)
+ self._model_def = [
+ ModelDef(
+ field=underscore(k),
+ field_alias=k,
+ field_type=field_type_generator(k, v),
+ field_value=v.default
+ )
+ for (k,v) in self._class_data.items() if k not in API_NOT_ALLOWED
+ ]
+ for fields in additional_fields:
+ self._model_def.append(ModelDef(
+ field=underscore(fields["key"]),
+ field_alias=fields["key"],
+ field_type=fields["type"],
+ field_value=fields["default"],
+ field_exclude=fields["exclude"] if "exclude" in fields else False))
+ def generate_model(self):
+ """
+ Creates a pydantic BaseModel
+ from the json and overrides provided at initialization
+ """
+ fields = {
+ d.field: (d.field_type, Field(default=d.field_value, alias=d.field_alias, exclude=d.field_exclude)) for d in self._model_def
+ }
+ DynamicModel = create_model(self._model_name, **fields)
+ DynamicModel.__config__.allow_population_by_field_name = True
+ DynamicModel.__config__.allow_mutation = True
+ return DynamicModel
+StableDiffusionTxt2ImgProcessingAPI = PydanticModelGenerator(
+ "StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img",
+ StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img,
+ [{"key": "sampler_index", "type": str, "default": "Euler"}, {"key": "script_name", "type": str, "default": None}, {"key": "script_args", "type": list, "default": []}]
+StableDiffusionImg2ImgProcessingAPI = PydanticModelGenerator(
+ "StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img",
+ StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img,
+ [{"key": "sampler_index", "type": str, "default": "Euler"}, {"key": "init_images", "type": list, "default": None}, {"key": "denoising_strength", "type": float, "default": 0.75}, {"key": "mask", "type": str, "default": None}, {"key": "include_init_images", "type": bool, "default": False, "exclude" : True}, {"key": "script_name", "type": str, "default": None}, {"key": "script_args", "type": list, "default": []}]
+class TextToImageResponse(BaseModel):
+ images: List[str] = Field(default=None, title="Image", description="The generated image in base64 format.")
+ parameters: dict
+ info: str
+class ImageToImageResponse(BaseModel):
+ images: List[str] = Field(default=None, title="Image", description="The generated image in base64 format.")
+ parameters: dict
+ info: str
+class ExtrasBaseRequest(BaseModel):
+ resize_mode: Literal[0, 1] = Field(default=0, title="Resize Mode", description="Sets the resize mode: 0 to upscale by upscaling_resize amount, 1 to upscale up to upscaling_resize_h x upscaling_resize_w.")
+ show_extras_results: bool = Field(default=True, title="Show results", description="Should the backend return the generated image?")
+ gfpgan_visibility: float = Field(default=0, title="GFPGAN Visibility", ge=0, le=1, allow_inf_nan=False, description="Sets the visibility of GFPGAN, values should be between 0 and 1.")
+ codeformer_visibility: float = Field(default=0, title="CodeFormer Visibility", ge=0, le=1, allow_inf_nan=False, description="Sets the visibility of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1.")
+ codeformer_weight: float = Field(default=0, title="CodeFormer Weight", ge=0, le=1, allow_inf_nan=False, description="Sets the weight of CodeFormer, values should be between 0 and 1.")
+ upscaling_resize: float = Field(default=2, title="Upscaling Factor", ge=1, le=8, description="By how much to upscale the image, only used when resize_mode=0.")
+ upscaling_resize_w: int = Field(default=512, title="Target Width", ge=1, description="Target width for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1.")
+ upscaling_resize_h: int = Field(default=512, title="Target Height", ge=1, description="Target height for the upscaler to hit. Only used when resize_mode=1.")
+ upscaling_crop: bool = Field(default=True, title="Crop to fit", description="Should the upscaler crop the image to fit in the chosen size?")
+ upscaler_1: str = Field(default="None", title="Main upscaler", description=f"The name of the main upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list: {' , '.join([x.name for x in sd_upscalers])}")
+ upscaler_2: str = Field(default="None", title="Secondary upscaler", description=f"The name of the secondary upscaler to use, it has to be one of this list: {' , '.join([x.name for x in sd_upscalers])}")
+ extras_upscaler_2_visibility: float = Field(default=0, title="Secondary upscaler visibility", ge=0, le=1, allow_inf_nan=False, description="Sets the visibility of secondary upscaler, values should be between 0 and 1.")
+ upscale_first: bool = Field(default=False, title="Upscale first", description="Should the upscaler run before restoring faces?")
+class ExtraBaseResponse(BaseModel):
+ html_info: str = Field(title="HTML info", description="A series of HTML tags containing the process info.")
+class ExtrasSingleImageRequest(ExtrasBaseRequest):
+ image: str = Field(default="", title="Image", description="Image to work on, must be a Base64 string containing the image's data.")
+class ExtrasSingleImageResponse(ExtraBaseResponse):
+ image: str = Field(default=None, title="Image", description="The generated image in base64 format.")
+class FileData(BaseModel):
+ data: str = Field(title="File data", description="Base64 representation of the file")
+ name: str = Field(title="File name")
+class ExtrasBatchImagesRequest(ExtrasBaseRequest):
+ imageList: List[FileData] = Field(title="Images", description="List of images to work on. Must be Base64 strings")
+class ExtrasBatchImagesResponse(ExtraBaseResponse):
+ images: List[str] = Field(title="Images", description="The generated images in base64 format.")
+class PNGInfoRequest(BaseModel):
+ image: str = Field(title="Image", description="The base64 encoded PNG image")
+class PNGInfoResponse(BaseModel):
+ info: str = Field(title="Image info", description="A string with the parameters used to generate the image")
+ items: dict = Field(title="Items", description="An object containing all the info the image had")
+class ProgressRequest(BaseModel):
+ skip_current_image: bool = Field(default=False, title="Skip current image", description="Skip current image serialization")
+class ProgressResponse(BaseModel):
+ progress: float = Field(title="Progress", description="The progress with a range of 0 to 1")
+ eta_relative: float = Field(title="ETA in secs")
+ state: dict = Field(title="State", description="The current state snapshot")
+ current_image: str = Field(default=None, title="Current image", description="The current image in base64 format. opts.show_progress_every_n_steps is required for this to work.")
+ textinfo: str = Field(default=None, title="Info text", description="Info text used by WebUI.")
+class InterrogateRequest(BaseModel):
+ image: str = Field(default="", title="Image", description="Image to work on, must be a Base64 string containing the image's data.")
+ model: str = Field(default="clip", title="Model", description="The interrogate model used.")
+class InterrogateResponse(BaseModel):
+ caption: str = Field(default=None, title="Caption", description="The generated caption for the image.")
+class TrainResponse(BaseModel):
+ info: str = Field(title="Train info", description="Response string from train embedding or hypernetwork task.")
+class CreateResponse(BaseModel):
+ info: str = Field(title="Create info", description="Response string from create embedding or hypernetwork task.")
+class PreprocessResponse(BaseModel):
+ info: str = Field(title="Preprocess info", description="Response string from preprocessing task.")
+fields = {}
+for key, metadata in opts.data_labels.items():
+ value = opts.data.get(key)
+ optType = opts.typemap.get(type(metadata.default), type(value))
+ if (metadata is not None):
+ fields.update({key: (Optional[optType], Field(
+ default=metadata.default ,description=metadata.label))})
+ else:
+ fields.update({key: (Optional[optType], Field())})
+OptionsModel = create_model("Options", **fields)
+flags = {}
+_options = vars(parser)['_option_string_actions']
+for key in _options:
+ if(_options[key].dest != 'help'):
+ flag = _options[key]
+ _type = str
+ if _options[key].default is not None: _type = type(_options[key].default)
+ flags.update({flag.dest: (_type,Field(default=flag.default, description=flag.help))})
+FlagsModel = create_model("Flags", **flags)
+class SamplerItem(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(title="Name")
+ aliases: List[str] = Field(title="Aliases")
+ options: Dict[str, str] = Field(title="Options")
+class UpscalerItem(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(title="Name")
+ model_name: Optional[str] = Field(title="Model Name")
+ model_path: Optional[str] = Field(title="Path")
+ model_url: Optional[str] = Field(title="URL")
+class SDModelItem(BaseModel):
+ title: str = Field(title="Title")
+ model_name: str = Field(title="Model Name")
+ hash: str = Field(title="Hash")
+ filename: str = Field(title="Filename")
+ config: str = Field(title="Config file")
+class HypernetworkItem(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(title="Name")
+ path: Optional[str] = Field(title="Path")
+class FaceRestorerItem(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(title="Name")
+ cmd_dir: Optional[str] = Field(title="Path")
+class RealesrganItem(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(title="Name")
+ path: Optional[str] = Field(title="Path")
+ scale: Optional[int] = Field(title="Scale")
+class PromptStyleItem(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(title="Name")
+ prompt: Optional[str] = Field(title="Prompt")
+ negative_prompt: Optional[str] = Field(title="Negative Prompt")
+class ArtistItem(BaseModel):
+ name: str = Field(title="Name")
+ score: float = Field(title="Score")
+ category: str = Field(title="Category")
+class EmbeddingItem(BaseModel):
+ step: Optional[int] = Field(title="Step", description="The number of steps that were used to train this embedding, if available")
+ sd_checkpoint: Optional[str] = Field(title="SD Checkpoint", description="The hash of the checkpoint this embedding was trained on, if available")
+ sd_checkpoint_name: Optional[str] = Field(title="SD Checkpoint Name", description="The name of the checkpoint this embedding was trained on, if available. Note that this is the name that was used by the trainer; for a stable identifier, use `sd_checkpoint` instead")
+ shape: int = Field(title="Shape", description="The length of each individual vector in the embedding")
+ vectors: int = Field(title="Vectors", description="The number of vectors in the embedding")
+class EmbeddingsResponse(BaseModel):
+ loaded: Dict[str, EmbeddingItem] = Field(title="Loaded", description="Embeddings loaded for the current model")
+ skipped: Dict[str, EmbeddingItem] = Field(title="Skipped", description="Embeddings skipped for the current model (likely due to architecture incompatibility)")
+class MemoryResponse(BaseModel):
+ ram: dict = Field(title="RAM", description="System memory stats")
+ cuda: dict = Field(title="CUDA", description="nVidia CUDA memory stats")