path: root/modules/rng.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/rng.py')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/rng.py b/modules/rng.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e8ba2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/rng.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import torch
+from modules import devices, rng_philox, shared
+def randn(seed, shape, generator=None):
+ """Generate a tensor with random numbers from a normal distribution using seed.
+ Uses the seed parameter to set the global torch seed; to generate more with that seed, use randn_like/randn_without_seed."""
+ manual_seed(seed)
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "NV":
+ return torch.asarray((generator or nv_rng).randn(shape), device=devices.device)
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "CPU" or devices.device.type == 'mps':
+ return torch.randn(shape, device=devices.cpu, generator=generator).to(devices.device)
+ return torch.randn(shape, device=devices.device, generator=generator)
+def randn_local(seed, shape):
+ """Generate a tensor with random numbers from a normal distribution using seed.
+ Does not change the global random number generator. You can only generate the seed's first tensor using this function."""
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "NV":
+ rng = rng_philox.Generator(seed)
+ return torch.asarray(rng.randn(shape), device=devices.device)
+ local_device = devices.cpu if shared.opts.randn_source == "CPU" or devices.device.type == 'mps' else devices.device
+ local_generator = torch.Generator(local_device).manual_seed(int(seed))
+ return torch.randn(shape, device=local_device, generator=local_generator).to(devices.device)
+def randn_like(x):
+ """Generate a tensor with random numbers from a normal distribution using the previously initialized genrator.
+ Use either randn() or manual_seed() to initialize the generator."""
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "NV":
+ return torch.asarray(nv_rng.randn(x.shape), device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype)
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "CPU" or x.device.type == 'mps':
+ return torch.randn_like(x, device=devices.cpu).to(x.device)
+ return torch.randn_like(x)
+def randn_without_seed(shape, generator=None):
+ """Generate a tensor with random numbers from a normal distribution using the previously initialized genrator.
+ Use either randn() or manual_seed() to initialize the generator."""
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "NV":
+ return torch.asarray((generator or nv_rng).randn(shape), device=devices.device)
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "CPU" or devices.device.type == 'mps':
+ return torch.randn(shape, device=devices.cpu, generator=generator).to(devices.device)
+ return torch.randn(shape, device=devices.device, generator=generator)
+def manual_seed(seed):
+ """Set up a global random number generator using the specified seed."""
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "NV":
+ global nv_rng
+ nv_rng = rng_philox.Generator(seed)
+ return
+ torch.manual_seed(seed)
+def create_generator(seed):
+ if shared.opts.randn_source == "NV":
+ return rng_philox.Generator(seed)
+ device = devices.cpu if shared.opts.randn_source == "CPU" or devices.device.type == 'mps' else devices.device
+ generator = torch.Generator(device).manual_seed(int(seed))
+ return generator
+# from https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/help-regarding-slerp-function-for-generative-model-sampling/32475/3
+def slerp(val, low, high):
+ low_norm = low/torch.norm(low, dim=1, keepdim=True)
+ high_norm = high/torch.norm(high, dim=1, keepdim=True)
+ dot = (low_norm*high_norm).sum(1)
+ if dot.mean() > 0.9995:
+ return low * val + high * (1 - val)
+ omega = torch.acos(dot)
+ so = torch.sin(omega)
+ res = (torch.sin((1.0-val)*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1)*low + (torch.sin(val*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1) * high
+ return res
+class ImageRNG:
+ def __init__(self, shape, seeds, subseeds=None, subseed_strength=0.0, seed_resize_from_h=0, seed_resize_from_w=0):
+ self.shape = tuple(map(int, shape))
+ self.seeds = seeds
+ self.subseeds = subseeds
+ self.subseed_strength = subseed_strength
+ self.seed_resize_from_h = seed_resize_from_h
+ self.seed_resize_from_w = seed_resize_from_w
+ self.generators = [create_generator(seed) for seed in seeds]
+ self.is_first = True
+ def first(self):
+ noise_shape = self.shape if self.seed_resize_from_h <= 0 or self.seed_resize_from_w <= 0 else (self.shape[0], self.seed_resize_from_h // 8, self.seed_resize_from_w // 8)
+ xs = []
+ for i, (seed, generator) in enumerate(zip(self.seeds, self.generators)):
+ subnoise = None
+ if self.subseeds is not None and self.subseed_strength != 0:
+ subseed = 0 if i >= len(self.subseeds) else self.subseeds[i]
+ subnoise = randn(subseed, noise_shape)
+ if noise_shape != self.shape:
+ noise = randn(seed, noise_shape)
+ else:
+ noise = randn(seed, self.shape, generator=generator)
+ if subnoise is not None:
+ noise = slerp(self.subseed_strength, noise, subnoise)
+ if noise_shape != self.shape:
+ x = randn(seed, self.shape, generator=generator)
+ dx = (self.shape[2] - noise_shape[2]) // 2
+ dy = (self.shape[1] - noise_shape[1]) // 2
+ w = noise_shape[2] if dx >= 0 else noise_shape[2] + 2 * dx
+ h = noise_shape[1] if dy >= 0 else noise_shape[1] + 2 * dy
+ tx = 0 if dx < 0 else dx
+ ty = 0 if dy < 0 else dy
+ dx = max(-dx, 0)
+ dy = max(-dy, 0)
+ x[:, ty:ty + h, tx:tx + w] = noise[:, dy:dy + h, dx:dx + w]
+ noise = x
+ xs.append(noise)
+ eta_noise_seed_delta = shared.opts.eta_noise_seed_delta or 0
+ if eta_noise_seed_delta:
+ self.generators = [create_generator(seed + eta_noise_seed_delta) for seed in self.seeds]
+ return torch.stack(xs).to(shared.device)
+ def next(self):
+ if self.is_first:
+ self.is_first = False
+ return self.first()
+ xs = []
+ for generator in self.generators:
+ x = randn_without_seed(self.shape, generator=generator)
+ xs.append(x)
+ return torch.stack(xs).to(shared.device)
+devices.randn = randn
+devices.randn_local = randn_local
+devices.randn_like = randn_like
+devices.randn_without_seed = randn_without_seed
+devices.manual_seed = manual_seed