path: root/modules/ui.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/ui.py')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/modules/ui.py b/modules/ui.py
index 64180889..e701393c 100644
--- a/modules/ui.py
+++ b/modules/ui.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import mimetypes
import os
import platform
import random
-import subprocess as sp
import sys
import tempfile
import time
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
from modules.call_queue import wrap_gradio_gpu_call, wrap_queued_call, wrap_gradio_call
-from modules import sd_hijack, sd_models, localization, script_callbacks, ui_extensions, deepbooru, sd_vae, extra_networks
+from modules import sd_hijack, sd_models, localization, script_callbacks, ui_extensions, deepbooru, sd_vae, extra_networks, postprocessing, ui_components, ui_common, ui_postprocessing
from modules.ui_components import FormRow, FormGroup, ToolButton, FormHTML
from modules.paths import script_path
@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ from modules.sd_samplers import samplers, samplers_for_img2img
from modules.textual_inversion import textual_inversion
import modules.hypernetworks.ui
from modules.generation_parameters_copypaste import image_from_url_text
+import modules.extras
warnings.filterwarnings("default" if opts.show_warnings else "ignore", category=UserWarning)
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ css_hide_progressbar = """
.wrap .m-12::before { content:"Loading..." }
.wrap .z-20 svg { display:none!important; }
.wrap .z-20::before { content:"Loading..." }
+.wrap.cover-bg .z-20::before { content:"" }
.progress-bar { display:none!important; }
.meta-text { display:none!important; }
.meta-text-center { display:none!important; }
@@ -85,7 +86,6 @@ css_hide_progressbar = """
random_symbol = '\U0001f3b2\ufe0f' # 🎲️
reuse_symbol = '\u267b\ufe0f' # ♻️
paste_symbol = '\u2199\ufe0f' # ↙
-folder_symbol = '\U0001f4c2' # 📂
refresh_symbol = '\U0001f504' # 🔄
save_style_symbol = '\U0001f4be' # 💾
apply_style_symbol = '\U0001f4cb' # 📋
@@ -94,78 +94,14 @@ extra_networks_symbol = '\U0001F3B4' # 🎴
def plaintext_to_html(text):
- text = "<p>" + "<br>\n".join([f"{html.escape(x)}" for x in text.split('\n')]) + "</p>"
- return text
+ return ui_common.plaintext_to_html(text)
def send_gradio_gallery_to_image(x):
if len(x) == 0:
return None
return image_from_url_text(x[0])
-def save_files(js_data, images, do_make_zip, index):
- import csv
- filenames = []
- fullfns = []
- #quick dictionary to class object conversion. Its necessary due apply_filename_pattern requiring it
- class MyObject:
- def __init__(self, d=None):
- if d is not None:
- for key, value in d.items():
- setattr(self, key, value)
- data = json.loads(js_data)
- p = MyObject(data)
- path = opts.outdir_save
- save_to_dirs = opts.use_save_to_dirs_for_ui
- extension: str = opts.samples_format
- start_index = 0
- if index > -1 and opts.save_selected_only and (index >= data["index_of_first_image"]): # ensures we are looking at a specific non-grid picture, and we have save_selected_only
- images = [images[index]]
- start_index = index
- os.makedirs(opts.outdir_save, exist_ok=True)
- with open(os.path.join(opts.outdir_save, "log.csv"), "a", encoding="utf8", newline='') as file:
- at_start = file.tell() == 0
- writer = csv.writer(file)
- if at_start:
- writer.writerow(["prompt", "seed", "width", "height", "sampler", "cfgs", "steps", "filename", "negative_prompt"])
- for image_index, filedata in enumerate(images, start_index):
- image = image_from_url_text(filedata)
- is_grid = image_index < p.index_of_first_image
- i = 0 if is_grid else (image_index - p.index_of_first_image)
- fullfn, txt_fullfn = save_image(image, path, "", seed=p.all_seeds[i], prompt=p.all_prompts[i], extension=extension, info=p.infotexts[image_index], grid=is_grid, p=p, save_to_dirs=save_to_dirs)
- filename = os.path.relpath(fullfn, path)
- filenames.append(filename)
- fullfns.append(fullfn)
- if txt_fullfn:
- filenames.append(os.path.basename(txt_fullfn))
- fullfns.append(txt_fullfn)
- writer.writerow([data["prompt"], data["seed"], data["width"], data["height"], data["sampler_name"], data["cfg_scale"], data["steps"], filenames[0], data["negative_prompt"]])
- # Make Zip
- if do_make_zip:
- zip_filepath = os.path.join(path, "images.zip")
- from zipfile import ZipFile
- with ZipFile(zip_filepath, "w") as zip_file:
- for i in range(len(fullfns)):
- with open(fullfns[i], mode="rb") as f:
- zip_file.writestr(filenames[i], f.read())
- fullfns.insert(0, zip_filepath)
- return gr.File.update(value=fullfns, visible=True), plaintext_to_html(f"Saved: {filenames[0]}")
def visit(x, func, path=""):
if hasattr(x, 'children'):
for c in x.children:
@@ -443,19 +379,6 @@ def apply_setting(key, value):
return getattr(opts, key)
-def update_generation_info(generation_info, html_info, img_index):
- try:
- generation_info = json.loads(generation_info)
- if img_index < 0 or img_index >= len(generation_info["infotexts"]):
- return html_info, gr.update()
- return plaintext_to_html(generation_info["infotexts"][img_index]), gr.update()
- except Exception:
- pass
- # if the json parse or anything else fails, just return the old html_info
- return html_info, gr.update()
def create_refresh_button(refresh_component, refresh_method, refreshed_args, elem_id):
def refresh():
@@ -476,107 +399,7 @@ def create_refresh_button(refresh_component, refresh_method, refreshed_args, ele
def create_output_panel(tabname, outdir):
- def open_folder(f):
- if not os.path.exists(f):
- print(f'Folder "{f}" does not exist. After you create an image, the folder will be created.')
- return
- elif not os.path.isdir(f):
- print(f"""
-An open_folder request was made with an argument that is not a folder.
-This could be an error or a malicious attempt to run code on your computer.
-Requested path was: {f}
-""", file=sys.stderr)
- return
- if not shared.cmd_opts.hide_ui_dir_config:
- path = os.path.normpath(f)
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- os.startfile(path)
- elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
- sp.Popen(["open", path])
- elif "microsoft-standard-WSL2" in platform.uname().release:
- sp.Popen(["wsl-open", path])
- else:
- sp.Popen(["xdg-open", path])
- with gr.Column(variant='panel', elem_id=f"{tabname}_results"):
- with gr.Group(elem_id=f"{tabname}_gallery_container"):
- result_gallery = gr.Gallery(label='Output', show_label=False, elem_id=f"{tabname}_gallery").style(grid=4)
- generation_info = None
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Row(elem_id=f"image_buttons_{tabname}"):
- open_folder_button = gr.Button(folder_symbol, elem_id="hidden_element" if shared.cmd_opts.hide_ui_dir_config else f'open_folder_{tabname}')
- if tabname != "extras":
- save = gr.Button('Save', elem_id=f'save_{tabname}')
- save_zip = gr.Button('Zip', elem_id=f'save_zip_{tabname}')
- buttons = parameters_copypaste.create_buttons(["img2img", "inpaint", "extras"])
- open_folder_button.click(
- fn=lambda: open_folder(opts.outdir_samples or outdir),
- inputs=[],
- outputs=[],
- )
- if tabname != "extras":
- with gr.Row():
- download_files = gr.File(None, file_count="multiple", interactive=False, show_label=False, visible=False, elem_id=f'download_files_{tabname}')
- with gr.Group():
- html_info = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_info_{tabname}')
- html_log = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_log_{tabname}')
- generation_info = gr.Textbox(visible=False, elem_id=f'generation_info_{tabname}')
- if tabname == 'txt2img' or tabname == 'img2img':
- generation_info_button = gr.Button(visible=False, elem_id=f"{tabname}_generation_info_button")
- generation_info_button.click(
- fn=update_generation_info,
- _js="function(x, y, z){ return [x, y, selected_gallery_index()] }",
- inputs=[generation_info, html_info, html_info],
- outputs=[html_info, html_info],
- )
- save.click(
- fn=wrap_gradio_call(save_files),
- _js="(x, y, z, w) => [x, y, false, selected_gallery_index()]",
- inputs=[
- generation_info,
- result_gallery,
- html_info,
- html_info,
- ],
- outputs=[
- download_files,
- html_log,
- ],
- show_progress=False,
- )
- save_zip.click(
- fn=wrap_gradio_call(save_files),
- _js="(x, y, z, w) => [x, y, true, selected_gallery_index()]",
- inputs=[
- generation_info,
- result_gallery,
- html_info,
- html_info,
- ],
- outputs=[
- download_files,
- html_log,
- ]
- )
- else:
- html_info_x = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_info_x_{tabname}')
- html_info = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_info_{tabname}')
- html_log = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_log_{tabname}')
- parameters_copypaste.bind_buttons(buttons, result_gallery, "txt2img" if tabname == "txt2img" else None)
- return result_gallery, generation_info if tabname != "extras" else html_info_x, html_info, html_log
+ return ui_common.create_output_panel(tabname, outdir)
def create_sampler_and_steps_selection(choices, tabname):
@@ -935,7 +758,7 @@ def create_ui():
seed, reuse_seed, subseed, reuse_subseed, subseed_strength, seed_resize_from_h, seed_resize_from_w, seed_checkbox = create_seed_inputs('img2img')
elif category == "checkboxes":
- with FormRow(elem_id="img2img_checkboxes"):
+ with FormRow(elem_id="img2img_checkboxes", variant="compact"):
restore_faces = gr.Checkbox(label='Restore faces', value=False, visible=len(shared.face_restorers) > 1, elem_id="img2img_restore_faces")
tiling = gr.Checkbox(label='Tiling', value=False, elem_id="img2img_tiling")
@@ -1122,86 +945,7 @@ def create_ui():
modules.scripts.scripts_current = None
with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as extras_interface:
- with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False):
- with gr.Column(variant='compact'):
- with gr.Tabs(elem_id="mode_extras"):
- with gr.TabItem('Single Image', elem_id="extras_single_tab"):
- extras_image = gr.Image(label="Source", source="upload", interactive=True, type="pil", elem_id="extras_image")
- with gr.TabItem('Batch Process', elem_id="extras_batch_process_tab"):
- image_batch = gr.File(label="Batch Process", file_count="multiple", interactive=True, type="file", elem_id="extras_image_batch")
- with gr.TabItem('Batch from Directory', elem_id="extras_batch_directory_tab"):
- extras_batch_input_dir = gr.Textbox(label="Input directory", **shared.hide_dirs, placeholder="A directory on the same machine where the server is running.", elem_id="extras_batch_input_dir")
- extras_batch_output_dir = gr.Textbox(label="Output directory", **shared.hide_dirs, placeholder="Leave blank to save images to the default path.", elem_id="extras_batch_output_dir")
- show_extras_results = gr.Checkbox(label='Show result images', value=True, elem_id="extras_show_extras_results")
- submit = gr.Button('Generate', elem_id="extras_generate", variant='primary')
- with gr.Tabs(elem_id="extras_resize_mode"):
- with gr.TabItem('Scale by', elem_id="extras_scale_by_tab"):
- upscaling_resize = gr.Slider(minimum=1.0, maximum=8.0, step=0.05, label="Resize", value=4, elem_id="extras_upscaling_resize")
- with gr.TabItem('Scale to', elem_id="extras_scale_to_tab"):
- with gr.Group():
- with gr.Row():
- upscaling_resize_w = gr.Number(label="Width", value=512, precision=0, elem_id="extras_upscaling_resize_w")
- upscaling_resize_h = gr.Number(label="Height", value=512, precision=0, elem_id="extras_upscaling_resize_h")
- upscaling_crop = gr.Checkbox(label='Crop to fit', value=True, elem_id="extras_upscaling_crop")
- with gr.Group():
- extras_upscaler_1 = gr.Radio(label='Upscaler 1', elem_id="extras_upscaler_1", choices=[x.name for x in shared.sd_upscalers], value=shared.sd_upscalers[0].name, type="index")
- with gr.Group():
- extras_upscaler_2 = gr.Radio(label='Upscaler 2', elem_id="extras_upscaler_2", choices=[x.name for x in shared.sd_upscalers], value=shared.sd_upscalers[0].name, type="index")
- extras_upscaler_2_visibility = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.001, label="Upscaler 2 visibility", value=1, elem_id="extras_upscaler_2_visibility")
- with gr.Group():
- gfpgan_visibility = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.001, label="GFPGAN visibility", value=0, interactive=modules.gfpgan_model.have_gfpgan, elem_id="extras_gfpgan_visibility")
- with gr.Group():
- codeformer_visibility = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.001, label="CodeFormer visibility", value=0, interactive=modules.codeformer_model.have_codeformer, elem_id="extras_codeformer_visibility")
- codeformer_weight = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.001, label="CodeFormer weight (0 = maximum effect, 1 = minimum effect)", value=0, interactive=modules.codeformer_model.have_codeformer, elem_id="extras_codeformer_weight")
- with gr.Group():
- upscale_before_face_fix = gr.Checkbox(label='Upscale Before Restoring Faces', value=False, elem_id="extras_upscale_before_face_fix")
- result_images, html_info_x, html_info, html_log = create_output_panel("extras", opts.outdir_extras_samples)
- submit.click(
- fn=wrap_gradio_gpu_call(modules.extras.run_extras, extra_outputs=[None, '']),
- _js="get_extras_tab_index",
- inputs=[
- dummy_component,
- dummy_component,
- extras_image,
- image_batch,
- extras_batch_input_dir,
- extras_batch_output_dir,
- show_extras_results,
- gfpgan_visibility,
- codeformer_visibility,
- codeformer_weight,
- upscaling_resize,
- upscaling_resize_w,
- upscaling_resize_h,
- upscaling_crop,
- extras_upscaler_1,
- extras_upscaler_2,
- extras_upscaler_2_visibility,
- upscale_before_face_fix,
- ],
- outputs=[
- result_images,
- html_info_x,
- html_info,
- ]
- )
- parameters_copypaste.add_paste_fields("extras", extras_image, None)
- extras_image.change(
- fn=modules.extras.clear_cache,
- inputs=[], outputs=[]
- )
+ ui_postprocessing.create_ui()
with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as pnginfo_interface:
with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False):
@@ -1222,10 +966,19 @@ def create_ui():
outputs=[html, generation_info, html2],
+ def update_interp_description(value):
+ interp_description_css = "<p style='margin-bottom: 2.5em'>{}</p>"
+ interp_descriptions = {
+ "No interpolation": interp_description_css.format("No interpolation will be used. Requires one model; A. Allows for format conversion and VAE baking."),
+ "Weighted sum": interp_description_css.format("A weighted sum will be used for interpolation. Requires two models; A and B. The result is calculated as A * (1 - M) + B * M"),
+ "Add difference": interp_description_css.format("The difference between the last two models will be added to the first. Requires three models; A, B and C. The result is calculated as A + (B - C) * M")
+ }
+ return interp_descriptions[value]
with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as modelmerger_interface:
with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False):
with gr.Column(variant='compact'):
- gr.HTML(value="<p style='margin-bottom: 2.5em'>A merger of the two checkpoints will be generated in your <b>checkpoint</b> directory.</p>")
+ interp_description = gr.HTML(value=update_interp_description("Weighted sum"), elem_id="modelmerger_interp_description")
with FormRow(elem_id="modelmerger_models"):
primary_model_name = gr.Dropdown(modules.sd_models.checkpoint_tiles(), elem_id="modelmerger_primary_model_name", label="Primary model (A)")
@@ -1240,6 +993,7 @@ def create_ui():
custom_name = gr.Textbox(label="Custom Name (Optional)", elem_id="modelmerger_custom_name")
interp_amount = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.05, label='Multiplier (M) - set to 0 to get model A', value=0.3, elem_id="modelmerger_interp_amount")
interp_method = gr.Radio(choices=["No interpolation", "Weighted sum", "Add difference"], value="Weighted sum", label="Interpolation Method", elem_id="modelmerger_interp_method")
+ interp_method.change(fn=update_interp_description, inputs=[interp_method], outputs=[interp_description])
with FormRow():
checkpoint_format = gr.Radio(choices=["ckpt", "safetensors"], value="ckpt", label="Checkpoint format", elem_id="modelmerger_checkpoint_format")
@@ -1254,6 +1008,9 @@ def create_ui():
bake_in_vae = gr.Dropdown(choices=["None"] + list(sd_vae.vae_dict), value="None", label="Bake in VAE", elem_id="modelmerger_bake_in_vae")
create_refresh_button(bake_in_vae, sd_vae.refresh_vae_list, lambda: {"choices": ["None"] + list(sd_vae.vae_dict)}, "modelmerger_refresh_bake_in_vae")
+ with FormRow():
+ discard_weights = gr.Textbox(value="", label="Discard weights with matching name", elem_id="modelmerger_discard_weights")
with gr.Row():
modelmerger_merge = gr.Button(elem_id="modelmerger_merge", value="Merge", variant='primary')
@@ -1265,7 +1022,7 @@ def create_ui():
with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False):
gr.HTML(value="<p style='margin-bottom: 0.7em'>See <b><a href=\"https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Textual-Inversion\">wiki</a></b> for detailed explanation.</p>")
- with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False):
+ with gr.Row(variant="compact").style(equal_height=False):
with gr.Tabs(elem_id="train_tabs"):
with gr.Tab(label="Create embedding"):
@@ -1844,6 +1601,7 @@ def create_ui():
+ discard_weights,
@@ -1931,28 +1689,27 @@ def create_ui():
with open(ui_config_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
json.dump(ui_settings, file, indent=4)
+ # Required as a workaround for change() event not triggering when loading values from ui-config.json
+ interp_description.value = update_interp_description(interp_method.value)
return demo
def reload_javascript():
- with open(os.path.join(script_path, "script.js"), "r", encoding="utf8") as jsfile:
- javascript = f'<script>{jsfile.read()}</script>'
- scripts_list = modules.scripts.list_scripts("javascript", ".js")
- for basedir, filename, path in scripts_list:
- with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as jsfile:
- javascript += f"\n<!-- {filename} --><script>{jsfile.read()}</script>"
+ head = f'<script type="text/javascript" src="file={os.path.abspath("script.js")}"></script>\n'
+ inline = f"{localization.localization_js(shared.opts.localization)};"
if cmd_opts.theme is not None:
- javascript += f"\n<script>set_theme('{cmd_opts.theme}');</script>\n"
+ inline += f"set_theme('{cmd_opts.theme}');"
+ for script in modules.scripts.list_scripts("javascript", ".js"):
+ head += f'<script type="text/javascript" src="file={script.path}"></script>\n'
- javascript += f"\n<script>{localization.localization_js(shared.opts.localization)}</script>"
+ head += f'<script type="text/javascript">{inline}</script>\n'
def template_response(*args, **kwargs):
res = shared.GradioTemplateResponseOriginal(*args, **kwargs)
- res.body = res.body.replace(
- b'</head>', f'{javascript}</head>'.encode("utf8"))
+ res.body = res.body.replace(b'</head>', f'{head}</head>'.encode("utf8"))
return res