path: root/modules/img2img.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/img2img.py')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/img2img.py b/modules/img2img.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2817ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/img2img.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import math
+from PIL import Image
+from modules.processing import Processed, StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img, process_images
+from modules.shared import opts, state
+import modules.shared as shared
+import modules.processing as processing
+from modules.ui import plaintext_to_html
+import modules.images as images
+def img2img(prompt: str, init_img, init_img_with_mask, steps: int, sampler_index: int, mask_blur: int, inpainting_fill: int, use_GFPGAN: bool, prompt_matrix, mode: int, n_iter: int, batch_size: int, cfg_scale: float, denoising_strength: float, seed: int, height: int, width: int, resize_mode: int, upscaler_name: str, upscale_overlap: int, inpaint_full_res: bool):
+ is_inpaint = mode == 1
+ is_loopback = mode == 2
+ is_upscale = mode == 3
+ if is_inpaint:
+ image = init_img_with_mask['image']
+ mask = init_img_with_mask['mask']
+ else:
+ image = init_img
+ mask = None
+ assert 0. <= denoising_strength <= 1., 'can only work with strength in [0.0, 1.0]'
+ p = StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img(
+ sd_model=shared.sd_model,
+ outpath_samples=opts.outdir_samples or opts.outdir_img2img_samples,
+ outpath_grids=opts.outdir_grids or opts.outdir_img2img_grids,
+ prompt=prompt,
+ seed=seed,
+ sampler_index=sampler_index,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ n_iter=n_iter,
+ steps=steps,
+ cfg_scale=cfg_scale,
+ width=width,
+ height=height,
+ prompt_matrix=prompt_matrix,
+ use_GFPGAN=use_GFPGAN,
+ init_images=[image],
+ mask=mask,
+ mask_blur=mask_blur,
+ inpainting_fill=inpainting_fill,
+ resize_mode=resize_mode,
+ denoising_strength=denoising_strength,
+ inpaint_full_res=inpaint_full_res,
+ extra_generation_params={"Denoising Strength": denoising_strength}
+ )
+ if is_loopback:
+ output_images, info = None, None
+ history = []
+ initial_seed = None
+ initial_info = None
+ for i in range(n_iter):
+ p.n_iter = 1
+ p.batch_size = 1
+ p.do_not_save_grid = True
+ state.job = f"Batch {i + 1} out of {n_iter}"
+ processed = process_images(p)
+ if initial_seed is None:
+ initial_seed = processed.seed
+ initial_info = processed.info
+ p.init_images = [processed.images[0]]
+ p.seed = processed.seed + 1
+ p.denoising_strength = max(p.denoising_strength * 0.95, 0.1)
+ history.append(processed.images[0])
+ grid = images.image_grid(history, batch_size, rows=1)
+ images.save_image(grid, p.outpath_grids, "grid", initial_seed, prompt, opts.grid_format, info=info, short_filename=not opts.grid_extended_filename)
+ processed = Processed(p, history, initial_seed, initial_info)
+ elif is_upscale:
+ initial_seed = None
+ initial_info = None
+ upscaler = shared.sd_upscalers.get(upscaler_name, next(iter(shared.sd_upscalers.values())))
+ img = upscaler(init_img)
+ processing.torch_gc()
+ grid = images.split_grid(img, tile_w=width, tile_h=height, overlap=upscale_overlap)
+ p.n_iter = 1
+ p.do_not_save_grid = True
+ p.do_not_save_samples = True
+ work = []
+ work_results = []
+ for y, h, row in grid.tiles:
+ for tiledata in row:
+ work.append(tiledata[2])
+ batch_count = math.ceil(len(work) / p.batch_size)
+ print(f"SD upscaling will process a total of {len(work)} images tiled as {len(grid.tiles[0][2])}x{len(grid.tiles)} in a total of {batch_count} batches.")
+ for i in range(batch_count):
+ p.init_images = work[i*p.batch_size:(i+1)*p.batch_size]
+ state.job = f"Batch {i + 1} out of {batch_count}"
+ processed = process_images(p)
+ if initial_seed is None:
+ initial_seed = processed.seed
+ initial_info = processed.info
+ p.seed = processed.seed + 1
+ work_results += processed.images
+ image_index = 0
+ for y, h, row in grid.tiles:
+ for tiledata in row:
+ tiledata[2] = work_results[image_index] if image_index < len(work_results) else Image.new("RGB", (p.width, p.height))
+ image_index += 1
+ combined_image = images.combine_grid(grid)
+ if opts.samples_save:
+ images.save_image(combined_image, p.outpath_samples, "", initial_seed, prompt, opts.grid_format, info=initial_info)
+ processed = Processed(p, [combined_image], initial_seed, initial_info)
+ else:
+ processed = process_images(p)
+ return processed.images, processed.js(), plaintext_to_html(processed.info)